Doctors urge parents to lick baby's nipples as often as possible


London scientists have developed new guidelines for parents to care for children. In particular, they advise them to lick their nipples, to have a dog in their house, to allow the children to eat food that fell on the floor. And all this for the health of the whole family. Scientists are convinced that the desire of parents to excessive purity, and sometimes sterility, is extremely dangerous, because as a result, a large number of beneficial bacteria is killed.

To increase the bacteria that are important for the human body, doctors often recommend that the whole family travel outside the city and kiss their loved ones as often as possible. Paradoxically, those children whose mothers licked their nipples almost 1/3 less likely to suffer from asthma and eczema. The nipples licked by mothers create an environment that is favorable for bacteria in the mouth and intestines of the baby, and this is directly related to the state of immunity.

Doctors are convinced that often prescribing antibiotics to children, allowing delivery by caesarean section, bottle feeding, a monotonous diet can lead to a reduction in the number of beneficial bacteria, which leads to an increase in as much as 8% of people suffering from allergies. As a rule, food allergens are milk, eggs, peanuts and various insect venoms.

Scientists say that bacteria make up 90% of the human body. They affect a huge number of functions: digestion, brain development, emotional state. The increase in allergy sufferers compared to previous times indicates an obsessive desire of people for sterility. Doctors are convinced that contact with bacteria is especially important in childhood and bacterial diversity plays a key role. However, it is especially stipulated that the desire for sterility and the lack of hygiene are far from identical concepts.
