Low growth in men guarantees them a hectic sex life


Scientists conducted a curious study: they compared the sexual activity of men, based on their age, weight, height and state of health. It turned out that physically active men who are in great shape had sex more often. At the same time, men, whose height did not exceed 170 cm. From making love, experienced much more pleasure and engaged in it more often.

The researchers did not expect that a small increase affects the activity of sexuality. The observation involved 531 men aged from 20 to 54 years.

It should be noted that obese men had sex much less often than their slender, but low fellow tribesmen. It is no secret that overweight as a man increases in age gradually becomes an obstacle to a normal sex life. However, this effect begins to be noticeable only after 45 years.


Watch the video: Khud Ki Value Badhao - By Sandeep Maheshwari (July 2024).