Why did I lose a loved one?


Why do we lose loved ones? Do we read little literature about relationships, listen to little advice from people with great life experience? Doesn't intuition tell us that this is exactly what should not be done?

And, nevertheless, many of us again and again attack the same rake, repeating identical mistakes.

Excuses when we are EXACTLY wrong:

"He just isn't the one I need!"
"It's all his fault!"
"If he had called and said this and that ...”
"Now, if he had apologized first ..." etc. etc.

This is all excuses. Ideal men do not exist, and we simply move away from responsibility for building relationships. Remember! You should never expect any actions from him! Do it all by yourself! Do you love him? Right? Show this love, give him joy. Let every moment next to you be for him a fairy tale, and not a terrible nightmare. Believe me, if you create such a sunny, warm atmosphere next to you, then he won’t even think it’s time to get away from you. Doing it sincerely, you will get a lot of pleasure from the fact that your loved one is happy. Happy with you! Is this not enough?

You noticed that the girl always controls the relationship herself: decides how and when to develop further, gives your consent or refusal.
Therefore, appreciate this jewel, because they are built every day for many years, and you can destroy them in an instant.

And now some useful advice for you, my love!

Learn to control your emotions. If you are angry at him, then you should not immediately tell him everything you think about him, his mother, friends and God forbid about ex-girls! It is not you who says it, but the emotions in you.

Come out better in another room, take a breath, eat a tasty candy or a few, so that not a single terrible word fell from your angel mouth. Having kept silent, we receive energy, and with each word - we spend it. Should you waste your precious energy on what you wanted to say? Not? Calm down? Now fine? Already forgot? Well done! When you return to him absolutely calm, in a good mood, he will appreciate this act, especially if before the lava of your exploding emotional volcano, hitting it, it burned his heart painfully.

Learn to understand it. Actually it is a lie. We are different, we will never understand each other the same way we understand our girlfriends. But we won't love the same way either!
As Osho said: "A woman must be loved, not understood."
Why can't we say the same about men? There is something to think about? Fine!

A list of its shortcomings. You take a leaf and write a list of everything that you don’t like about it. What? Not so much? According to psychologists, we notice in others precisely the shortcomings that exist in ourselves.
Now a little work on yourself, love for him, and soon, you will forget about them.

In a relationship, I do not like ... Again, we write a list. Perhaps there are topics that you have long wanted to discuss with him, but either did not dare or did not find time for it. Now is the right moment! Absolutely all problems can be solved through dialogue. It may even turn out that he himself wanted to raise these same topics, but something also interfered with him.

Do not make mountains out of molehills. “He didn’t greet me! Probably, I’m not interested in him anymore!”, “He looked at me strangely somehow!”, “He said this in a strange tone. What happens to our relations ??” Most likely, you thought of all this yourself. No problem, with all sometimes happens.

Be sincere. If you play the role of his favorite character from the book in order to like him, then sooner or later he will understand that he was meanly deceived all this time. Do not be afraid to be with him yourself! There are drawbacks at all. He, too, is not perfect. An excellent way out of this situation would be forgiveness of each other’s shortcomings.

The most precious and valuable thing in life is relationships with people. They do not get as some thing for money. A lot of time and effort is invested in their construction. Just one word, one act can destroy them forever.
For any girl, women are very important relationship with a loved one. So let’s make it so that the phrase “Why did I lose a loved one?” Never flew from our lips ...


Watch the video: Coping with Losing a Loved One (July 2024).