Kidney cyst: treatment with folk remedies as a panacea. Is it true and fiction about a kidney cyst and its treatment with folk remedies?


A cyst of the kidney is a benign neoplasm of a round shape, filled with transparent contents.

In most cases, the cyst is not dangerous and indicates the presence of any pathological processes in the body. Most often, cystic disease is a secondary pathology, the cause of which are infectious-inflammatory diseases (pyelonephritis, etc.), injuries (bruises, tears) of the kidneys.

I can not even determine the cause of the cyst even by experts and leading scientists from around the world. Specific treatment also does not exist. If the cyst begins to bother the patient, it is simply removed surgically, or a puncture is performed and drained.

Therefore, it is twice as strange that herbal doctor's doctor's physicians with a confident look recommend treating the cyst with folk remedies.

The vast majority of recipes are simply useless, and some - frankly dangerous for a person with diseased kidneys. It can be stated with complete confidence that there is no useful means of herbal medicine against kidney cytosis.

Kidney cyst - treatment with folk remedies: herbs

1) Reception of tinctures of aspen bark, as well as aspen bark powder.

Expert commentary: the recipe is at least weird. It is known that a cyst never arises, as they say, "from scratch." According to statistics, the cause of the pathology is the presence of pyelonephritis at one stage or another (approximately 65% ​​of all clinical cases). The patient may not even realize that he is suffering from kidney pathology. Meanwhile, aspen bark is a natural source of aspirin. Further, even a person far from formal logic will be able to trace the chain of syllogisms.

Aspirin is widely used in hematology for blood thinning. Pyelonephritis is associated with damage to the vessels of the kidneys and possible bleeding. It is easy to guess which conclusion follows.

In no case should you take the aspen bark with a kidney cyst.

2) Reception of leaves and roots of parsley.

Expert commentary: almost all parsley fragments are known for their diuretic action. However, uncontrolled intake of any diuretic drug (including folk remedies) is a “double-edged sword”. If the cause of the cyst is not known, you can seriously undermine your health. On the one hand, in cases of infectious origin of a cyst (for example, in infectious nephritis), urine congestion is fraught with even greater infection. On the other hand, with the accelerated production of urine and its discharge, there is a risk of bladder damage (cystitis). In women, infectious colpitis can become a complication of cystitis.

Therefore, you should think twice before resorting to such a dubious recipe. It is safe to use parsley only if the non-infectious origin of the cyst is confirmed.

3) Tinctures of red root.

Expert commentary: deadly recipe. Tincture of the red root affects the kidneys and adrenal glands, causing a rise in blood pressure. In some cases, a cyst can occur with adrenal lesions and hormonal failure. If the red root stimulates the work of patients with adrenal glands - they can begin to work even more actively. In this case, there is a serious risk of "earning" the so-called malignant hypertension. For reference, this is an extremely severe form of arterial hypertension with a persistent rise in numbers to a level of 180/120 and higher. A disease kills a person in a matter of weeks. In the most mild case, the patient becomes disabled. Complications: blindness, heart failure.

The recipe is extremely dangerous. A striking example of disorder and incompetence.

4) Tincture of a golden mustache.

Expert commentary: golden mustache is an ordinary plant. The reason for its popularity is widespread reproduction in the media: dubious broadcasts, newspapers. All its properties are nothing more than advertising fiction. The only therapeutic effect of the golden mustache is pain medication.

5) Tincture of elecampane. According to the sources, the infusion of inula destroys the structure of the cyst and even malignant tumors.

Expert commentary: incredible nonsense. A cyst is not supplied with blood, so a minimum of substances comes to it. Speaking of malignant neoplasms, their cause is a genetic disorder. Obviously, taking tincture of elecampane or any other herb will not stop the pathological process.

6) Reception of gruel from burdock.

Expert commentary: burdock root, according to phytotherapists, has a lot of useful properties. In fact, in kidney diseases, the effect of burdock can be achieved only if the non-infectious nature of the pathology is proven. Burdock has weak diuretic properties, this is where its therapeutic effect ends. Kidney cystosis cannot be cured by burdock.

7) Applying sheets of burdock to the lower back (in the region of the kidneys).

Expert commentary: stupid and useless advice. With the same success, supporters of traditional medicine could treat a closed fracture with plantain.

Kidney cyst treatment folk remedies: natural products

1) Drink two cups of tea with milk and honey per day.

Expert commentary: tasty, maybe even somewhat useful, but it is not clear how this compound can help against kidney cytosis. To be treated in this way for cytosis is the same as sticking to the well-known in narrow circles of therapeutic advice on the elimination of hemorrhoidal gums from cucumber gruel.

2) The use of porcini mushrooms.

Expert commentary: mushrooms - a storehouse of nutrients. However, the same question arises, how can a fungus eliminate a cyst? Advice is useless, although not dangerous.

3) Eat rose hips.

Expert commentary: Rose hips are rich in vitamins and minerals, capable of initiating regenerative processes. The problem is that the entry of substances into the tissue of the cyst almost does not occur.

4) Eat viburnum berries in the composition with honey.

Expert commentary: viburnum has a powerful diuretic effect. As in the case of parsley, the reception of such a remedy should be carried out with great care. There is always a risk of aggravating the infection and initiating a downward infection process.

5) Tincture of golden mustache / beet / further on the list with vodka or alcohol.

Expert commentary: Neither plants, nor ethanol, can cure a person from kidney cytosis. But from the very first intake of such a “medicine” the opposite effect will be visible. Ethanol has a significant effect on the excretory system of a healthy person, what can we say about the load on the kidneys of a sick person. The result is unpredictable and can be very disastrous.

Kidney cyst treatment folk remedies: other means

1) Warming up.

Expert commentary: In no case should you warm the cyst of the kidney. Firstly, it is not known what caused its formation. It could very well be an infectious agent. With increasing temperature - organisms begin to multiply more actively. Secondly, there may be a purulent process. From a high temperature, the cyst can burst, and the purulent contents go beyond its structure. This is fraught with peritonitis or some other form of infection. The method is deadly.

2) Cold.

Expert commentary: cooling the lower back is not so much dangerous as useless. The method is good for intervertebral hernia lumbar, but how the cold can help with cystic is unknown. The recipe is ineffective.


Thus, treating a kidney cyst with the help of popular folk recipes is an absolutely hopeless job in some cases, and extremely dangerous in others.

Not a single drug will work on a cyst effectively: be it traditional (medicamentous) or popular.

The cyst should not be “touched” until it disturbs the patient. In most cases, it is not dangerous. It is necessary to treat the pathology that caused the appearance of the cyst. In some cases, cytosis provokes the development of new diseases: hypertension, etc. In such cases, it should be treated without fail, not with herbs, but with instrumental methods (puncture, surgery).

Taking the same "grandmother's" means, the patient risks aggravating his state of health: without appropriate diagnostic measures, it is impossible to know what caused the cytosis.


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