Salmon cream soup - delicious charm! Recipes for Finnish Soups with Cream - the secrets of health and success from the ancient Vikings


The rather severe climate of the Scandinavian countries played its role in the culinary traditions of the peoples inhabiting the peninsula - the descendants of the ancient Vikings.

Minimum of ingredients and their high calorie content, which gives strength and energy for life, is not very settled at first, in the conditions of the harsh climate of the North Atlantic coast.

Coincidentally, these same places - still remain an excellent habitat for salmon, spawning in shallow water at temperatures close to zero.

Noble salmon - a predator, whose daily ration, again, due to the cold severity of the Atlantic waters, is a smaller, but very nutritious fish, which allows salmon quite successfully overcome considerable distances in cold waters and reproduce in natural conditions, overcoming the flow of rivers.

Not surprisingly, the meat of salmon contains a total of 22 minerals, an almost complete set of vital vitamins, and a valuable set of amino acids, including Omega 3.

Such a source of valuable protein, allowing build muscle for long hikes, protecting against many diseases and warming in the cold, could not help but attract the attention of the Vikings.

Later, when the nomadic conquerors finally gained their land and moved to a settled way of life, dairy food appeared in their daily menu, with a no less rich set of elements for vitality. The combination of dairy products with fish is inherent mostly in the cuisine of the peoples of Sweden, Denmark, Finland and the Republic of Karelia.

Ukha is an ancient dish, as indicated by the presence of this word in Sanskrit, which numbers three and a half millennia of its existence. Initially, the word "ear" meant the word "broth", without a specific indication of meat, fish or vegetables. And only around the middle of the last millennium, among the Slavic peoples who preserved the influence of Sanskrit in their own language, did the word "ear" imply a fish soup - broth. Since then, they began to distinguish between the ear and the types of the main fish, and the method of cooking, for example: ear from pike, ear of sterlet or ear red, ear sweet.

By the way the name "salmon" also exists only in Russian. Some peoples of the North call noble salmon just fish, as if making it clear that this is real fish, not like some. Although, given that the salmon "does not sit still," traveling both in the sea and in fresh water, unlike some relatives, it is, in fact, a real fish. The main thing is to cook properly.

In Russian traditions, the ear was and still is a dish based on concentrated fish broth with a minimum set of ingredients. But, as they say, “tastes do not argue,” and even more so - in cooking. Every ear has the right to exist - it would be delicious and would be good for the body.

So, in more detail about the red fish soup in Finnish, with cream and other recipes of the best fish soup of salmon, with cream.

Salmon soup, with cream - the basic technological principles

Fish soup in Finnish, with cream, like any fish soup - rich fish broth. Although the broth should be absolutely transparent for the classic soup, compliance with the technology would not be superfluous. Finnish soup with cream is a festive soup, and various small particles that do not harmonize with creamy softness of taste are not needed in it.

Secrets of clear and rich broth

The basis of any soup - fish broth. It must be nourishing to such an extent that it can turn into a jelly-like mass when cold. To achieve this effect, bones, tails, and fish heads are needed for the broth. The bigger, the better. They begin to cook in cold water, after removing the gills. Water needs to be taken so that the fish parts are covered, with a margin. The broth is cooked on low heat. It is important not to miss the moment of foaming, so that the broth is not cloudy. For a noble salmon soup, with cream, muddy broth is not a disaster, but the transparency still affects the taste of fish soup. Along with the foam removes a specific fishy smell. Duration of cooking - up to forty-forty-five minutes - the water should be sated with nutrients.

Simultaneously with a set of bones, heads and tails of fish, roots and spices are cooked. They are added to improve the flavor of salmon soup, with cream, but at the same time, make sure that the smell of complementary ingredients is not dominant. When adding spices, fish’s fat content is taken into account - for oily fish soup in Finnish, with cream, you will need more spices.

The salmon itself, despite its enormous nutritional value, is considered medium-fat fish, but given that the dish also contains a fat component - cream, a little increase in the content of spices will not be superfluous.

You can use washed and peeled whole vegetables directly for boiling broth, and then, after preparing the broth, remove them from the pan. Then cut the vegetables, depending on the recipe. Fresh, green leaves are better to throw in a plate, before serving.

The choice of fish for fish soup also matters. In general, it is believed that the more types of fish used for cooking, the tastier and sweeter the ear. Such an ear is called a national team, with a mandatory indication of the main type of fish used in its preparation.

Of course, the best ear of salmon, with cream - made from fresh fish, and it is desirable that the fish be caught not on the way to spawning, and not in an artificial place of cultivation. In cases where the salmon ear in Finnish, with cream, is prepared from frozen salmon, the fillets should be dipped in boiling water without first defrosting, and cook for no more than twenty minutes so that the salmon pulp does not become too hard and coarse.

How to add cream in the ear

For fish soup in Finnish, with cream, the presence of cream is more important than the fat content. The fact is that in the understanding of the Finns, the ear can be either with milk - on weekdays, or with cream - on holidays. With the addition of fresh milk to boiling water, as a rule, there are no problems. Another thing - cream. Regardless of their fat content - there is always the risk of spoiling the dish from the fact that due to the difference in temperature they can curl up. To prevent this from happening, before you thicken your ear in Finnish, with cream, they are preheated or boiled and then poured into the boiling ear. You can use another way: in a small amount of warm broth dilute some flour or starch, add this mass to the cream and then pour into the pan. In the second case, the ear of salmon, with cream will get more dense and high-calorie.

The Karelian or Irish dairy ear is prepared somewhat differently. To achieve the creamy taste of the soup in these kitchens, a combination of milk and butter is used. This method gives almost the same result as with a fish soup in Finnish, with cream, with the only difference that in these recipes some additional ingredients are used.

Ear of salmon, cream or fish soup - the name does not matter for taste. You can appreciate the taste of this dish and its virtues only by trying to cook it according to any of the suggested recipes.

Recipe 1. Festive team of salmon ear, with cream and millet, in Russian

To make this soup, potatoes can be used, but the cereal component, in combination with cream, will create a complete and very harmonious combination, where the potato is superfluous. The final decision is at the discretion of the cook. Let's start with the recipe of salmon soup, with cream, in the traditional Russian style. In the preparation of such soup, the Russian stove will be successfully replaced by a gas or electric oven.

For broth, you can take two or three or more types of river or sea fish. If the fish is river water, then add vodka at the end of cooking the broth to eliminate the smell of mud. For saltwater fish, adding vodka is optional. The highlight of this recipe is cooking the soup in ceramic pots, but for starters, fish broth is boiled in a regular, non-oxidizing saucepan, without a lid - as in principle, any soup is cooked.


For fish broth:

• Crucian carp, perch, rudd 1.7 - 2 kg

• Bow

• Root: parsnip, carrot, parsley

• Water 3 liters

• Spices: leaves, bay; bell pepper

• Vodka 50 -150 ml

For fish soup:

• Fresh, chopped dill

• Groats, millet150 g

• Sliced ​​onions 250 g

• Salmon (fillet) 0.8 kg

• salt

• Eggs 2 pcs.

• Yolk whipped with water 1 pc.

• Carrot, grated 100 g

• Drinking cream 400 ml

• Flour 350 g

• Low-fat sour cream (for dough) 125 g

• Water (for the test) 100 ml

Preparation Procedure:

Peeled, without gills, entrails and scales, small fish is washed with running water, placed in a pan and covered with cold water. The broth is cooked over very low heat, constantly removing the foam. When the foam stops, pour 50 ml of vodka into each liter of water and let it simmer a little. After that, put 2-3 whole onions in the pan, washed, without the top cover layer and cut off the root part. Carrots and parsnips, too, put entirely. Season with laurel leaves and several peas of pepper - allspice and black. Cook for about 20 minutes, after which the broth is carefully filtered. While broth is boiling, knead the dough, as for dumplings from sour cream, water, eggs and flour, adding salt to it. In each pot put a spoon of washed millet, onions and carrots. Salmon slices are put on top, cut into strips or cubes, salted and peeled, if necessary. Sprinkle the fish on top with fresh, chopped dill. The cream is brought to a boil and poured into the hot broth - all boiled together again. Ready milk fish broth is poured into pots, filling them in ¾ volume. Circles, slightly larger than the diameter of the pot, are cut out of the dough rolled into the layer and pierced with a knife so that steam can freely escape during baking. The pots are covered with a dough cake, smeared with a mixture of yolk and water. The pots are sent to a preheated oven (160 ° C) until the dough is browned.

Recipe 2. Finnish soup, with cream - student and anti-crisis option

The proposed option of soup, really helps to make the student menu varied, and most importantly does not take much time. This recipe is an authentic, economical version of a hearty lunch. In fact, the salmon is good, but, by and large, it is still a salmon. And natural salmon, in its own juice, from a tin can is a godsend for the student budget. Similar to Finnish soup with cream, this dish will make a real creamy taste and frozen fish broth cubes, which can be prepared in advance from any small fish caught, say, on weekends, spent relaxing on a local pond.


• Cream, drinking 250 ml

• Salmon, natural (canned) 2 cans

• Thawed broth, fish 1.5 l

• Carrot 150 g

• Ghee 75 g

• Oil, refined 30-50 ml

• Potato 250-300 g

• Celery root or stalk 50 g

• Dill, fresh 70 - 80 g

• Flour

• Onions, chopped 200 g

• Spices

• Lemon, juice ½


Defrost the broth, putting it on a sieve, pre-lined with gauze or disposable napkins - so you can get the most transparent broth, if it was not cleaned before freezing. Part of the broth, about 0.5 liters, leave to dilute the flour and hot cream. First, quickly stirring the broth, pour a couple of tablespoons of flour into it, and then introduce it to the beginners to boil the cream.

In boiling broth, throw peeled and diced potatoes. Throw in the pan peeled celery root. It can be cooked whole, so that the broth becomes fragrant, and then removed, but it can also be finely rubbed. Add bay leaves and some ground pepper mixture. While the vegetables are boiling, sauté the finely chopped onion and grated carrot in butter. We take out of the pot bay leaves and celery root, which had time to give their smell to the broth. We transfer the cooked passerovka to the pan, immediately sending in it the brewed cream and the contents of the cans, along with the juice. Remove the spinal parts from the salmon, if necessary. Immediately after boiling, season the fish soup in Finnish, with cream, zest of lemon halves and squeeze the juice out of it. Sprinkle with chopped dill in a tureen, before serving.

Recipe 3. Salmon soup, with cream - cream soup with fish meatballs

This dish is difficult to prepare. But the most exacting tasters will be satisfied with the result. The most troublesome part is cooking meatballs, but they are the “highlight” of the dish.


• Classic fish broth - 3 l

For meatballs:

• 1 egg

• 0.8 kg salmon, without bone

• Onions 100-120 g

• 200 grams of boiled rice

For soup:

• Rennet cheese 250 g

• 15-20 g of potato flour

• 1 onion

• 50 ml of refined oil (better than olive oil)

• 300 ml of drinking cream

• 150 g carrots

Preparation Procedure:

If we conditionally divide the preparation of dishes into three parts, then it will go faster.

Concentrated broth is prepared as usual. At the time we set aside ready and filtered broth.

From the second part of the products we prepare mince, with a teaspoon we form balls. Boil them in broth and also leave them aside. We proceed to the preparation of the cream. Vegetables are stewed in a skillet to the softness, starch diluted with water is added to them. Next in the blender they interrupt cheese with cream, add the right amount of broth to the mixture to get the consistency of the sauce. Stewed vegetables are thrown here. We bring the finished creamy mass to the boil and send the meatballs to it. Cream soup is ready and it remains to decorate it before serving.

Recipe 4. Soup - salmon soup, with cream and tomato dressing, in Norwegian

The story is silent about where and when salmon soup with cream in the recipe included tomatoes as an ingredient, but fish with tomato dressing is no less tasty. The next recipe is the Norwegian version. This dish has two cooking methods. In the first version, all the vegetables are thrown into boiling water, without browning, and in the second, they are lightly spiked in a saucepan, using any oil, vegetable or butter. Trout can be used with salmon.


• Cream, fat (not less than 30%) 400 ml

• Tomatoes blanched 400 g

• Water 1.9-2.0 liters

• Carrot 300 - 350 g

• Salmon, trout (fillet) - about 1 kg

• Onions 200 g

• A mixture of ground peppers and salt

• Potatoes 350 - 400 g

• Bay leaf

• Oil for passerovka (by the method number 2)

• Fresh greens and lemon wedges (for serving)


All vegetables for soup - soup, in Norwegian wash, peel and finely chop. It is interesting that for this soup-soup there is no need to boil broth for a long time, since for it they take only the fillets of noble fish and pre-scald it with boiling water. The fillet is boiled for a couple of minutes, after which the blanched fish is transferred to the pan, where the potatoes are already cooked. The fish should cook for no more than twenty minutes, so the potatoes need to be cut so small that it can boil simultaneously with large pieces of fish. 7-10 minutes before the end of cooking, the soup is seasoned with spices and salt, the rest of the prepared vegetables are laid. The finished fish is removed from the soup with a skimmer and put on a plate. The soup is interrupted by a blender, adding boiled cream, and poured into a tureen. The fish is cut into smaller pieces and put in soup soup, decorated with chopped herbs and lemon slices.

Recipe 5.Finnish soup with cream - lohikaytto

The already famous dish of Finnish cuisine has more and more interpretations on the subject of fish soup in Finnish, with cream. On the Internet there are many ways of cooking "lohikaytto". Probably, in a town of almost the same name, this fish soup is cooked in each house in a different way, like many dishes in world cuisine. Without pretending to authorship, we offer one of its options.


• 1 kg of salmon (fillet)

• 1.2-1.5 kg of parts of red fish (ridge, tail, head)

• 2 large onions (1 piece for broth)

• Water 2-2.2 l

• 4 potatoes

• Cream (33%) 0.75 L

• Refined oil (for browning)

• 100 g dill, chopped (for serving)

• salt

• 1 large carrot, grated and 1 pc. - whole, for broth

• 3 bay leaves, pepper, salt


Pour the tail, head and backbone with cold water and, until the broth is boiling, remove the foam. Add bay leaves, a mixture of allspice and black pepper (peas); onion and carrot throw intact. We filter the prepared broth, leaving only clear liquid for the soup. Put the fish fillet in broth and cook it until ready. We reach the fish and throw potatoes in boiling broth, and in five to seven minutes - browned onions and carrots. Boiled fillet cut into cubes and send to the pan, followed by vegetables. Add the salt and pour in a thin stream, stirring the heated cream. We cover the ear with a lid and set aside minutes for 15. Chopped dill, traditionally, add when serving.

Recipe 6. Sweet salmon soup, with cream and rice, Cossack

For this type of salmon soup, with cream, as well as for any sweet fish soup, there is a significant amount of diced carrot. It is no secret that this root crop has a significant amount of sugars, which really give not only sweetness to dishes, but also beautiful color.


• A set of small fish for broth (ruff, pike perch) - 2 kg

• Salmon fillet - 0.7 kg

• Water 3.0 liters

• Potatoes, chopped 0.5 kg

• Cream, non-fat 1.0 l

• Rice 120-150 g

• Vodka 200 ml

• Onions, 200 g

• Carrot 450-500 g

• Root - celery and parsley

• Fresh, chopped parsley

• Salt, bay leaves, peppercorns


Rice washed and soaked for at least half an hour. Vegetables cut into cubes, including carrots, but more finely. Wash fish for broth, remove unnecessary parts. Sudak, if it is whole, is cut into fillets and secondary parts. In the finished broth pour vodka. Perch fillet cooked with salmon, after the broth bones are filtered. For the broth, they also take a portion of onions and carrots to boil them with parsley and celery roots whole. After straining in a yushka, cook the fillets, take it out and stop cooking the potatoes before cooking. Potatoes are caught with a skimmer and mashed, then returned to the pan with carrots, rice and onions. The cut fillet is added at the very last turn and allowed to boil. At the end of the preparation, hot cream is poured into the ear and left to infuse for 8-10 minutes, covered with a lid. Finished soup sprinkled with herbs and served.

Recipe 7. Amber cream salmon soup with cream

Amber ear from salmon makes saffron, which is very well combined not only with the taste of red fish, but also with dairy components.

Composition of products:

• Fish set for 2 kg broth

• Fatty cream 0.4 l

• Salmon 500-600 g

• Potatoes 700 g

• salt

• Root: carrot, onion, parsley, fennel

• Spices: a set of peppers, peas, saffron, bay leaf

• Water 1.8 l


Broth for fish soup and fish fillets are boiled as described above. In the ready and filtered broth all vegetables are cooked, until complete softness. In the boiled cream add saffron. Vegetables are ground with a blender, with the gradual addition of hot cream and slightly cooled fish broth. The ear is brought to a creamy consistency, after which it should be allowed to boil. Boil gently, stirring constantly, so that it “does not run away” and does not burn. Slices of fish fillet and greens are added to the finished cream soup.

Recipe 8. Salmon soup, with cream, in Irish style

There are recipes soup using champagne. Irish soup, with shrimps and mussels, is no less exquisite.


• Smoked bacon or bacon - 100 g

• Salmon (fillet) 400 g

• Large carrots 150-200 g.

• Baked butter 50 g

• White onion 150g

• Potatoes 300 g

• Low-fat cream 15% 400 ml

• Shrimps and mussels, without leaves 0.5 kg

• Dry wine, white 250 ml

• Salt, cayenne and black pepper

• Dill


Put fried bacon slices on a napkin. Prepare all vegetables and seafood - clean, wash and chop. Finely chopped white onion, carrots and potatoes fry in melted butter. Peeled shrimps and mussels pour wine; cook for another five minutes. Strain the resulting broth, seafood set aside. In the broth we add 300-400 ml of water, and we send pieces of bacon, vegetables and ½ part cream to the pan. Cook until done. Then we throw the salmon fillet (salmon), cut into cubes, and seafood. Cook again, until the fish is ready and pour in the rest of the cream. Ready soup should thicken. Season with spices, and when serving - with fresh dill.

Finnish soup with cream - tips and tricks

• To make the salmon salmon soup with cream, make broth with a lot of fish heads, spicy roots. At the same time observe the measure to preserve the taste and aroma of the fish.

• When adding vegetables to make fish broth, it’s not necessary to chop them finely.

• Before peeling the onions, wash them well. Large slices of onion will fill the ear with juice, and its husks will give an appetizing color.

• To obtain a rich, concentrated, transparent heat, without a pronounced fish flavor, cook the soup in an open dish, avoiding vigorous boiling.


Watch the video: Salmon w olive and sundried tomato Kitchen Charm Canada (June 2024).