5 mistakes of single women


Sometimes it happens that an interesting, self-sufficient woman is left alone. Why it happens? Maybe she has a bad temper, too high or, on the contrary, low self-esteem, or is she a careerist who is not interested in family relations? Most often it is not.

It is considered that in every woman the nature is to be a mother and a wife, and perhaps the one who goes through life alone, also dreams about it. However, due to some circumstances, she is unable to build a relationship with a man. What kind of mistakes does she make?

Work on the mistakes of single ladies

1. "Who needs me this?". Many take the risk of not meeting their love if they think they are not worthy of it.

Everyone deserves love! To believe in it, you need to convince yourself as often as possible: "I am so beautiful, wonderful, clever, kind, charming, that is simply doomed to happiness!".

2. "I am always right." Constant self-righteousness can be called nothing more than a disease that must be healed as soon as possible.

We'll have to learn to give in - without this serious relationship it is impossible to build. One simple thing should be remembered: even the one who once lost a battle can become a winner. And in this case, the victory lies in the fact that someone seriously wants to connect life with you.

3. "The stamp in the passport is optional." Yes, civil marriages today in fashion. But, agreeing to trivial cohabitation, a woman unequivocally makes a mistake in her strategy. Therefore, it is worth guarding when he heard from his chosen one the phrase: "Let's first know each other." Many stories are known when a man, living with one woman, cannot decide on compatibility. Once he meets another woman and after a month or two she leads her to the registry office.

4. "All men - its ...". You can not always see a man in the enemy. Of course, decent men are not lying on the road, but this does not mean that they are all “busy” for a long time. It is worth looking back, looking around and, most likely, the right person is near - it is worth extending a hand.

5. "It should be only mine." Love is not a strict leash. An unforgivable mistake is made by a woman who regards a beloved solely as her property.

Constant monitoring, excessive suspicion always repel, and men first. Even more, such an attitude can push him to treason.

In short, to get rid of loneliness, you must learn to hear, see and feel. Only then will it be possible to understand the mistakes and become a happy mother and wife.


Babika 07.07.2016
According to clause 2, I constantly live with such conviction, probably, therefore, alone. It is too late to correct anything, but those who have a whole life ahead have something to think about.


Watch the video: 5 dating mistakes made by women (July 2024).