Sore throat: folk remedies in addition to traditional treatment. Does it make sense to use folk remedies for angina?


Well-known tonsillitis, officially - acute tonsillitis, a frequent and unpleasant companion of our lives. People and especially children with weak immunity are susceptible to this disease. However, having met sore throat since time immemorial, people searched and found the means to effectively resist it. In this article we will consider the whole spectrum of folk methods that help to cope with the disease on their own at home.

Angina and folk remedies: available ingredients

Based on generally available products, as well as pharmacy products available in almost any home, you can prepare effective, time-tested mixtures of external use, including infusions for oral use and rinsing. Let's start with the most simple procedures.

Wash brine

We take 50-60 grams (2 tbsp. L.) Of edible salt and pour vodka (100 grams) or diluted alcohol into half a glass.

Mix thoroughly, then soak a cotton swab and lubricate the almond areas of the neck every 30 minutes for 3 hours. Procedures are carried out on the eve of sleep - during this period of time it is forbidden to eat food and drink liquid.

Note: This method should be discarded if a person has local dermatitis or skin allergy to salt.

Aqueous solution of salt for washing

Pour into the dishes 150 gr. heated boiled water and dissolve in it 7-10 g. (2 tbsp) salt, mix thoroughly.

We use a rinse. In this case, the head is thrown back as far as possible so that the solution irrigates the lymphoid tissues of the glands as much as possible. This is done immediately after eating and in between meals. The frequency of the procedure is not fixed, so we use it within reasonable limits to avoid acute irritations - not more than one rinse per hour and lasting no more than 3 minutes.

Addition: The above procedure can be carried out on the basis of soda. Its formulation, methods and frequency of use are identical to salt rinses.

Combined rinse recipe: salt, iodine and soda

Take 250 ml (glass) of boiled warm water. Add 100 milligrams (3-5 drops) of a 5 or 10 percent iodine solution, add salt and soda to a teaspoon or 30 grams. each. Mix thoroughly and the solution is ready for use.

It should be emphasized that the resulting mixture is an analogue of sea salt, which can be bought in pharmacies and also used to relieve pain and treat tonsillitis. Instructions for using the combined rinse are similar to the “standard” methods (salt and soda).

Hydrogen peroxide solution

We need: two containers (glasses) with filtered water of 150 g. each; 15-20 gr. (1 tbsp) 3% hydrogen peroxide or a tablet of hydroperite; potassium permanganate or soda.

In one container with water, we dilute peroxide or a tablet of hydroperite. Ready mixture throughout the day, but not more than once every 3 hours, rinse your mouth.

In another glass we prepare a solution for washing the oropharynx: soda (2 tsp) or pale pink based on potassium permanganate. After each rinse, to remove the products of exposure to peroxide, we rinse the oral cavity with this mixture.

Addition: It is permissible to carry out the procedure for lubricating tonsils with undiluted 3-6% concentration of hydrogen peroxide. This will require cotton swabs. The subsequent washing of the oral cavity and its frequency of application is similar to the rinse procedure.

Sea salt inhalation

For the procedure you will need:

• narrow enameled dishes;

• liter of filtered water;

• conical funnel made of dense material;

• 10 gr. (2 tbsp) sea salt.

Pour the prepared water into a ladle or saucepan and put on a small fire. In the process of heating, add salt and stir it until the solution boils. Allow the mixture to boil for 5-7 minutes, after which the container should be removed and a funnel should be fitted to it. We cover the head with a towel and begin the procedure: inhale through the mouth, and exhale only through the nose. Inhalation is carried out for 4-10 minutes.

Note: In no case do we make an inhaler from newspapers and magazines - lead is present in the printing ink. We use either thick cardboard or a large plastic funnel for food. Such procedures are not recommended for people with severe peptic ulcer and thyroid pathologies.

Angina and folk remedies: kerosene procedures

It should be clearly understood that the use of this toxic substance, which is a product of the distillation of oil, is extremely dangerous for the whole organism.

However, this does not prevent kerosene from being a popular folk remedy for the prevention of various ailments - not only tonsillitis. In the case of angina, it is used both for rubbing and compresses the neck in the tonsil region, as well as internal throat treatment, as well as gargling. It must be remembered that kerosene must be additionally cleaned before use.

To do this, prepare a 5-liter container, fill in a liter of kerosene mixture and add 2 liters of hot (up to 80 ° C) water. Close tightly and gently shake for 3-5 minutes, relieving pressure at equal intervals, opening the lid. Then the solution settles for a while: pure kerosene is formed on top, and water, capturing impurities, will be below. Gently pour the upper fraction into the prepared container.

Another method of refining is simpler and involves ordinary filtration through dense layers of gauze or cotton wool, however, the first method is more reliable.

All treatment methods for angina with kerosene are prophylactic, blocking the development of microorganisms and increasing immunity. Its use for severe tonsillitis is not allowed.

A solution based on kerosene, soda and water

To prepare the solution you will need: a teaspoon or ten drops of kerosene; 100 gr. boiled water and 7-10 gr. (1 tsp) soda.

Soda is poured into dishes with the required amount of water. Then, gently mixing, add kerosene. The mixture is used for 4 times rinsing in the interval between meals for 5-7 days.

Note: The mixture must be warm. Rinse to produce no more than 1 minute at a time.

Kerosene Emulsion

To make an emulsion you need: 50-60 gr. heated water and 15 drops (incomplete tablespoon) of kerosene.

We add kerosene into the prepared water and shake it. Gargle for seven days immediately after eating. At the end of the term, the procedure is interrupted for 2 weeks, then the same period is repeated. This method is good for preventive measures, in order to avoid sore throat.

Note: It is important to monitor your condition to avoid poisoning. If you experience dizziness, nausea, progressive insomnia or lethargy, rinse should be stopped immediately.

Internal use of kerosene

Carrying out such procedures involves the presence of purified kerosene and cotton buds.

Lubricate the palatine and pharyngeal tonsils at least three times a day during a meal-free period. The term of application of the method is no more than a week. If you still have sore throat, you should proceed to antibiotic treatment.

Reminder: By official medicine, such methods of preventing tonsillitis are rejected as unsafe. They are highly not recommended for people with kidney and liver diseases.

Angina: folk remedies - natural ingredients and natural products

Traditional medicine has accumulated a great many recipes for the treatment of tonsillitis, based on natural or natural components. We will analyze the most effective methods that are easy to use and affordable to purchase. One of the recognized natural remedies for treating tonsil inflammation is propolis or bee glue, produced by bees in the process of honeycomb formation.

Internal use of propolis

At the beginning of the day, you need to take a pea of ​​a resinous bond and put it on the cheek. From time to time, rolling it in your mouth to keep it flowing throughout the day, excluding the process of eating. Do not be afraid of a slight numbness of the tongue and burning in the mouth - this is normal.

If you need a more powerful effect, separate a small piece of propolis (with a fingernail) and slowly chew for an hour after eating. Thus, you should spend up to 5-6 grams. product (1 tbsp. l. crushed) during the day.

Note: When buying propolis, you should be wary of "dummies." This product has a characteristic odor and a green-brown color of a light gamut without veins and inclusions.

Propolis Rinses

For the treatment of tonsillitis, both aqueous and alcohol mixtures or propolis tinctures are used. Many of them can be bought ready-made in company stores, as well as in pharmacies. At the same time, it is quite possible to make such solutions at home. A more effective and often used drug is alcohol tincture of the bond.

To prepare it, you will need: food alcohol of at least 70 percent strength; dark 200 gram glass bowl; 10-20 gr. pureed (dried) bond.

In the absence of dried ground propolis, grind the whole product to the required volume (1 tbsp. L). Pour it into a container, fill it with alcohol and plug it tightly. Place the jar for 15 days in a dark place, while shaking daily. At the end of the allotted period, the solution is filtered, after which it is ready for use. Store the infusion in a cool room or refrigerator. In this case, the drug will retain its properties for more than 12 months.

To prepare the medicine necessary for rinsing, 15-20 grams will be required. (1 tsp) infusion and half a glass of warm filtered water (100 ml).

Rinses are carried out 3-5 times a day. Depending on the degree of development of the disease, treatment is carried out in the period from several days to 2.5 weeks.

Note: Uza or propolis is the strongest biogenic and biologically active substance that can cause severe allergic reactions. Therefore, it is highly undesirable to use it in the treatment of children under 2 years old.

Prevention of tonsillitis folk remedies

In alternative medicine, herbal preparations are also widely used for the treatment and prevention of tonsillitis. Their recipe is numerous, therefore we will stop on already checked and popular technique.

This will require: fees of eucalyptus, chamomile and marigolds (flowers); enameled dishes with a capacity of at least 0.5 liters; strainer and 350 ml of boiling water.

We put boil water. We mix herbal preparations and chop it well. We measure out a tablespoon of the detailed mixture and pour it into the dishes.

Add 350 ml (1.5 cups) of boiled water into it and bring the mixture to a boil. We control that the process does not last more than 3 minutes, then remove the dishes and wrap for half an hour. After that, without waiting for cooling, the solution should be filtered and divided into two volumes, overflowing in two containers. Allow it to cool, close the lid and leave in a dark place of the room.

Rinse the oral cavity twice in the interval of 12 hours: in the morning and on the eve of the evening from different glasses. Starting the procedure at a solution temperature of 25 ° C, it is necessary to lower it daily in the interval of 10 days. The final indicator of its temperature should be a value of 15ºС. This will strengthen (harden) the lymphoid tissue of the tonsils and minimize the activity of pathological microorganisms. The procedure must be carried out for a month.

Agave Liqueur

For its production it is necessary: ​​a glass jar with a capacity of 0.5 liters; agave leaves; sugar, diluted alcohol or vodka; gauze.

Fill the jar with half the chopped leaves of the stolpnik. Then pour sugar so that it covers them. After that, to protect against insects and dirt, with gauze we wrap the neck of the jar and leave it at room temperature for 72 hours.

At the end of the appointed time, pour vodka or diluted alcohol. Pour until he covers the fermented mass. We again organize the gauze protection and leave the mixture for another 3 days. At the end of the term, the solution is carefully squeezed out, filtered. As a result, we got a bittersweet healing liquor.

Used three times a day for 20 grams. (1 tbsp) half an hour before meals. The treatment period corresponds to the volume of tincture, that is, until the liquor runs out.

It is not forbidden to give children, however, the dose is reduced to a teaspoon.

There is a sense to help yourself with angina with folk remedies. Any of these recipes can be used in the treatment of tonsillitis, however, they completely replace the traditional treatment - we do not recommend it!


Watch the video: High-Tech Med -- Longwood Seminar (June 2024).