High blood sugar significantly increases the risk of developing oncology.


The study, which was attended by 900 thousand people from all over the world, showed that if there is prediabetes (an excessively high percentage of sugar, the content of which, however, is not enough to make a diagnosis of diabetes), the risk of cancer increases by as much as 15% .

Such indicators primarily relate to an increase in the risk of developing breast cancer (by 20%), liver (by 60%), stomach or colon (by 50%), and endometrium (by 60%).

The reasons for this doctors call a lot. In particular, an increased sugar content increases the body’s insulin resistance, resulting in an excessive release of insulin-like proteins that cause the growth of tumor cells. Do not exclude doctors and the genetic component of this process.

According to doctors, without treatment, prediabetes in just five years turns into real diabetes. Diagnosing the first is quite easy. If it is found, experts recommend to follow a diet, take special medications and live a physically active life.


Watch the video: Norwalk Hospital How to detect Pancreatic Cancer through Diabetes testing (May 2024).