Plots so that her husband does not cheat


A husband walking to the left is a nightmare of a married lady. Few women encourage adultery, even less - ignore. Even if the husband returns home diligently after work, prepares food, and on the weekend nurses the children, the woman will still worry, shuddering with each incoming message on his phone. Nobody is insured against adultery. Congenital sensitivity allows her to feel that something was wrong at the dawn of conflict. Life, children, work kill this sensitivity, covering the eyes with a veil of simple unwillingness to see anything. Conspiracies from the betrayal of her husband to read at home are not many, but it is this option that can sometimes save the marriage.

How to talk to her husband, not to change?

It's never too late to fix a broken one. The main thing is to weigh, understand and judge the reasons before decisive actions.

Plots from treason do not trust hired wizards. No one knows your spouse better than you, and no one wants him as much good as you want. Do it yourself, your love is enough to give strength in the time-consuming process. Any woman who is sure of her love will be able to return her husband with the help of conspiracies.

“Satan is joking with love,” says Yevgeny Onegin. Despite the fact that Tatiana was quite agreeable with him about this, white magic has a different opinion. Love is a business that can be acquired, tangible and manageable. There are more plots on it than the stars in the sky. In this article we will look at a number of them. The plots on the photo, on the wick of the candle, on the urine, underwear, as well as several effective Simoron rituals.

On the picture

Conduct conspiracies in the photo in different ways. Considered one of the most effective conspiracy with the help of mirrors and candles. A ritual is held on the growing moon, at midnight on Women's Day (Wednesday, Friday, Saturday).

So that the guy does not look at other women, the plot is carried out in two photos: your husband and you. For this, in addition to the photos themselves, you will need four mirrors. Place the cards on the table with their faces facing each other. Place four mirrors around you, surrounding the photos with a reflective surface. The plot reads like this:

“I’m returning your love to you, I’m locking your love, I reflect your love,” she will reflect on me. As he looked at the other, you will see me, you will love me, and you cannot offend! Amen.

An important condition is the state of the witch at the time of the conspiracy. She should look neat. It is not necessary to conduct a ritual in stretched pajama pants, with a bunch on the head and blurred makeup. Feel attractive and then success is guaranteed.

On the candle wick

For the plot you will need:

  • candle;
  • sealing wax;
  • matches;
  • incense with a floral scent.

Choose a moonlit night, best of all - the full moon. Light a stick of incense (lavender, rose, jasmine) on the table. Take a candle, gently pull the wick or otkolupayte wax. Do not cut the wick.

Spread it on a ceramic surface in a closed spiral. Fold a drop of wax on the base of the resulting shape. Light the wick and, while it burns, read the plot:

"The candle burns to the ground, you - open your eyes. Come back to me, spiral, close up, come back. I force you with my power to leave the wrong one, and return to the faithful. I bestow my forgiveness, I implore you with my family!"

On the burned wick, making sure that it has not lost the shape of a spiral and has not broken up, drip a sufficient amount of melted sealing wax. It should cover the entire surface of the wick.

When sealing wax hardens - hide it under the leg of the bed, where you sleep (slept before treason) with your husband.

On urine

A well-known Siberian healer offers an effective way to discard a mistress from a walking husband with a white love spell for urine. Yes, this biological fluid directly conducts magic to the object of attention of the traitor and sets up a barrier between a man and his mistress.

In order for a man not to stand on other women, the plot must be read with fresh urine. The rite is rather difficult to do, suitable for decisive and inventive women, focused on the result. It is easiest to conspire if you live in a private house and you do not have a bathroom in a residential area. Why not take advantage of the opportunity and arrange a walk to nature, where there will be no civilized ways to defeat the need. Of course, having been contrived, you can find ways to block the bathroom, or get a biological fluid from there. For example, to distract a man before the descent of water, pretending that you have a twisted belly. Or take the opportunity and "allegedly" shed a urine sample collected in the morning in the clinic.

Best suited land, sprinkled spouse under the fence or, ideally, under the tree.

Give the moment when your spouse is away on a need. Remember the place. Make sure that the ceremony is carried out in the strictest secrecy and you will not find it over (magic will not suffer from this, but your reputation is completely).

In the wet ground, stick seven twigs, plucked from the nearest or sprinkled tree. Say the plot seven times on each branch:

"Just as the branches that have been torn down on the ground will not take root, fall down until the evening and wither, so my husband will fall off his loins, seeing any fallen woman, and especially my opponent (name, if known)."

Leave without looking around. It is categorically forbidden to return and check in the evening, in which case the conspirator will develop immunity against magic. If the plot was carried out correctly, the branches would fall off before dark, and the result will be visible the very next day.

On the husband's underwear

Plots, so that the husband does not cheat, you can read her husband's pants. Such a conspiracy is especially effective in the case of suspicion of the love spell of his husband by his mistress.

Get three hairs from the mane of the gelding (by no means mares). Tie them together with two knots, using a safety pin - stretch them along the elastic of your underpants. Cowards should be old, fairly worn, but still whole. Be sure to clean!

Stretching the gelding hair, read the plot three times:

"As the knot gets tied, so you wanna swagger. As you go to the left, you want to go back. As a lover vzdolit - so her hair will prick. As her hair will prick, so you will prick your conscience. You will not return to the left again. Amen!"

For the success of this conspiracy, it is important that the next time your husband goes to his mistress in these underpants. If one day the husband returns home in an exasperated mood, then the plot has worked.

Simoron conspiracies

Strangely enough, in the Simoron practice there is also a ritual on the back of a mistress, performed on the husband's shorts.

Moreover, a lot of attention is paid to this subject of underwear. New red thongs, thrown on the chandelier with his right foot bring good luck and financial success - tested by generations of simoronists.

To save the family from the misfortune in the form of a third extra, Simoron recommends doing a cheerful ritual.

The absolute majority of Simoron rituals are deliberately absurd and funny. Their goal is not only to fulfill desires, but also to change your own perception of the world. When you treat everything with a smile, you turn away demons and evil spirits from yourself, which, you see, greatly simplifies life. Of course, for those who hear the word "simoron" for the first time, further descriptions may seem like bullshit. Nevertheless, it is known in a wide range of rituals, with a huge number of positive responses. We recommend that you first become familiar with the theory of the appearance of Simorone, and then proceed to the plot with full awareness of what is happening.

The purpose of this ritual for mistresses in general, is not in the flap. With the help of simorona it will not be possible to eliminate the rival But you can return the prodigal husband, restore balance and spiritual atmosphere in the family, and the uninvited rival will disappear with itself. And, it will disappear with benefit for itself and for all of you.

So, take the old men underwear. The main thing is not to accidentally take his most beloved, worn and patched ones - if you choose the wrong marker, your husband may be offended and aggravate your precarious situation.

Wash off (washable) marker write on them: "Mistress". If you know the name - and write it.

Run the briefs separately from the rest of the laundry in the "hand" mode. If it does not wash off the first time - put the second.

Dance the shamanic dance while the machine is working, then proudly hang the cleaned piece of underwear to dry. It is desirable, near to the.

Wait, miraculous deliverance will come soon. But at the same time, take advantage of a couple more Simoron rituals that work wonderfully together.

Ritual with a helium ball and troubles

Take the ball. It is possible to buy a rubber product inflated by helium from a vendor - we need it to take off. Marker (already indelible) write on it all your troubles that just remember.

"Mistress, walking husband, bad skin, problems at work, leaking tap, self-doubt, children's complexes, broken nail, teething younger, nervous mother-in-law, nervous father-in-law, nervous husband, nervous people around."

Making sure that there is no space left on the ball and having been amazed at the number of oppressive circumstances for you, release the accumulation of negative into the sky. Clap your hands while watching the ball disappear far into the sky - demons leave you.

The ritual can be done an infinite number of times, at least every evening, as long as there is nothing to write on the ball. We recommend on occasion to buy a balloon with helium - children will be delighted. And children, by the way, understand these rituals better than you and me.

Ritual of getting rid of paranoia

This ritual is not so much a ritual of treason, as a preliminary stage of preparation for the use of magic. Often, the correct fulfillment of all conditions leads to the total disappearance of the need for conspiracy, as such.

Analyze the surrounding space and the level of your existence in it. Does your lifestyle suit you? Satisfied before treason? Would you like to go for a manicure, pedicure, peeling, shaping? From the nerves, of course, it is good to lose weight, but it is better to lose weight with the help of healthy exercises. At the same time, cabinets can be disassembled, clothes measured, wardrobe updated. And this is not a proposal, but a direct guide to action. Not paying attention to the woman and others will not pay attention.

At the same time, you can get rid of paranoia. Who knows, maybe there is no mistress at all, and if there is, then maybe there is no love yet, and so, interest is attraction. Maybe treason - not treason at all.

There are three ways to get rid of paranoia with the help of Simoron.

You can hang panties on the lamp, jump out of bed, click your fingers and make a wish to get rid of paranoia.

Or write on the piece of paper the word "paranoia" and wash it in the notorious washing machine. The main thing is to take thick paper so that its remains do not spread all over the drum.

The crown of efforts to get rid of paranoia may be its flushing into the toilet.

The following procedure, lift your spirits. Simply scatter pieces of paper on the floor with the words "mood" and continually lift.

In addition, why not give yourself energy? You can "put" on the night of bra charging, on the label by writing "jet bra" and "sticking" the plug into the cup.

Finally, give yourself a free rein. Write a list of the benefits of leaving your spouse out of the family. For example:

“The first is no scattered socks except my own, perfect order. The second is no world football championships at the same time as my series. Third, you no longer need to ask for time to sit with your girlfriends, or even invite them to your place for the night. The fifth will be where to invite a man ... "

And so on. It is recommended to supplement and re-read this list in difficult moments. This will help you to perceive what happened without strain and speed up the magical process.

Simoronsky ritual "Ideal wife"

Ritual for those who heard the phrase about the living room, bedroom and kitchen. Your task is to combine the three qualities of an ideal wife at the same time. To do this, wear the most seductive lingerie (fishnet stockings, stilettos, lace bra, nurse costume) - all to the taste of your spouse. Add to the image of a cook apron and business collar.

Go to the bathroom, pour water into the basin. Make a "husband" out of scrap materials - for example, write the word "husband" on a piece of paper and roll it into a ball. If the husband has gone from you to his mother - the ritual is held in the kitchen, to his mistress - in the bedroom, to friends - closer to the bar.

Take a ladle (or tights, despite the fact that your husband is faster) and catch the "husband" in the basin. Every time a "husband is caught," happily exclaim: "Aha, got caught!". The main thing in the ritual is to do it selflessly, with children's delight, then success is guaranteed.

For those who know for sure which wife’s preference the spouse prefers, there is a more specialized ritual.

Simoronsky ritual "Ideal wife. Advanced level"

There are three options: wife-mother, wife-lover, wife-friend. You should not choose the role that you played before the departure of the spouse - it is clearly unsuccessful. Talk to your husband, if you have kept a warm relationship, find out which women he prefers, analyze the dating period, remember how you behaved at the very beginning. Act on input data.

If the husband is a lover of "bad girls" and you are a shy by nature, urgently reincarnate! To do this, buy a school diary, instill yourself with twos in all subjects and to heighten the effect, shoot a slingshot at plastic bottles, and then solemnly kick and throw the diary on a tree. The same method is applicable against the traditional excuse "it's not about you, it's about me, you're too good for someone like me."

If the husband was deprived of maternal love or, on the contrary, sits tightly on these emotions, give him something that was not enough to break. Swaddle a cushion of a towel, “breastfeed” it, change diapers, sing a lullaby and place it in a cot.

If the husband professed the principle of “husband and wife is one Satan, friend-comrade-brother”, buy beer and chips for yourself, turn on the sports channel and drink “for ours”. Don't forget to shout "Go-o-ol!" If the husband is indifferent to football - look at hockey, if hockey is not of interest to him - go fishing. You can even organize improvised activities at home: roll the ball out of socks and kick it around the bedroom; roll the washer out of face cream on the floor; to draw with a shoelace tied to a stick, fish from a bath. Options - the sea.

Well, if your spouse is not interested in sports at all, find other hobbies. If he doesn’t have a hobby, then why do you even need this inactive man?

Ritual "Materialization of the husband"

It is unlikely that, leaving, your spouse took with him all the belongings, without exception. For this ritual you will need a personal thing, ideally - slippers. The well-known slipper ritual is a powerful tool for improving personal life. In the case of the departure of the husband from the family, with the help of slippers, the spouse returns once or twice.

New sneakers for ritual are not suitable. But with them it will turn out to attract the new husband. But we need an old one!

Actually, take the slippers and work with them. Talk. Gone, cherish, invite for dinner. Put them near the table, where he usually puts his feet. Take it to the bedroom, place it near the bed. Leave in the hallway, socks from the front door, as if he had just entered. They say that my husband should be treated like a dog - to feed, iron, walk. So take the slippers with you for a walk, to the shops. Treat them like it's your husband.

How much should this ritual do? Until you get all the fun. The spouse will surely feel your attitude and can come to the door the very next day.

Ritual "Catching live bait"

What is the fastest way to lure a man? With food! And not yogurt-salads, cookies, and nourishing male food. So for this ritual, apply your culinary skills and the unique magical tool "Word of mouth".

Make it simple, weight options. Needlewomen who know a lot about sewing can sew a small sundress and dress them with a radio. You can still get your sundress out of the closet and fit an improvised antenna to it. If there is nothing like it at hand, then draw, print, cut, paste on a pack of cigarettes or a box from under matches, attach a clip-antenna.

At the very worst, make a magical ordinary megaphone magically by writing Oralo on it. Just do not turn it on when you talk, the neighbors will not appreciate.

Word of mouth is a good idea to keep nearby when performing any simoronsky ritual. Since it works on both reception and transmission, the speed at which the recipient receives the information depends on it.

So, having brought to light a masterpiece of your culinary skill, go to the word of mouth and say loudly:

"The main news of the hour! Masha Kuznetsova (your name) has prepared a great borsch today!"

In principle, you can transfer any information. For example:

"Attention! Attention! Masha Kuznetsova visited the beauty salon and now she has a new hairstyle!"


"Masha Kuznetsova announces an urgent joke! Two burgers for the price of a kiss!"

Симоронская психология в целом рекомендует во время отсутствия покинувшего борт мужа не раскисать. Продолжайте пользоваться всеми доступными радостями жизни. Встречайтесь с друзьями, ухаживайте за собой, наряжайтесь. Сходите в кафе, в баньку, в кино. Не забывайте сообщать об этом сарафанному радио. Особенно, если на вас поглядывают другие мужчины. Это целый повод для "Экстренного выпуска новостей!"

Обычно мужья-гуляки отлично оправдываются сами, но для них совершенно неестественна мысль о том, что в его отсутствие женщина предпочитает также жить полной жизнью, вместо того, чтобы уйти в монастырь и рыдать там целыми днями. Муж симоронистки непременно прибежит обратно, посмотреть, чем это она там занимается.

Тогда перед вами встанет более интересная задача, нежели вернуть гуляку. Надо решить, а нужен ли он вам вообще?


Конечно, крайности есть во всём. Даже с симоронскими ритуалами не стоит перебарщивать. Убедитесь, что кроме вас никто не в курсе проводимых мероприятий, главное - эффект, а процесс не стоит знать никому. Даже маме. Особенно маме мужа.

Плюс на плюс даёт плюс и последствия у белой магии могут быть только белыми. Не бойтесь применять заговоры, берущие начало у светлых истоков, а также предназначенные к проведению с улыбкой. Эти заговоры помогут вам не только добиться своей цели, но и, по ходу действия, измениться в корне. Вы станете добрее, веселее, радостнее, раскрепощеннее и увереннее в себе. Для крепкой семьи мало верного мужа. Ведь главная составляющая - счастливая жена.

Не стоит воспринимать измену, как приговор. Вполне вероятно, измена - это шанс на новую жизнь, со старым мужчиной, или с новым - не столь важно. Любите себя, не отдавайте все соки тем, кто этого не ценит, занимайтесь своими делами, и люди сами к вам потянутся.


Watch the video: Woman Will Divorce Her Husband If He Cheats Again (June 2024).