Houseplants: learning to fight spider mites


Caring for indoor flowers - not such a troublesome job. It is quite another thing when your blooming pets are attacked by various kinds of pests. In this case, you have to take the most urgent measures in order not to lose your entire flower garden.

One of the most common pests of indoor plants is the spider mite. Most often this pest you bring to your home yourself - in a new flower purchased in a store or on the market. The main danger of a tick lies in the fact that in the early stages it is very difficult to notice it, while it literally spreads over the plants that are nearby at a speed of fire.

It is difficult to see the mite itself on the plant, since its dimensions rarely exceed 1 mm. His appearance is given by a thin web and small white spots on the inside of the leaf and the stem of the plant. And only at the stage when the mite already completely "occupies" the flower, you will be able to observe its clusters of several dozen individuals on the shoots and the trunk completely entangled in web. The plants themselves by this time, as a rule, are already in a very deplorable state: the leaves turn yellow and dry, the flowers and unblown buds fall.

Methods of dealing with spider mites

Having found signs of spider mite infection on one of its plants, it should, in order to avoid contamination of other flowers, immediately transfer it to a separate room. You should also carefully examine all the plants that were in close proximity to the diseased flower.

The fight against ticks should be started with radical actions, because otherwise, while you use ineffective folk remedies, the plant will simply die. From the "home" recipes, only processing the plant with alcohol is really effective. To hold this event, transfer the flower pot to the surface treated with alcohol and wipe the leaves of the plant with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol. It should be clarified that the plants should be treated carefully so that there are no burns on the leaves. To do this, apply alcohol in small quantities, and best of all, do a small test on one sheet before processing everything. This method is not suitable for flowers with very delicate and soft greens.

If there is no time to mess around with each piece, treating it with alcohol, modern insecticides will come to the rescue to eliminate pests. Against spider mite, Fitoverma or Intavira will do. Having chosen the means, it is necessary, according to the instructions, to prepare a solution, which with the help of a sprayer to process the whole plant. For soil application, it is recommended to use Aldicarb or Temik granules. Also quite effective sticks for the soil of Plant-Pin and Etisso. They are deadly for almost all types of pests and are very easy to use.

Remember that no matter what tool you use, the tick is a cunning creature, and it is almost impossible to erase it the first time. Be sure to spray or spray at least three times in a row. As a preventive measure, all the plants in the house can be processed.


valeri-marin 07.16.2016
I love non-capricious plants. I grow aloe, money tree, cactus.

Tatyana 01/27/2016
There is no 100% guarantee of deliverance, but I am making a shower for the leaves, i.e. literally tilting at an angle and substituting the shower from the bottom, I wash the leaves from the sides with water to wash away these pests. And in general it is like rain for them, dust is washed off and the plants are refreshed.


Watch the video: Houseplant 101: Control Houseplant Pests: Thrips, Mealybugs, Spider Mites, Aphids, & More! Ep 123 (June 2024).