What will it be for you on April 18: a unique horoscope of druids and a "danger index" for all zodiac signs


By the standards of nature, spring is approaching its peak, and such an event, according to the ancient Celts, could not but affect the life of a person. The druids of those times believed that each of the symbols of their horoscope, the month of April will appear in such a way as to maximize the most important areas in a person’s life and to point out something significant, special, or even simple, to support him.

But for the sake of completeness, it is also recommended to take into account the "hazard index" at the end of the article, which draws the level of involvement in the risk zone for signs.


How will your May weekend go? Find out what fate has prepared for you. Horoscope test

Apple tree: Today you are like a bird in a cage - you sing sweetly, that is, make a cheerful impression, but you desperately want to be free. You will still have a chance to change everything, but today - just hold on and take care of your nerves.

Fir: What you try to do will turn out to be a disaster at first, but then it will turn out better than it was originally intended. Take time to chat with new friends - they are like a breath of fresh air for you this spring.


Elm: If you thought about changing the apartment according to Feng Shui or some other kind of teaching - act, since your house today absorbs all energy as a sponge. Therefore, by the way, cleaning does not hurt him. If today you break something out of glass or porcelain (just by accident!) - know, a new love awaits you.


Cypress: You can make peace, come to a compromise, ask for privileges for yourself - such a glorious April day when everyone goes to meet you. But the catering is not very successful - you run the risk of eating something of poor quality, so it’s better to grab cookies with an apple from the house.


Poplar: You will feel a creative impulse, but reality will require you to boring responsible activities. But do not be afraid to break stereotypes - let them not at first appreciate your impulse, understand that you did your best, a little later. Also today, you may suddenly feel weak and dizzy - so be careful on roads and stairs.


Cedar: Relations with a loved one will be tested for strength, and someone from your friends will tell the news about which you can’t understand right away - true or false. Your salvation from overstrain of the nervous system is proximity to nature. Perhaps the trees have not yet dressed in an emerald outfit, but the juices flow in them - listen to the sensations of your energy by going into any park and coming out of it by a person who has a second wind.


Pine: If today there is not enough communication, chat with yourself - in this sometimes there is nothing wrong. Almost magically, silver, gold and scarlet colors will help you today - money will be attracted to you. And you can go to bed at least three nights - anyway, by tomorrow morning you will have time to relax and the view will be fresh.


Willow: Despite a desperate desire to teach others, first deal with yourself - the chosen path and means lead you to grief and loss, but if you turn back to where you are afraid to look because of stereotypical thinking - you can achieve unprecedented prosperity.


Linden: Before sunset, you will have the gift of a predictor, so try to profitably guess for yourself what the next few days are preparing. And be careful - someone is preparing an unpleasant surprise for you, and your friends do not take danger seriously.


Oak: It’s time to get the right financial habits and maybe even a piggy bank. Today you are distinguished by striking logic and liveliness of mind, so that you can prospectively think about changing the type of activity. Perhaps there are professions in the world in which you will reach heights with great pleasure.


Hazel: Try to make the day flash easily and imperceptibly - the essence of this Tuesday for you is concentrated in the evening and night. With the onset of darkness, bright insights about creativity, personal growth, improving health are waiting for you ... It is possible that it will pull you into the kitchen - to cook and absorb tasty food. And all this is welcome. April is an amazing month.


Rowan: Just as a pearl is made from ordinary sand grains, you can create what you want using what you have here and now. And the blooming spring itself will support you in this. Therefore, today - do not let yourself be carried away by empty vanity and take at least a few steps towards global goals.


Maple: You will be swirled, overloaded at work, but do not let this poison your personal and family life. Make every effort to ensure that the house has become a truly "safe haven." And then from that day you can feel the long-awaited peace.


Nut: This day is a unique chance to solve long-worrying issues, and also once and for all to point out obsessive personalities to the borders of their personal space. Pay more attention and care to your person, otherwise, you just risk being dissolved in the lives of others.


Jasmine: Without noticing it, you have become too dependent on technology. Therefore, at home, give up the computer in favor of the book, from the food processor - in favor of the grater and knife. Perhaps for the full effect, you can even have dinner by candlelight. And the sweeter it will be to return to all the benefits of civilization tomorrow.


Chestnut: A great April day to learn new things, whether making Italian desserts, beadwork, programming or rollerblading. You will also feel an energy boost if today you change the usual routes in the city to something unfamiliar.


Ash: Remember the saying that the new is the well-forgotten old. And without delay, today add to your life what you liked, made you happier and inspired 5, 8 or even 12 years ago. And today is good in that any major purchases will be successful.


Hornbeam: Even if for some reason there isn’t enough motivation, there’s just enough praise that you can give yourself or small rewards. For example, for each done job - a cube of delicious chocolate or a funny cat video to watch. Change your rewards tomorrow. In general, this day will usually be held for you, but perhaps guests will come.


Figs: Try keeping a healthy balance between yes and no today. The first will help you develop kindness and get out of your comfort zone, and the second will save your nerves and teach you to value and respect yourself more. And try not to be jealous of your loved one today - what you came up with is really just an illusion.


Birch tree: A negative vision of the world today will visit you often, but allow yourself to suffer a little (for relaxation - run a soft toy or pillow into the wall). And then, without a non-realistic positive, just put up with what is and think about how to fix it, improve it, and supplement it.


Olive: You will find a profitable offer with which life will change for the better. But be careful in advance - that which comes easily will be ready to slip away from you just as well, if you do not change your character in order to keep it. And don’t get caught in the rain - don’t get cold, but for a couple of days, surprisingly, start to attract people who want to quarrel.


Beech: We'll have to temporarily give way to the bosses, and then - to the family, otherwise disputes will absorb the last forces. But the day will have a good side - you will find pleasure in small pleasures and understand that someone does not necessarily need approval for a good mood.


"Danger Index" for the signs of the horoscope of the Druids on Thursday, April 18, 2019


1-2 points: Threats take a wide variety of forms, so it can be difficult to spot a danger. If possible, just enjoy every past hour without incident and wait for the end of the day.

3 points: Maybe everything will be fine, but maybe not ... Life today will require prudence and backup plans from you. But there is also the possibility of a favorable course of the day when the dangers, figuratively speaking, simply did not notice you and passed by.

4-5 points: An amazing day when everything in life is wonderful. You can not waste time worrying at all - all the same, the bad will not come true.


Your mark: Apple tree: 3.6 Fir: 3.2 Elm: 2.1 Cypress: 1.0 Poplar: 4.7 Cedar: 4.9 Pine: 2.7 Willow: 5.0 Linden: 4.3 Oak: 3.8 Hazel: 3.7 Mountain ash: 4.3 Maple: 3.9 Walnut: 4.0 Jasmine: 4.2 Chestnut: 3.3 Ash: 3.0 Hornbeam: 5.0 Figs: 3.5 Birch: 4.1 Olive: 3.8 Beech: 3.9

Total: Perhaps not the brightest and most pleasant day of April, but it has something to take care of and something to rejoice at. Many characters will be faced with the need to work on personality and relationships, the affairs of others will be from the realm of everyday life. But in general, this is a good and quite prosperous day in its own way.


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