Treatment of hemorrhoids with folk remedies: the most effective recipes for alternative medicine. Is it possible to treat hemorrhoids folk remedies?


Hemorrhoids do not live normally. It creates discomfort in the rectal area. Hemorrhoids are usually accompanied by chronic constipation and bleeding.

This problem is delicate, so many are not in a hurry to seek help from a doctor. In this case, you can use simple recipes offered by traditional medicine. They are most effective in the initial stage of the disease.

Treatment of hemorrhoids folk remedies - candles

1. Well removes inflammation and relieves the pain of a candle from an ordinary potato. It is made the size of a finger, removing sharp corners. It is best to insert a candle before bedtime, after having previously lubricated the anus and the candle itself with vegetable oil.

When properly applied, such a folk remedy helps to get rid of hemorrhoids in 10 days.

2. When using hemorrhoids candied honey candles. For the preparation of this tool in advance put honey in the fridge. Then, just before use, a small piece of cone-shaped honey is cut out and quickly inserted into the anus.

3. Another proven recipe for getting rid of hemorrhoidal lumps. Prepare it like this: do butter candles (elongated pieces of oil are frozen). Then, before use, they are removed from the freezer and dipped in streptocide powder (1 tablet of medicine is pounded). While the candle has not melted, it is quickly introduced into the anus. This procedure is best done at night.

The effect of this tool is already visible in 2-3 days. But only if the disease is not running.

4. Sea-buckthorn oil candles are an emollient wound healing agent. Prepare them simply. At bedtime, you must moisten a cotton swab in oil and insert it into the anus.

5. Chamomile has anti-inflammatory action. Therefore, it is actively used in folk medicine for the treatment of many diseases, including hemorrhoids. For cooking chamomile candles first medicinal decoction is prepared: 1 tablespoon of raw materials is poured with a glass of boiling water and cooked in a water bath for several minutes.

Then the broth is filtered, cooled, poured into a rubber fingertip or a cut-off finger of a rubber glove. Well fixed and put in the freezer. After the broth freezes, it is gently inserted into the anus. It is necessary to hold such a candle until it dissolves.

6. Garlic has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. From it prepare candles for hemorrhoids. Cut a peeled garlic clove along it, dip it in vegetable oil or Vaseline, and gently insert it into the anus. Leave a candle at night.

And another recipe for garlic candles. For its preparation, peel 3 cloves of garlic, thoroughly rub them, mix with butter. Then the mixture is placed in pre-cut foil cones and frozen in the freezer.

The size of the mold is the size of the candle that will be inserted into the anus. This tool is used after each bowel movement.

Treatment of hemorrhoids folk remedies - ointment

Hemorrhoids ointments prepared at home are quite effective. Ointments act on the affected areas enveloping and softening. Thanks to them, relief can come from the first days of use.

Hemorrhoids ointment:

1. Propolis - the most valuable product of beekeeping, which is used in the treatment of hemorrhoids. For the preparation of healing ointment, you must take 15 g of propolis, chop it well. Olive or sunflower oil (about 100 g) should be brought to a boil. Then throw propolis at him and boil again. Cool the mixture, strain and apply at bedtime to hemorrhoidal bumps. The treatment is long-lasting, but when applied correctly, the ointment is effective.

2. Calendula famous for its anti-inflammatory properties. On its basis, hemorrhoids ointment is prepared. To do this, take 1 part calendula tincture (sold in a pharmacy) and mix it with 5 parts unsalted soft butter. This tool is used externally with hemorrhoids.

3. Another recipe for healing ointment. A glass of vegetable oil is poured into the enameled container, and a small onion and simmer until onion darkens.

Then crushed crushed butter wax candlegrated potatoes. Pre-steamed and chopped raisins are added to the mixture last. Everything is mixed, remove the dishes from the stove, cool. The resulting thick mass is an ointment for hemorrhoids. Store it in a sealed container in the refrigerator.

4. Hemorrhoid ointment with honey. In one bowl mix a tablespoon of honey and 10 g of crushed propolis. In the other - 50 g of wax and the same amount of vegetable oil. The second composition is boiled for a few minutes over low heat, cooled and mixed with the first. The result is an effective hemorrhoid ointment.

Treatment of hemorrhoids with ointments on average takes about 7 days. The use of any ointment has a positive effect, reducing pain, eliminating the increase in cracking.

Ointments prepared personally from natural ingredients have no less therapeutic effect than those offered by modern pharmacology. The main thing is to use them correctly.

Before each use of this folk remedy must be well washed away. Then you should moisten a piece of bandage in the ointment and insert it into the anus. The procedure is recommended to do at night.

Treatment of hemorrhoids folk remedies - baths

In the treatment of hemorrhoids used different types of baths: cold, warm and steam. In order for such a method of treatment to be beneficial and not harmful - consult with a specialist on what bath is right for you. Hemorrhoids are treated by a proctologist.

1. Cold bath facilitates the patient's condition. To prepare it, cool water is poured into the basin and a sitz bath is taken.

It is best to start the procedure with one minute, gradually increasing your stay in cold water to 5 minutes. A couple of potassium permanganate granules can be added to the water so that the solution becomes pale pink.

2. 4 teaspoons oak bark pour a glass of boiling water and simmer for half an hour. Broth strain and pour into the basin. Bark of an oak well helps at rectal bleedings.

3. Relieves inflammation, soothes and softens tissues hip bathprepared according to this recipe: mix in a basin decoction of chamomile, oak bark, St. John's wort, furatsilina solution in the ratio of 1: 5000, several granules of potassium permanganate. Take this bath for 15-20 minutes.

4. In the treatment of hemorrhoids has proven itself milk and onion bath. To prepare it, take 2 liters of milk, throw 4 onions there and boil the mixture for about 5 minutes. Cool, strain. Sit on this broth 15 minutes daily for two weeks. This tool can not be used for bleeding.

5. Hot tubs have a beneficial effect on the sphincter, soothe pain in hemorrhoids. For the procedure, fill the bath for a third with warm water and sit in it for about 15 minutes. Healing sessions can be repeated several times a day.

6. Steam baths require some preparation. First you need to prepare a shallow metal container, pick up a wooden cover for it, make a hole on the cover (about 5 cm in diameter).

For therapeutic composition used onions and milk. Milk is boiled together with a few onions over low heat for at least an hour. Then the broth is poured into the prepared container, closed with a lid and sit directly above the hole made.

The procedure is performed as long as steam is supplied. In conclusion, it is necessary to lubricate the anal area with petroleum jelly. Steam baths are held every other day. The course of treatment is 10 baths.

Treatment of hemorrhoids folk remedies - diet

Diet plays an important role in the treatment of hemorrhoids. With its help, the work of the intestine is normalized, the microflora is restored, the excess weight goes away.

Diet helps to normalize metabolic processes in the body, eliminate the main causes of hemorrhoids.

With the help of a diet, the bowels work better, emptying occurs regularly, without undue strain.

Vegetables, fruits and cereals should form the basis of nutrition of a person who suffers from hemorrhoids. It is recommended to use buckwheat, oatmeal, barley grits. Do not include rice and semolina in the menu.

Bread is better to choose from wholemeal flour, and pasta - from durum wheat.

It is imperative to use beets, carrots, zucchini, cucumbers, tomatoes. Fruit preference should be given bananas, apples, plums, apricots, dried fruits. In general, all that does not contribute to constipation.

When hemorrhoids eat best low-fat meats and fish. Meals should be steamed or boiled and stewed. Instead of mayonnaise, you can add olive or flaxseed oil to salads to prevent the hardening of feces.

Not recommended eat fatty, spicy, fried foods, as well as fresh bread. When hemorrhoids, it is desirable to abandon strong tea and coffee, jelly, strong alcohol, muffin, chocolate.

Proper nutrition contributes to the natural healing of the body. In addition, a sufficient amount of clean water will help cleanse the body and improve the process of bowel movements.

Hemorrhoids are a serious illness. Traditional methods of treatment help to get rid of it at the initial stage.

If the disease is started, then all the above means will be effective only as an addition to the main treatment, which is prescribed by a specialist.


Watch the video: Hemorrhoid Removal Hemorrhoidectomy (June 2024).