What dreams dough


Bread is a daily familiar meal on the table, although not every housewife is engaged in baking. Some even have a bad idea of ​​what oparah looks like.

Therefore, a dream with such content carries its own symbolism and meaning. In general, interpreters agree on the positive meaning of the dream associated with the test.

But to understand the exact prediction of the dream book, you need to remember the story in more detail.

I dreamed of a woman dough what does it mean

To see the sleeping dough in a dream means to provide oneself and family with well-being and material wealth.

Such a dream has a special meaning for women:

  • dreaming of the dough to the woman - this foreshadows pregnancy;
  • man - to the new romantic love affection;
  • dreamed of a girl - to changes in personal life;
  • a pregnant woman had a dream — an easy flow of an “interesting” position;
  • buying it - to the desire to change the nature of their intimate personal life, try to cope with sexuality;
  • dirty it - to a strange event that could turn the current situation;
  • the summer dream book binds the dream of the bale with responsibility, the autumn dream promises a profit.

Knead the dough in a dream for what it is

Usually such a dream is a good sign, but the higher forces give a hint that efforts should be made to get the desired result. More specific values ​​for popular dream books are:

  • Veles dream book explains this vision as a sign of the fulfillment of the plan, receiving good news;
  • Tsvetkov's dream book foreshadows the dreamer receiving the necessary news in the letter;
  • according to Miller’s dream book, such a dream is to justify aspirations;
  • Vanga's dream book links such a dream with the impending search for amusements, entertainment;
  • throw off the dough - to disappointment in loved ones;
  • another interpretation connects such a vision - with the arrival of guests awake in the house of the sleeper;
  • try mixed flour mass - to failure;
  • dreamed that opara does not rise after kneading - to a crisis in finances, which will be difficult to get out of;
  • the girl dreams to knead it - to a new love, a promising interesting position promises the woman;
  • I dreamed of minimizing it, gathering it from the edges, and rolling it out - to a fortunate circumstance that would avoid ruin;
  • I dreamed of kneading barley dough - to obtain a significant material amount, power and victory over rivals thanks to diligence.

If you dream yeast dough in a dream what does it mean

Matters for interpretation and baking base for future baking:

  • yeast - to career take-off, change of job, salary increase, favorable assignments;
  • a man has dreamed a boil over yeast brew — this is a tip for stopping alcohol abuse;
  • Rising Yeast - to risk loosening someone else's secret, a dream warns you to be more careful;
  • lush yeast dough dreams to get money;
  • Dreambook Grishina argues that what he saw yeast brew promises that the dreamer will have to achieve his goals on his own;
  • fancy - to pacified calm, positive events in life;
  • fresh - to the hassle around the work begun;
  • puffiness - to problems due to inconsistency of actions;
  • to see how the dough in a dream turned into clay - to monetary losses.

Knead dough with your hands

This substance is awake with hands. What does it mean if you dream of kneading elastic dough by hand in a dream?

  • Knead with his hands - to search for new sensations, to disappointment in the feelings experienced.
  • Moreover, if you have to do this a man, then the dream promises a new acquaintance and romantic tender love.
  • But in a dream to knead his married woman hands foreshadows the desired pregnancy.
  • Such a dream promises a lonely woman a wedding and future family happiness.
  • The girl knead his hands - to a quiet life, the blessing of fate.
  • A popular English dream book promises a girl who has had such a dream, a meeting with the groom, and a family woman - unlimited happiness.
  • A woman to see how the ferment runs away - to a more agile rival.
  • To knead quickly suitable kvashnya - to prompt events.
  • I dreamed of kneading dough on pancakes - to a ridiculous situation that would cast a shadow on the dreamer's reputation.
  • Another version of the interpretation of such a dream promises a pleasant meeting, and the pancakes themselves dream of revealing talents.
  • Dreaming to knead the bread and sourdough - one should be wary of adventures that can ruin a career.
  • On dumplings to roll out the product - to the unanswered fervent feelings.
  • A girl to see herself with a rolling pin - to risk harming her reputation by mindless flirting.
  • The oven from the prepared mass - to reward for the work.

Roll out the dough in a dream which means

  1. Modern dream book deciphers the message to the sleeper, in which he dreams that he rolls the dough, to a complete solution and settlement of the housing issue.
  2. Dreamed of rolling his hands - the dreamer should rely only on himself and his strength in achieving his plans.
  3. Sculpture out of it - to the amendment of the material status.
  4. If it sticks to your hands in a dream - This promises a woman scandals in the family.

If you dream raw what does that mean

  • To see raw brew in a dream - to humiliation.
  • There is a raw substance - to the black strip of failures in the life of a sleeper.
  • Crumpling raw dough - to low-paid labor.
  • The dream, in which the woman had a chance to see her hair in a raw dough, foreshadows tiredness from the routine and warns to pacify curiosity.


Watch the video: What does Dough dreams mean? (June 2024).