The second strip is barely visible - are you pregnant? What to think and do, if there is a weak second strip in the pregnancy test


Pregnancy - you dreamed about it for a long time and with bated breath you are waiting for this moment.

Or does this event cause you fear? In any case, you have acquired a modern pregnancy test, carried out the necessary procedure and saw a weak second strip.

What does this mean, can it be a mistake, and in what ways is the result still being verified, let's look further.

How does a pregnancy test.

The main characteristic is that it is an indicator, an indicator of pregnancy. It determines the human chorionic gonadotropin, which is produced in the body of a woman.

HCG is a special protein hormone produced by the shell of a developing fetus already in the first days of conception. It develops throughout all 9 months. This reagent gradually accumulates in the woman's body and reaches the level to which the test is already responding.

Various types of tests have the ability to determine whether to prepare a woman to become a mother from the first day of the absence of the menstrual cycle, i.e. they will answer the question "yes" or "no."

Types of tests:

1) Paper or cloth test strips - These are tests impregnated with a special reagent (labeled antibodies to hCG). They include test and control area. To find out the result, it is necessary to collect urine in a dry container. Then put a strip strip down to the line of restriction marked by arrows. After waiting less than a minute, the test must be removed and let it dry. During the procedure, urine enters the test area through special channels. On the test zone, you can see one strip, which is the control. If the second band appears, it will mean a positive result, i.e. pregnancy. Keep in mind that both strips should be parallel, of equal thickness and have a distinct clear color. However, it is possible that the result will be obtained when the second bar is barely visible. Repeated use of the specified test is not allowed. It will be possible to carry out additional procedures, which we will discuss below.

2) Tablet Tests - in this case, the test strip is in the so-called. plastic tablet. To use it, you need to apply a drop of urine to the first window with a pipette. If the colorless reagent is colored, it will mean your pregnancy.

3) Inkjet and electronic tests - These are tests of a new generation. They show a more accurate result and are easy to use. You just need to substitute it for a while during urination and after a while see the result. Plus means having a pregnancy, and minus - the absence.

Violation of the instructions to the test - can cause a weak second strip?

In our article we will discuss the first form of the test and its features. Before you use any kind of test, be sure to read the instructions. It will detail the application procedure. However, there are a number of general simple rules, the implementation of which will minimize the appearance of a pale second strip on the test.

1. It is recommended to carry out the specified procedure not earlier than several days after a monthly delay. Young mummies in a hurry on the first day after the retention of the menstrual cycle occurred to use the test. However, this will be a premature action and the result will not give a 100% guarantee. You will also think what it means when you see a weak second strip on a pregnancy test.

2. During the procedure, it is desirable to use morning urine, since it is at this time that it contains a high concentration of the hormone. This advice is advisory in nature, since it is possible to carry out this action at any time of the day, but the accuracy of the result will be questionable.

3. Immediately before the analysis, do not consume large amounts of fluid and various diuretic preparations.

4. The effect of urine on the test should be approximately 10-15 seconds. Inaccurate time keeping can lead to an incorrect result or to the fact that the second strip is barely visible.

5. Be sure to perform hygiene. Failure to comply with this rule may also lead to inaccurate results.

6. Consider that instantly you will not see the result. After the substances react with each other, you can get the necessary information in about 10-15 minutes.

The appearance of a weak second strip on the test - can it be a mistake?

When conducting a pregnancy test, you should always consider the likelihood that he may not give an exact answer to your question. This is the case when the second strip on the test is barely visible. There are possible errors that are divided into two types:

1) false negative - there is a pregnancy, but the test shows a negative result or the second strip is barely visible;

2) false positive - there is no pregnancy, but the test shows a positive result or the second strip is pale. This is a fairly rare occurrence, since the probability of such an outcome is very low.

Consider the reasons.

1. The presence of pregnancy. In practice, very often an erroneous result indicates the presence of pregnancy.

2. The second strip may be barely visible in the case when there is no pregnancy.

3. You spend very early test. The minimum content of the HCG reagent leads to the fact that it is very weakly manifested in the pregnancy test. You may see this result if you conduct a test on the first day after a possible conception (sexual intercourse), a week before menstruation or in some cases on the first day of the delay of menstruation.

4. Poor quality test. This option also cannot be ruled out, since very often there are cases when a weak second bar indicates that the pregnancy test is damaged, expired or defective. You should be alerted if both strips have a blurry and unexpressed color, the control zone is stained or a red stripe appears below. Be sure to check the expiration date on the package.

5. Low sensitivity test. Modern tests are characterized by sensitivity from 10 to 25 mME / ml. If the sensitivity of the test is not high, then in the early stages the rate of pregnancy may be distorted.

6. Big hit of liquid on the test. Improper use of a young mommy test can also lead to an erroneous result.

7. Violation of the menstrual cycleassociated with any neural shocks or hormonal disorders can lead to a false result.

8. Use of the test after abortion. At this time, the woman's level of chorionic gonadotropin in the blood is still at a high level and has not decreased. In addition, she is prescribed antibiotics and contraceptives that are necessary to restore hormonal levels. Substances in their composition can lead to incorrect results.

9. A pale second strip may appear in the case when a woman has long taken fertility drugs, if it has disorders in the functioning of the kidneys, various tumors or other pathologies.

10. In the case of artificial inseminationThe hormones used can also show the appearance of a second pale stripe. Here the test should be carried out at least two weeks after fertilization;

11. Fading pregnancyi.e. in fact, it is, but for some reason it has ceased to develop. In the early stages, a woman may not identify signs of missed abortion. However, it should alert the sharp cessation of signs that have appeared (the chest has stopped hurting, there is no toxicosis), lower abdominal pain, increased bleeding or fever.

12. Ectopic pregnancy. In this case, the second strip remains pale even after two weeks of delay. Additional signs of such a pregnancy may include: pulling pain in the lower abdomen, in the lower back or in one of the ovaries, as well as spotting.

Important: a pregnancy with pathologies is a danger to the life and health of a woman.

How to check the result to make sure the reasons for the appearance of a barely noticeable second strip on the test?

When using a pregnancy test, you should always remember that only an experienced doctor of a medical institution can give you a guaranteed result. However, if you are not ready and want to find out what a weak second strip on a pregnancy test means, then we offer you the following options.

1. Repeated diagnostics. The easiest way, which involves repeated testing, taking into account all the necessary factors. Do not pass it immediately on the same day. Wait a few days after receiving the initial total, it will increase the chance for a more specific and more correct result. If the repeated analysis has left you in doubt, it is recommended to carry out the following procedures.

2. Blood on hCG. HCG is a hormone that is produced in a woman’s body exclusively during pregnancy. It allows you to block the onset of menstruation and increase the production of hormones necessary to maintain pregnancy. At the very beginning it rises in the blood and then in the urine. Because of this, a blood test will give more correct results even earlier in time for a few weeks. Also, the content of the specified hormone in the blood is significantly higher than in the urine. The specified blood test can be performed immediately on the first day of the delay of the menstrual cycle or 20-30 days after the first day of the last menstruation. The level of hCG in her blood depends on how long a pregnant woman is at. Until week 12, it rises about twice every 48 hours and then begins to decline.

3. Ultrasound. The ultrasound procedure will help confirm the presence or absence of pregnancy, in time to identify possible complications or diseases of the fetus. However, it should not be abused. The first scheduled ultrasound is prescribed after the 10th week. But, if necessary, it is possible to conduct an ultrasound at earlier periods.

4. The doctor's consultation. Be sure to perform this procedure, regardless of what results showed previous analyzes. At the initial admission, you will have to give the date of the beginning of the last menstruation, which contraceptives you used and whether you have chronic diseases or are allergic to any drugs. Examination of the doctor will confirm or deny the fact of pregnancy, as well as determine the subsequent tactics of pregnancy. In contrast to test strips and other tests, according to the results of a hCG and ultrasound scan, doctors will be able to determine the duration of your pregnancy.

Thus, a woman in any case should seek the advice of doctors, since her health and, in the presence of pregnancy, her unborn child depend on this. If you intend to maintain a possible pregnancy, this can be done not immediately, but after a couple of weeks from the onset of the appearance of a weak second strip, provided that there are no pains, secretions and other unpleasant symptoms.


Watch the video: Pregnancy Test Line Progression. February 2017 (June 2024).