Experts called the exact cause of death Amy Winehouse


The results of the repeated police investigation did not bring much sensation. The death of the English singer Amy Winehouse came due to an overdose of alcohol. This is evidenced by the conclusion of the second coroner's investigation. According to coroner Shirley Radcliffe, the singer died of severe alcohol intoxication.

The level of alcohol found in her blood became fatal. Radcliffe emphasized that Winehouse drank alcohol voluntarily, without experiencing depression or suicidal feelings. Given that Amy did not abuse alcohol for a long time, the last dose became fatal. The first coroner's investigation, conducted immediately after the tragic death of the scandalous singer, came to the following conclusion: the death of Amy Winehouse can be considered an accident.

The reason for the re-investigation was the lack of necessary qualifications from the coroner Susan Greenway, who worked on the case. As you know, in July 20011, Amy Winehouse was found dead in her own house. In the room, the police found several empty bottles of vodka. The singer was only 27 years old. It is widely known that Amy has been trying for years to resist drug and alcohol addiction. Unfortunately for the fans of the talented singer, she did not succeed.


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