Soda Face Mask at Home


What only miraculous ingredients in the composition of home procedures today you will not see: goji berries, kelp, ostrich eggs, etc. But today we offer to stay at a more squat version: cleansing homemade face masks from soda. During the publication, you will learn effective recipes for acne and wrinkles (with honey, shaving foam, etc.) that each woman can use without serious consequences for the family budget, learn the secrets of her use, and also find out user reviews about this miracle composition. .

Soda Face Mask at Home

Baking soda does not require additional costs, since it is available in every hostess. It is actively used for baking or for solving household problems. Its cleansing properties are used to create recipes for masks at home.

Indications for the use of such funds are:

• acne (acne);
• comedones (black dots);
• acne.

We pay attention - it is strongly not recommended to exceed the soda in the composition of any cleansing procedure, and you should not hold it for more than 10 minutes, violation of these rules can lead to a burn. And when applying the composition should not rub it hard, because soda has a high absorbent effect and can damage the surface of the skin. To soften the mask is recommended to use creams.

Mask with soda and honey for face

We propose to use the composition of acne or youthful acne:

• honey - 1 tbsp.
• cream (you can use milk or sour cream) - 1 tablespoon;
• clay (it is better to use black) - 1 tsp;
• Baking soda - 1/2 tsp.

The cleansing mixture removes acne and / or black spots, nourishes and moisturizes the skin, removes dead skin tissue and rejuvenates. It is recommended to do such a procedure at home no more than once or twice a month.

Recipe with the addition of salt from black dots

Mask of soda and salt for the face of the black dots at home:

• salt (sea salt is better) - 1 tbsp. L .;
• water - 1 tbsp;
• Baking soda - 1 tsp.

The composition removes black spots, acne, brightens the skin color of the face. For severe skin lesions, it is recommended to add honey.

Purifying soda face acne mask

Another cleansing procedure consists of three components (a simple recipe): baby soap, water, and the main component. Whip the soap into the foam and apply on the face, apply the rest of the mixture on top. In the process, you may feel a slight tingling sensation, which is completely normal. The composition helps to get rid of acne, comedones, shiny skin, etc. User feedback suggests that with dry skin type, it is recommended to add honey with the composition or replace it with hydrogen peroxide.

How to make a mask with shaving foam

Facial mask of shaving foam and soda (food) composition:

• shaving foam - 3 tbsp.;
• cleansing component - 1 tbsp.

To displace both components and apply on face. Leave for 10 minutes, after light massaging movements, treat problem areas (it is impossible to press hard), then rinse with warm water. This recipe helps at home for cleansing the skin from black spots and acne, to remove flaky skin and blemishes (cleans like a scrub).

Face mask with soda and oatmeal for sensitive skin

Cleansing facial treatment for sensitive skin with a whitening effect at home:

• oatmeal (use of oatmeal is recommended) - 3 tbsp;
• kefir (any fermented milk product can be used) - 2 tbsp;
• lemon (juice is used) - 1 tsp;
• main component - 1 tsp.

With dry skin type, you can add honey to the composition, as evidenced by the feedback from women. Before applying the cleansing mixture is recommended to steam the face (over steam or hot cloth). This mixture relieves inflammation, helps get rid of acne, makes deep peeling, smoothes fine wrinkles, which is confirmed by the feedback from women.

Face mask soda reviews

Reviews of women who have tried the proposed soda masks recipes at home, note one of the advantages: effectiveness in combating acne and black spots, effective removal of dead skin particles, removal of inflammation, etc. However, reviews of those who have had sad experiences note the presence of burns which have to be treated for a long time, in some cases allergic reactions have been observed. In both cases, medical care is needed.

A detailed study of the causes can reveal violations in the technology of making masks, as well as the mode of their use. We recommend to properly observe the proportions, as well as the time of exposure of each composition (recall, no more than 10 minutes). Also, it would not be superfluous to check for allergic reactions (apply a small amount of the compound to the wrist and hold for 10 minutes, and only after checking apply the mixture). On the Internet you can find more than one video tutorial on creating such tools at home.


Watch the video: Back To Baking Soda 2 WEEKS Challenge - BEFORE (July 2024).