5 things that can destroy relationships


Save a long and happy relationship can not all. As a rule, initially everything is fine, especially if the feelings are based on passion. However, after some time, their sharpness passes, a person begins to behave quite freely, not much obsessing how his partner perceives it. In this article we will name five things that can ruin any relationship.

1. A lie can destroy even the strongest relationship. Even if it is done for the good, it does not bode well. A lie always leads to distrust, which begins to destroy relationships, which is why it is so important to honestly treat your soulmate and also learn how to respond adequately to the truth.

The danger is a lie to himself. Try to honestly answer for yourself the questions: are you ready to live with a person all your life, do you want to completely surrender to this particular relationship? An honest answer can help you achieve a harmonious relationship.

2. Also, do not try to change your partner. Remember that ideal people simply do not exist. It should be remembered about such things as character traits and habits. Some things a person just can not change, as if he did not want. At the beginning of a relationship, many people turn a blind eye to certain things, but later on it is not worth spending energy on it. As practice shows, such attempts do not lead to anything good.

3. Remember that public reproaches are extremely inappropriate. It is not necessary to sort things out in public places, so as not to embarrass either yourself or your partner. Your attempts to publicly reproach or humiliate the beloved will lead to the fact that it is you who will become a laughing stock. Even if a man committed a terrible act, you should not criticize him publicly, put it off until you are alone. True, and then do not overdo it. Quarrels can be part of a happy relationship, but there are also rules here. You can never cross the line, insult a partner, put your own insult above him. It is known that the main thing in a relationship is a compromise.

4. Often the relationship kills banal silence. If there is a problem, voice it out loud. If you don't like something, tell me about it. Remember that the key to psychological health is the expression of any emotion, however, in moderation. You can always pour out your soul to your friends. And with a man learn to express thoughts clearly and clearly, avoiding emotions as much as possible.

5. Jealousy destroys any relationship. Some consider jealousy to be an indicator of love, others tend to regard it as a manifestation of selfishness, a disrespectful attitude. But two people suffer from jealousy anyway: one is constantly suspicious of something, and the other is offended because of the distrust that has arisen. To cope with this, you should be honest with yourself and with your partner.

It is important to know that love is based on trusting relationships. Your loved one should have a personal space, respect it. Even a simple reading of the sms of your partner can destroy relationships that seemed so strong.


Natalya 08/31/2016
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Watch the video: 10 Thoughts that can Destroy Relationships (July 2024).