What absolutely can not be done during the diet: the main prohibitions for those wishing to achieve results


In the human mind, proper nutrition is always associated with a strict diet. This may be a vegetarian diet, which is devoid of any meaning, and the most severe restriction in nutrition, leading to exhaustion. This approach is fundamentally wrong. It is necessary to separate the diet and the correction of the diet.

In the first case, we are talking about something temporary, aimed at solving a specific problem. According to this principle, diets for hypertensive patients, people with diseases of the digestive tract and others are distinguished. These are mainly medical tables. Any diet is finite, sooner or later it ends, and a person continues to eat according to his own understanding.

Changing the diet is much more fundamental. It suggests duration. Uncertain, with the correction of individual points from time to time. In this regard, the diet is seriously inferior. Because healthy people do not need diets, and even harmfuls.

On the net and in print, you can find a lot of diets for every taste. The ultimate goal is to reduce weight. However, this will not be of much use, because, after returning to the original nutrition, the mass will return, and if the body is exhausted, it will become even worse. It is simply impossible to eat the methods recommended in the same sources: neither physically, nor psychologically.

Diet should be based on a fundamentally different approach to nutrition. In this sense, it must be understood. If we talk about people with increased body weight, the diet is understood precisely as a correction of the diet. There is no such thing that body weight has increased by itself. The fundamental reason remained in place. Obesity is a complex disorder. This is a feature of the body, metabolism. Temporary measures are ineffective, rather the opposite.

What absolutely can not be done during a diet? 10 against

When changing the diet, you need to adhere to several points. What is prohibited:

  • The daily diet is limited to more than 15% of the original amount. Calorie deficiency is a big stress for the body. The body will begin to store fat more actively. Losing weight will be achieved not at the expense of fats, but at the expense of burning your own muscles and removing fluid. And then not for long. In the early days, this effect will give the impression of tremendous success. But this is self-deception. Weight loss is not a sprint, but a marathon. Need to be patient.
  • Refuse sugar and salt completely. Glucose is necessary to ensure the functioning of the brain, normal metabolism. Sweeteners cannot replace sugar. Despite similar tastes, these are fundamentally different substances, “dummies”. Salt provides the normal electrolytic, water metabolism necessary for the functioning of all organs. It makes sense to limit consumption, but do not remove salt from the diet.
  • Exhausting yourself with physical activity. Activity is acceptable and even recommended. However feasible. Transcendental overloads lead to active fat burning, but this is stress for the body. Fat storage in even greater quantities will begin. And stress hormones, catecholamines will lead to jumps in blood pressure. In addition to rapid wear of the heart, tissue ischemia, there will be no result.
  • Take long breaks between meals. The diet should be divided into 5-6 parts. Eat fractionally so as not to overload the gastrointestinal tract. And here the contradiction comes in the recommendation that has come to a nagging point: do not eat after 6 p.m. It is repeated so often that it has become not just a recommendation, but an imperative. Is it so? No not like this. No exceptions can be made to maintain metabolism. Fractional, often nutrition. The only thing is not to eat food 1.5-2 hours before bedtime, so as not to burden the digestive tract. Of course, the selection of foods and dishes is based on circadian rhythms. Something is better absorbed in the morning. But these are already features of the human body.
  • Sit in one place. Although physical overload is not recommended, physical inactivity also prevents weight loss. Stagnation occurs, blood flow is disturbed throughout the body. At least 1 hour should be allocated for hiking in the fresh air. Shopping doesn't count. Further, it all depends on the tolerance of activity and one's own desires.
  • Take drugs for weight loss. They are not needed neither healthy nor sick. The action of such drugs is based either on blocking the feeling of hunger, or on filling the stomach with cellulose, which swells under the action of gastric juice and creates a feeling of satiety. These are violent methods that will do great harm. Not to mention pills that provoke diarrhea and have a diuretic effect. Lose weight in a natural way.
  • Drink less fluid. For normal metabolism, a sufficient amount of clean water per day is required. Without gas. On average, 1.5-2 liters.
  • Take alcohol based on the beneficial effect. The ability of alcohol to burn fats is a myth. In contrast, many spirits contain synthetic estrogen, which in some women will cause a sharp increase in body weight. Not to mention men.
  • Use medicines. No drugs should be used when changing the diet. It was said above about specialized tools. But often diuretics and laxatives are used. This is a direct path to kidney failure and intestinal atrophy. Such conditions are disability.
  • Make a meager diet. You need to eat fully. The diet should be meat, vegetables, seafood, cereals, etc. Fats, proteins, carbohydrates in a specific, individual proportion. Switching to vegetables alone, meat alone, warps will have the opposite effect and undermine health. In addition, an inadequate menu will provoke food disruptions. Psychological stress and physical discomfort will not allow you to eat according to new impossible rules for a long time. The ideal option is to consult a nutritionist for a diet.

Diet, if it is not a temporary measure after an illness or during an exacerbation, should be understood as a long-term measure, a correction of the entire diet for a long follow-up to the new principle of nutrition. All bans must be considered. This will allow to achieve a high-quality result safely and comfortably.


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