What dreams of corpses


A modern dream book warns that a dead person, seen in a dream, foreshadows the dreamer blows of fate and failure.

Businessmen should be prepared for financial losses, lovers - a painful break in relations.

There are also many other interpretations, including favorable ones, which we should become familiar with after thorough analysis of every detail of the dream.

Dreamed a corpse in a dream what does it mean

If you are dreaming of a dead person, this may mean the following:

  • to see the corpse of a girl or woman in a dream - soon you will be upset by your friend or girlfriend, who will bring bad news;
  • to see the dismembered corpse of a stranger - you are too much self-digging;
  • to detect the corpses of children in a dream, to consider the dead body of a child - you will have a whole series of troubles, which will be extremely difficult to cope with;
  • to see the body of a dead man, if he is without a head - intrigues and conspiracies are constantly lagging against you, take a closer look at your surroundings, there are enemies in it;
  • hide the body, bury it - you do not want to solve the problems that have fallen on you and often close your eyes to your failures, try to control yourself and become the master of your own life;
  • to see a living corpse on the road, chasing you - your difficulties will end soon and a white streak will come in life;
  • to see a dead body in a grave, in a coffin - soon you will receive the expected result of the work begun;
  • to find a decaying body in the morgue, to smell it - soon your past will overtake you, you will have to pay for the mistakes made earlier;
  • in a dream to see your own corpse - Vanga claims that such a dream promises a quick marriage for a girl, and good health for a man.

What dreams of many corpses

  • If you dream of corpses a lot - this is a happy, auspicious sign, says Tsvetkov. Soon you will receive good news and be completely happy.

However, the modern dream book offers and other interpretations of this dream:

  • dreams of a huge number of corpses floating on the river - all difficulties and hardships will soon disappear from your life, you will feel great relief, life will again be cheerful and pleasant;
  • dreaming of flying dead bodies - without any efforts, glory and success will fall on you, everyone around you will be amazed by your luck;
  • dumping the remains of people into the water is a sad sign, a business to which you devote a lot of time is difficult to call promising, you should leave it and not waste your strength;
  • to see the unburied remains of people in the cemetery - you are completely in the grip of doubt and do not know how to act in a difficult situation.

The corpse of a man in a dream means

If you dream of the corpses of people, pay attention to every detail and all the circumstances of the dream:

  • to see a dead man who is talking and moving - you will have fun, a joyful holiday or just a happy event;
  • a grimacing skeleton appeared to you - you are trying to achieve your intended goal through dishonest means, at the expense of people close to you;
  • to see the dust lying on the table - to success in business, to achieve excellent results in your type of activity;
  • to see human remains in the blood - soon you will feel a big surge of vital energy;
  • notice how the living dead man tries to get out of the coffin - you should not expect joyful changes in the near future;
  • to see the bodies of those who died as a result of the accident - a feeling of hopelessness does not leave you, perhaps you need the help of a professional psychologist;
  • kissing a dead man - Miller states that it promises pleasure and happiness to the dreamer.

If the corpse had a dream in the water

  • If you dream of dead bodies in the water, the dream book says that it is to the care of all troubles from your life.
  • In a dream, to see the dead body of a woman in the water, the ashes of a beautiful girl in a pond - to parting with a loved one, to a long separation and sorrow.
  • To see the dead body of a child floating on the river - pay attention to the health of your own children, be sure to show them to the doctor.
  • To see the remains of a person in a lake, eaten by fish, you are afraid of change and let your life take its course, instead of changing it for the better. Drop the fear and act, otherwise it will be too late.

What dreams of dead animals

  • To dream of dead animals - to the exacerbation of chronic ailments or to new serious diseases.
  • Seeing the dog's body on the road - your business will soon go uphill, the atmosphere in the house will improve significantly.
  • To a woman such a dream foreshadows the non-fulfillment of a cherished desire, or a speedy divorce from her husband
  • If you dreamed a cow carcass - this is a serious illness, be sure to consult a doctor.
  • A dead cat is dreaming - an enemy will disappear from your life or a person who is just unpleasant to you.
  • The dust of a black cat foreshadows a dangerous fight with an insidious enemy, and a woman - a victory over a rival.


Watch the video: Serve - DreamingAmongCorpses (July 2024).