The characteristic signs of the zodiac men will help the ladies to manage them! Horoscope PRO MEN, for WOMEN (exclusive)


To achieve something from a man can be extremely difficult, they are creatures rather “thick-skinned” and dull.

To avoid such problems, it is enough to know what sign of the zodiac is your chosen one and act!


The best way to get what you want from them is to become yours for his friends. He will not understand your hints, but he will heed the advice of his friends. Having received their support, you will be able to manipulate ARIES secretly. Acts not immediately, but for sure.


This is a terrible stubborn, who slowly think. Their weak point is jealousy. With the help of a small provocation from them a lot can be achieved. The main thing is not to replay!


Strange people never know what they want. The best way to get their attention is to be mysterious and sometimes "disappear." It is so easy not to answer calls or be silent with a thoughtful look.


Scary people! Often depicting offended orphans. DO NOT GIVE UP! And besides, “eyes in a wet place” is an exclusively female prerogative.


These predators are the easiest to handle. Admire them. Naive "kings" are easily carried on flattery.


Creatures are reasonable and suspicious, their weak point is vanity. So, even if you are able to single-handedly establish a hadron collider, you should be indecisive and helpless next to it, one that is not able to decide on something on your own.


Romantic and sophisticated nature. An excellent candidate for the role of a knight in shining armor - let him save the unfortunate girl from all sorts of troubles.


The outside is jaded playboy, and inside an unsure teenager. Praise his sexuality, admire his charisma, strong hands and a solid, promising wallet.


Frivolous optimist and fun. So ... cry. For greater effect, you can smudge a few sobs mixed with tears on his jacket, of course.


Stubborn and pragmatic. The main thing is never-never-never doubt him and not show that you disagree with him. Make compliments, and sincere! This is a must; fulfill it and it is all yours.


Individualist, playboy and crazy with genius manners. To manipulate them you need a complete set: tears, flattery and provocation. Here is where to turn.


Emotional and sensitive, like Turgenev ladies who dream of great deeds. Give him what he wants. Let them fight with a leaking tap or nails, and admire, admire! More often remind him of the words of the Bulkakov cat Behemoth: "The Queen is in awe!".

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Watch the video: Zodiac Signs That Make Perfect Couples (July 2024).