7 nightmare facts about childbirth in the old days


It is believed that pregnant and newly born women were treated with reverence. This is partly true, but if you study the issue in more detail, it becomes clear that not everything is as rosy as it seems at first glance.

In the old days, almost every family was large. Women gave birth to 5, 7, or even 12 children, and this process was not always easy, because then anesthesia was not used. Often, peasant women gave birth under a sheaf of wheat, in a barn, stable or bathhouse. The fact is that this natural process is considered "unclean", and the point here is not only in blood, but in the fact that bad words could be pronounced during childbirth. The bathhouse was cleaned to a shine, and be sure to gradually steamed it. This ritual was considered the key to easy childbirth.

Not every family could afford doctors during childbirth, and Russia only recognized what a maternity hospital was in 1764. It was built for women of easy virtue, so that they left children not in the garbage dump, but in the hospital. Ordinary peasant women did not go there to give birth, as this was considered a great shame. As soon as the contractions began, the mother-in-law or other relatives were sent for the midwife. They did not call her directly, but a workaround: "Go look at the cow, you promised." This was done so that evil spirits would not harm the woman in childbirth. If there was a bathhouse in the family, it was drowned and brought there giving birth, where the whole period of fights took place. The midwife shared all the secrets, gave recommendations on accelerating the maternity process, and there were not a few of them. For example, a woman was forced to walk a lot, hang on a beam, and climb stairs. In addition, she was thrown on the board (fixed and turned upside down), as well as scared.

About such a thing as "joint birth", no one dared to think. Men went to hell, just to not hear the groans of his wife. Appeared then, years needed strength, for example, to fix a woman on a board.

Often, they sent for a priest, since childbirth could end in the death of both the mother and the child. If the last did not go away, then the woman stuck her hair in her mouth. It was believed that the gag reflex stimulates the detachment of the placenta. In this situation, it is not surprising that in the old days, every sixth births had an unsuccessful outcome.

As for the umbilical cord, it was bandaged with linen thread, and in some regions it was cut. Next, the midwife smoothed the arms, legs, massaged the tummy, and also washed the body of the newborn in a special solution.

All of the above proves that women had to oh, how sweet. But this is only part of the truth, there are 7 more incredible facts about the birth of that time.

Imagine that after giving birth you were placed in a hot bath and were beaten off pretty with a birch from a birch! But women suffered this in the first three days after the birth of the baby. No one thought that from overheating, a woman in labor could open up bleeding, it was believed that a bath is a guarantee of health and it is impossible to take off from it. If everything ended successfully, mom trusted her child and allowed to start household chores that had accumulated.

If there was no bath, then soared right in the cooled oven.

To wash the children up to 6 weeks was considered unthinkable and harmful. The thing is that during this period the child was covered with a red rash, which meant adaptation of the skin of the newborn. They said that let the child "blossom", do not disturb him. What was feared, midwives - a mystery.

Pre-prepared bandage midwife greatly dragged the baby's stomach. This was hernia prophylaxis, which was continued until 12 dressings wore out. In general, a dirty child, with an inflamed navel, bandaged up do not understand what, could lie for quite some time. Diaper rash was also of little interest to anyone.

For general reference: the midwife is a simple self-taught woman from the village, without a diploma. The range of her services was very wide: she and the midwife, and the gynecologist, and the bath attendant, and even a chiropractor. She had a lot of affairs, as soon as the baby was born, he needed to make the bandage and correct the shape of the head. It is impossible to tighten with the latter, because the bones harden over time. The grandmother did not stop on the skull and carried out similar actions with her nose and legs, which were surprisingly bent in all the children.

If GV consultants had seen colostrum decanted on the ground in old times, they would have been strangled by indignation. But then it was normal, and even a good action, because colostrum was considered a bad liquid, "witch's" milk, which brings disease. Instead, they could give a strained cow. There were no bottles at that time, so a piece of tissue was nourished with a “delicacy” and given to the cub.

They did this so that women soon came to their senses. In the modern world, there are also births, after which you want to forget, but for some reason no one offers vodka. And our ancestors without fail brought up a 100 gram glass. For the child, everyone was calm, because colostrum, into which alcohol gets, is still decanted.

The noblemen drank coffee and fed white bread. What are colic, allergies or anxiety? What nonsense is this? In general, no one thought of such things. In general, newborn children were handed over to peasant women. Yes, yes, thereby recently drinking vodka after childbirth.

With lure in the old days did not drag. What for? Let the child get used to it, why should he starve? Products were given from 2 weeks of age, only in some provinces they waited 2 months. Caring women prepared delicious porridge from milk and millet. It turns out that the child, in addition to cow protein, received gluten, which could cause allergies and also negatively affect immunity.

Having studied the above, you understand how great it is to be born in our time, to be able to see a doctor, use the amenities and not worry about the baby.


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