What awaits you on Thursday, April 11 + astronomical "luck index" for each of the zodiac signs


As spring flourishes, change also occurs in the life of the zodiac signs. Sometimes they cannot be missed, and sometimes it is not easy to notice how barely opened buds of trees ... But in any case, this day will not be ordinary, the main thing is to listen to what the stars are preparing for you.

And the “luck index” at the end of the article can be very useful, by which you can find out what portion of luck and luck from Fate you can count on today.


Aries: Let the wake-up call today be the motto. It is time to act to make life more interesting and tastier. Feel free to start a new one and refuse boring and old. Perhaps it's time to change the haircut and wardrobe. And today musical accompaniment is very useful for you - turn it up louder and don’t even hesitate to sing along.


Taurus: The stars suggest that today you will be economic and happy with everything. Allow events to flow in their own way and do not change on the eve of the intended course. Believe me - the time for exploits will come, but for now - enjoy what you have. Beware of critics today, no matter who they are - otherwise they will "drink" vitality.


Twins: If you work, prove yourself so that your bosses or partners notice. If not, go visit someone or just take a walk regardless of the weather. However, refrain from large purchases - after it turns out that this is not what they wanted. The same applies, by the way, to romantic new acquaintances - the consequences will break your heart.


Crayfish: Your general forecast advises you to complete all the old things before the onset of summer, and specifically today it is advisable to do health. It will be successful to choose a program of sports training or vitamins. Listen to the sensations - there is a high probability that it will make itself felt that it will be necessary to treat in the future. This day also means a lot to your relationship with your family - be generous, today's insults come from them by chance, out of stupidity.


A lion: Living in a fast, like a gazelle run, rhythm of the winner is wonderful. But sometimes you just need to stop and take a deep breath ... feel? It smells like spring and self-esteem. Look back at what you have achieved, praise yourself and relax a bit - a cake in a coffee shop or a little time alone - you deserve. It’s also a great day to plan for the future, so don’t be stingy with ambition.


Virgo: It is time to fulfill a dream, or at least swear to yourself to do so. It is also a good day to review the budget and finances in general - you can earn more and save more. But the main rule of the day is a smile. Give it to the world for no reason, and if you need it, then the arrival of spring is enough. It is your current positive psychoemotional state that will become the key to inner harmony for several weeks in advance.


Libra: Pay attention to the little things - they contain a message that is important to you from the stars. It is likely, by the way, that it is time for you to listen to the detailed horoscope - career, nutrition, finance, health - something in this spirit will definitely come in handy for you in the spring. And do not forget to warm yourself today - catching a cold is easier than it sounds.


Scorpio: Follow the morning mood - whether you are full of strength on awakening or lazy - this is advice from your subconscious and intuition. Also pay attention today to how you are used to wasting time - maybe you won’t be able to succeed and fulfill your dreams without seriously reviewing this area.


Sagittarius: Unexpected profit or news, which was no longer counted on - these are two big probabilities of this day. And someone or something will undertake to test your patience - do not give in. And in principle, think about whether you take too many obligations on yourself to the benefit of others (even if it is your own family) - you need to live for yourself too.


Capricorn: A good day, literally radiating the wisdom of the stars for you, when you need to think about whether something important is missing in the bustle of everyday life. And exactly the evening of this date should be spent with loved ones - for example, you can watch a movie together with a bowl of sweets.


Aquarius: You have been too tense lately, but this can be fixed by focusing on some easy hobby. And to conform to the spirit of spring, let it be, for example, origami or antistress coloring. Also, the stars themselves recommend that you gradually start planning your summer vacation.


Fish: Despite the randomness of this day, remain yourself and stay on track. All this will pass and be replaced by prosperity, like a fresh breeze, but you can learn an invaluable lesson. Perhaps the unfavorable past will let you know, but this also will not harm you. But what is sure to please you are friends, today they will be able to surprise you, as if magic elves.


"Luck Index" for all the signs of the Zodiac on Thursday, April 11, 2019


1-2 points:not the most beautiful day on which it is better to facilitate all plans, but what not to postpone should be done as carefully as possible. But it also happens that at such points he passes brilliantly and all the undertakings are crowned with success. This can be, if you have a very special Destiny, even sometimes correcting the will of the stars.

3 points: if you are not sure about the result - do not take risks, because spring does not end on this day. But if something is urgent, and you have ready not only plan A, but also B, C and D - try it.

4-5 points: a luxurious day and it belongs entirely to you. Take advantage of its capabilities wisely and do not allow yourself to be lazy - life may not even give other such chances.

Your mark: Aries: 4.2 Taurus: 3.1 Gemini: 2.9 Cancer: 3.6 Leo: 3.0 Virgo: 4.5 Libra: 5.0 Scorpio: 3.5 Sagittarius: 4.1 Capricorn: 4.7 Aquarius: 2.9 Pisces: 3.8

Total: A rather positive day, the course of which can be poetically compared to running a mountain stream, can be useful, impressive and has potential (it will open when it flows into a lake or river below). This day calls for more living in the present, but also to think about the future, it is truly spring in every sense. And here's what is surprising - it is generally decidedly favorable for all the signs of the zodiac, which can be called a truly unique case against the background of the general position of the largest luminaries and the moon phase.


Watch the video: Whats Up for July 2018 (June 2024).