Getting ready for childbirth: what doctors forget to warn


This is a charming time - pregnancy. Everyone rushes around you and the growing tum, try to disturb less, feed more tasty, do something nice. And the 38-40 weeks is not far off at all - the long-awaited moment of the appearance of the baby.

I would like to foresee everything, to be ready for everything, especially if you are expecting a child for the first time. Well, if in the clinic or the hospital where you observed the whole pregnancy, a school for parents was organized, where they would teach and promise everything. Unfortunately, such schools are far from being everywhere and not everyone has the opportunity to attend them. But if this is your firstborn, how do you know what to ask your doctor about?

So, 6 things that a young mother must know about.

Correct lifestyle

Of course, this is trivial and everyone is talking about it at every step. But it will not be out of place to remind once again how important it is to be in the fresh air more often. The tummy grows, the lungs are tightened and it becomes more difficult to breathe, where does the baby from its development look for these grains of vital oxygen?

Very often, hemoglobin drops to critical units - why poison yourself with all kinds of chemicals - pills? For starters, you can try to eat foods that are rich in iron: red meat, liver, pomegranates, walnuts, apples, and more. Refuse from semi-finished products, stuffed with chemistry, do not forget that even non-alcoholic beer can harm your crumbs, not to mention various medications (even drops and sprays from the common cold are contraindicated during pregnancy. The only exceptions are those that consist of sea water.) .

Movement is life! When you move, muscles are trained, which will greatly help you during labor. This is why pregnant women are so often recommended.

Full healthy sleep. While a person is sleeping, amazing processes of renewal, restoration and replenishment of energy take place in his body.


If you have decided to go somewhere, make sure that your passport and exchange card are in the bag, so that in case of that, the doctors can immediately find out all the information about you and the baby.

Partner childbirth: "for" or "against"?

As practice shows, male obstetricians and gynecologists do not go to give birth to their wives. Remember, there will be no additional team of doctors in the delivery room. If your husband suddenly becomes ill from what he saw, the question will arise: who should be caught, a child seeking to go outside, or a young dad who is ready to hit his head on a tiled floor.

Moreover, after what he has seen, a man may experience a psychological barrier that will entail a loss of sexual interest in his wife. Therefore, before taking risks, think three times what you can lose.

When to call an ambulance?

If the water moved. Just in case, they are different from urine: color (transparent), smell (no ammonia smell), and even the amniotic fluid cannot be stopped by a contraction of the urethral sphincter.

If regular contractions begin with a duration of 1-1.5 minutes and at intervals of 10-15 minutes.

If bloody discharge began. This may indicate a placental abruption, which means that the child needs emergency help from doctors. Absolutely not to worry if grayish mucous discharge began - a traffic jam began to recede. Usually this process occurs from 2 weeks to 1 day before delivery. Just watch.

Stand or walk during contractions. So fights are easier transferred. When the head begins to crash into the cervix, it is easier to happen in a vertical position - right along the birth canal. And to help your child to help reduce muscle and own weight.

Why not scream during childbirth?

First, when a baby goes through the birth canal, it is very painful. But it’s not only mommy’s pain that hurts but crumbs ... He used to sit in the stomach - it’s warm and humid, nutrients come in regularly, and then suddenly - such stress! The waters are gone, the muscles with great force push the baby through narrow passages, but also he will have to breathe himself.

Secondly, when we shout, an enormous amount of energy, so necessary in labor, is lost, we spend a lot of precious forces, and at the same time exhale vital oxygen. Few people know, but it also has an analgesic effect. It turns out a vicious circle: it hurts - we scream - there is no oxygen - it hurts even more. Therefore, it is so important to learn how to breathe properly before birth.

Twist nipples

When the head is born (and it is the largest part of the body of the newborn), twist your nipples - this activates the production of the hormone oxytocin, which stimulates the uterine generic activity.

These are not all moments worth knowing, but some of those few that should be remembered during preparation for childbirth, so that it is easier and more comfortable to experience the mystery of the birth of your baby.

And further. It is noted that women who thank their husbands for a child give birth much easier and faster than those who are angry and scolding their halves.


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