Causes of dizziness during pregnancy. Can dizziness during pregnancy be harmful to the health of the baby


At first glance, dizziness during pregnancy seems to be a minor ailment, which is sometimes undeservedly ignored.

However, it can also indicate serious diseases.

Consider this issue in more detail.

Reasons (sources)

Remember that dizziness during pregnancy without additional painful symptoms - this is a normal and explainable phenomenon. Due to the fact that the body of a pregnant woman is undergoing tremendous changes - weight increases, hormonal changes and fluctuations in blood pressure occur, blood volume increases - all this affects the blood supply system and can cause dizziness. And if a young mother was tormented by bouts of malaise (motion sickness in transport, periodic weakness and impaired trajectory, inability to stay in a stuffy room, etc.), then, most likely, during pregnancy she will also experience a feeling of dizziness (disturbance of the body in space )

No need to panic about this, but need to understand the true causes of the disease and its types:

1) systemic, in which disorders occur in one of the parts: visual, vestibular, muscle. In this case, diagnosis and appropriate treatment are necessary;

2) physiological, which may have a cause caused by neurogenic factors (stress, overwork, various diets).

Dizziness can be caused by a central brain disease (tumor, trauma) or an inner ear disease (peripheral dizziness).

Features for different periods of pregnancy:

1 trimester (increased additional blood circulation occurs): dizziness is the first sign of pregnancy. At this time, it can cause natural causes: heat, stuffiness, sudden movements, toxicosis.

2 trimester: The body responds slowly to changes. Here, the reasons can be either natural or other: a long stay in one position, pressure drops, anemia. Also at this time it is necessary to find out all possible violations in the body and exclude pathology.

3 trimester (most dangerous): the uterus begins to prepare for the process of labor, due to which the blood rushes more and more, leaving the brain without sufficient blood flow.

The causes of dizziness during pregnancy can be as follows:

1. The most common is circulatory disturbance in the vessels of the brain. That is, in vessels that are too narrow or too wide, stagnation of blood movement can occur. The reason for this is the lack of oxygen, which is necessary for proper nutrition of the brain. The formation of a blood clot is also possible.

2. Low blood pressure (hypotension). The main cause of dizziness during pregnancy is associated with the growth of hormones that cause blood vessels to relax and expand. This helps to increase blood flow to the baby, but at the same time slows the return of blood in the veins to the expectant mother. For this reason, its pressure is lower than usual, which can reduce the flow of blood to the brain, and accordingly cause a violation of coordination.

3. High blood pressure (hypertension), which can cause changes in the vessels of the placenta and the fetus. And if the child does not have enough oxygen and nutrients, then a delay in his intrauterine development may occur. It can also lead to premature detachment of the placenta and, which is very dangerous, to gestosis - impaired functioning of the cardiovascular and circulatory systems.

4. Low blood sugar. Pregnant women should drink plenty of fluids and take snacks throughout the day to keep their blood glucose levels low. 5. Pressure on the blood vessels. Your ever-growing belly adds pressure and a kind of stress to the blood vessels surrounding the uterus. Especially it begins to be noticeable from the second trimester. It can also be one of the causes of dizziness.

6. Anemia - This is an indicator of low red blood cells (hemoglobin) in the blood, which is characteristic for the period of pregnancy and also causes dizziness. Anemia can most often be caused by iron deficiency. When anemia is observed, the brain and other organs do not receive enough oxygen due to the low level of red blood cells.

7. Neurological disease, which is characterized by periodic severe headache in one part of the head (migraine) It can be so strong that it can cause a woman to feel nauseous and dizzy.

8. Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine It is a dangerous disease, as it is accompanied by infringement of the nerve of the spinal cord and impaired intracranial circulation.

9. Decreased thyroid function often causes malaise.

10. Epilepsy - A disease of the nervous system, which is characterized by sudden seizures, loss of consciousness. This condition can be observed in a pregnant woman.

11. Head injuries (concussions, bruises, squeezing, hemorrhages) are characterized by similar symptoms, regardless of the condition of the person, especially the woman.

12. Meniere's disease (inner ear disease) - is rare in a pregnant woman, but can lead to irreparable consequences such as the formation of malformations in the fetus.

13. Colds (ARI), SARS, influenza. Dizziness is one of the symptoms of these diseases.

14. Some medications, even vitamin, can cause dizziness if used improperly.

15. Peremptory fact is the presence of dizziness in pregnant women in case of abuse of alcohol, drugs or toxic substances. Moreover, the above ailment will be the most harmless, in comparison with other consequences.

16. Violation of the vestibular apparatus may occur if you sharply turned your head, stood up. Also, similar symptoms can be detected if the pregnant woman is in a crowd of people in a hot and stuffy room.

How can I diagnose

In most cases, the process of establishing a diagnosis of dizziness during pregnancy is not required. Just lie down and the malaise will pass. But if the painful condition does not go away, then you need to contact a specialist. It can be:

1) Gynecologistwho will check whether your dizziness is a consequence of the pathology of the fetal development, a sign of an ectopic pregnancy. This specialist, together with a neurologist, will prescribe treatment for osteochondrosis of the vertebral section. He will also make a conclusion about the possibility of having an MRI if it is prescribed and which procedures will be contraindicated.

2) Neurologist or neuropsychiatrist - These are the main doctors who will diagnose dizziness during pregnancy. To do this, you must first pass a urine test for sugar, for protein, for the presence of ketone bodies and white blood cells, which can indicate a variety of impaired body functions in a young mother. It is also necessary to take a blood test for sugar, hemoglobin in the blood, as well as for biochemistry. In some cases, they can prescribe an ultrasound scan, take x-rays of the cervical spine, or perform magnetic resonance imaging of the vessels.

You may need and other doctorsHowever, this issue will be resolved individually. The main goal of medical intervention is to exclude various processes characteristic of pathology, the treatment of which will be dangerous during pregnancy.

What are the preventive measures and methods for treating dizziness during pregnancy?

Here are some helpful tips to reduce dizziness:

1) try not to stand for a long time. If this is a necessary measure, then make your legs move;

2) get up slowly from a sitting or lying position (this is especially important when you leave the bath);

3) eat regularly to avoid long breaks between meals. Have a snack during the day. Iron-rich foods are especially useful;

4) avoid hot baths or showers;

5) try to lie less on your back, especially as you reach the middle of the second trimester;

6) wear loose and comfortable clothing to avoid restricting blood circulation;

7) limit physical and sports activities;

8) walk more in the fresh air;

9) do not be nervous! The only thing that should worry mom during pregnancy is the health of her and her baby.

Treatment methods

1. If you feel signs of dizziness, then immediately try to sit down or lie down with your head down.

2. Ventilate the room where you are or go out into the fresh air.

3. Loosen any tight clothing.

4. If dizziness is accompanied by vaginal bleeding or acute abdominal pain, you should immediately consult a doctor. These may be signs of an ectopic pregnancy or placental abruption.

5. With constant dizziness, which is accompanied by a headache, blurred vision, palpitations, an appointment with a doctor is mandatory. This may indicate a severe form of anemia or some other disease.

4. How dangerous is dizziness during pregnancy for an unborn baby?

Short-term attacks of dizziness do not pose any danger to the development of the child. The only thing here is that there is a risk that during such an attack you can simply inadvertently fall. It will reassure here that the child is protected by the thick walls of the uterus, filled with fluid and the skin of the body. Frequent attacks of dizziness will indicate a violation of the processes in the body and may constitute a threat to the mother and child.

Important: Various causes of dizziness during pregnancy can lead to placental insufficiency or its detachment - the main cause of prematurity, the birth of small children and fetal death.

5. The specificity of childbirth.

Short-term dizziness during pregnancy is not the reason why any changes should be made to the process of labor. However, if this ailment speaks of more serious violations in the body of a woman, then doctors, with the help of additional specialists and the necessary measures, will prepare for such features. In some cases, a cesarean section may be required, which will protect the mother and child from various complications and consequences.


Watch the video: Warning Signs - Headaches During Pregnancy (June 2024).