What will be the week of April 22-28 for you. Why be afraid? Horoscope and "luck index" for all zodiac signs


The week of April 22-28 will be rather mixed. For some, she will be very successful in her personal life, for others - in monetary matters. Someone will solve problems that have long been "hanging over the soul," and some will have new ones hanging on the contrary. Well, let's talk about everything in order.


This week, you are more likely to be absorbed in work and chores than on holiday. And this is for the best. Attempts to steer away or postpone work can lead to problems that begin to pile up, like a snowball. Solve all issues here and now, do not delay, do not try to mislead others. This may apply not only to work but also to responsible personal and family affairs. If you feel that help is needed, then be prepared for the fact that you will be denied it. Accept the refusal stoically. In the future, it will be rewarded to you and the one who refused you. And at the end of the article, look at your personal “luck index” for the upcoming week, which will show how much luck you will have where it is needed.


This week will be held for you under the sign of personal relationships and family affairs. There will be friction, but there will be solutions. If it seems to you that you are being treated unfairly, do not take it to heart. Let your self-esteem be higher than small squabbles and insults. And at the end of the article, look at your personal “luck index” for the upcoming week, which will show how much luck you will have where it is needed.


This week, you may have to try yourself as a peacemaker. You will be a goodwill ambassador, you will have to restrain the negative emotions of the conflicting parties. And your main goal is not to become a third party to the conflict. Be calm and prudent. Take a neutral stance. And at the end of the article, look at your personal “luck index” for the upcoming week that will show how much luck you will have where it is needed.


There will be many trifles that can upset if they are not treated correctly. And if you treat correctly - without being upset over trifles, then your mood will be at its best. Remember that all this is temporary, fleeting, and then it will pass and be forgotten. And as a rule, losing in the little things hints at the benefit in something substantial. Therefore, keep your ears open and your nose upwind. And at the end of the article, look at your personal “luck index” for the upcoming week, which will show how much luck you will have where it is needed.


Over the coming week, your self-confidence can be tested for strength. And more than once. However, if you react correctly, then all these attempts will remain in vain. Be on top, look at everything that happens with firm calm and your equanimity will be your best shield. And at the end of the article, look at your personal “luck index” for the upcoming week, which will show how much luck you will have where you need it.


Desires accumulate, but are not in a hurry to come true? Pleasant exceptions and surprises are possible this week. But remember that the result you get if not only want, but also make a little effort. Put them in the right direction and the result will exceed expectations. And at the end of the article, look at your personal “luck index” for the upcoming week, which will show how much luck you will have where it is needed.


For you, this week will be what is called "the opposite." If you were still in a state of uncertainty (whatever it was), then this week everything will finally fall into place. But if so far everything went according to schedule, then this week everything will probably freeze or even go somersault. And it is not known which is better. But the main thing is not to get lost. Act according to your plans and everything will go back to normal. And at the end of the article, look at your personal “luck index” for the upcoming week, which will show how much luck you will have where it is needed.


The lingering expectation will be resolved. Whether you get what you hoped for or what you feared depends on many factors. But the main thing is that the uncertainties will disappear, and with the negative aspects that have arisen, you can easily cope if you are collected and calm. The end of the week may be more successful than its beginning. Therefore, do not lose your presence of mind even if it seems that everything is going against you. And at the end of the article, look at your personal “luck index” for the upcoming week, which will show how much luck you will have where it is needed.


Problems will take a breather. The beginning of the week will be calmer than your previous period. Take advantage of this to relax, dream, do what your thoughts and hands have not reached for a long time. It can be both useful household chores and something useful for the soul. And at the end of the article, look at your personal “luck index” for the upcoming week, which will show how much luck you will have where it is needed.


Family and household chores - this is what you have to do the first half of the week. Solving monetary issues - this will have to be addressed to some extent by the end of the week. The result depends on how correctly you put the effort, but everything indicates that any effort will not be in vain. And at the end of the article, look at your personal “luck index” for the upcoming week that will show how much luck you will have where it is needed.


Work questions can tense your nerves. But in the family everything will be smooth. But it could be the other way around. It all depends on what you devote your thoughts and efforts to this week. If you manage to find a reasonable compromise, then everything will be safe in both areas of your life. And at the end of the article, look at your personal “luck index” for the upcoming week that will show how much luck you will have where it is needed.


Some important (and not so) decisions you have to make this week. And its completion will depend on how balanced and correct these decisions will be. To make everything good, do not rush. Do not chop off your shoulder and do not let emotions take up above common sense. And then the end of the week will be calm and prosperous for you. And at the end of the article, look at your personal “luck index” for the upcoming week that will show how much luck you will have where it is needed.

“Luck indices” of all zodiac signs for the week of April 22-28, 2019


1-3 points: where everything depends on luck, most likely you are not lucky

4-7 points: 50 to 50

8-10 points: where everything depends on luck, you are most likely lucky

Your mark:

Aries: 4 Taurus: 7 Gemini: 6 Cancer: 8 Leo: 3 Virgo: 7 Libra: 5 Scorpio: 9 Sagittarius: 6 Capricorn: 4 Aquarius: 3 Pisces: 4

Total: The week promises almost no easy solutions and dizzying luck. Only crayfish and scorpions can count on luck. The rest is better to rely on their strength


Watch the video: The beginning of something beautiful Virgo April 22-28 (June 2024).