March 10: what are the holidays today. Events, name days and birthdays March 10th.


Holidays March 10

Archives Day

Every year on March 10, the Russian Federation celebrates Archives Day. Today this holiday is not considered official, since it was established by the collegium of the archival service of Russia in 2003 and has not yet been fully registered for professional holidays in the country, approved by decree of the President of the Russian Federation in 2000. The date of March 10 was not chosen by chance. The fact is that on this day (according to the old calendar, February 28), 1720, Peter the Great signed the first act in Russia - the "general regulation", in which he determined the foundations of organized public administration, and also introduced a mandatory archiving system in each institution.

The purpose of the archival service is to convey to the population true historical documentation, which contains great cultural value for the future development of the state. As you know, archives contain information that can ensure state sovereignty and national security of the Russian Federation. Archives are constantly replenished; in early 2010, the AF of the Russian Federation had more than 610 million storage units on various media dated from the 10-11th centuries. BC to the present day.

Mother's Day in the UK (date for 2013)

This holiday, celebrated in the UK, is very reminiscent of March 8, and its roots go back to the distant Victorian times, when children at a very young age left their home and sought to earn money on their own. They took part of the earned money to their mothers. On this day, they were allowed to spend the whole day in the parental home. Gifts were also prepared for mothers and grandmothers - flowers or chicken eggs. The tradition of Mother's Day in Britain is to do all the homework for children. Many make homemade gifts, give chic bouquets and other purchased presents.

Day of Geodesy and Cartography Workers (date for 2013)

A professional event, established by presidential decree in 2000, is celebrated in Russia every second Sunday of March. Drawing up geographical drawings was practiced in the distant past. So, the first map of Russia was compiled in 1525, and a century later, the draftsmen made an exact map of Siberia, a copy of which still rests in the Stockholm archive. The profession of a cartographer appeared a little later - during the reign of Peter the Great. Since then, geodesy and cartography in Russia have stepped forward, thanks to the development of technology, science and equipment for accurate large-scale measurements of space.

March 10 in the folk calendar

Taras Sleepless

On March 10, people remember St. Tarasius, who was the patriarch of Constantinople at the turn of the 8th and 9th centuries. History tells us that Saint Tarasius was a man of the kindest soul, he was called the father of the weak, orphans and poor, the protector of the weak and offended, the comforter of the suffering. In addition, several hospitals and sacred cloisters were erected by his efforts.

In Russia, they believed that Father Tarasius helps to fight with pestilence and fever. At that time, fever was personified as a rational being intentionally sowing evil among people. So that the demon could not enter the houses, the peasants prayed to St. Tarasius, who, in their opinion, drove the fever away. It was believed that the power of Tarasia spread only to sleeping people, which is why it was forbidden to sleep on that day until sunset.

Also on March 10, it was impossible to look into the houses from the street through the window, otherwise the power of Tarasia waned, and the fever at that moment could easily take over the human body. There were other unkind omens of Tarasius the Sleepless. For example, if the front door was torn off the hinges, it would be a big trouble. It was believed that if this happens, the owner of the house will soon become seriously ill or will die.

Historical events of March 10

March 10, 241 BC e. - The Romans won the naval battle of the Aegadian Islands. Having defeated the Carthaginian fleet, they put an end to the first Punic War (there were three in all). The main arena of hostilities in the first war was Sicily. The defense of the island was led by Hamilcar Barka. As a result of the battle, a peace treaty was drawn up, according to which Sicily passed to Rome.

March 10, 1889 - Almon Strowger was given a patent for an automatic telephone exchange.

Thanks to the invention, Almon earned the title of "father of all automatic telephone exchanges." And the reason that pushed him to such a step was ... the desire to get rid of an annoying competitor. Strowger owned his own funeral business, and at one fine time a woman got a job at the local telephone exchange, who ended up being the wife of rival Almona. The lady sitting on the telephone line successfully “fused” clients to her husband’s side, and Almon’s business gave a serious crack. Then Strowger began to look for a way out and decided to create the world's first automatic telephone exchange to eliminate the need for an operator connecting the caller to a specific subscriber.

March 10, 1910 - Ban slavery in China

Slaves in China have always been, since the birth of the state. Marked, shaved bald and chained in iron "bracelets", they were a shame for society. In most cases, people who break the law became slaves, less often captives captured in battle. Depending on the gravity of the crime, enslavement could be temporary or awarded for life. Also, Chinese judges could sentence the offspring of slaves to transfer ownership. As statehood developed, laws changed. Slaves began to be treated more respectfully. So they got more and more rights - the right to start a family, the right to receive medical care, a ban on stigmatization, etc. Slaves in China met less and less, in the end, the government decided to grant everyone freedom and prohibit slavery on territory of the country. Failure to comply with the terms of the decision was punishable by law.

March 10, 1923 - Lenin had a third stroke - the most extensive and serious, according to most doctors. As a result of a vascular catastrophe, the right side of the leader was almost completely paralyzed, and Lenin was forced to withdraw from the political scene. Until his death (10 months after a stroke), he could not recover and recapture the world (Lenin practically did not go and did not speak). Doctors were powerless in this situation and could not help the leader.

March 10, 1982 - In the field of cosmology, a truly colossal and bewitching event took place: a parade of planets took place, which represents all the planets of the solar system lined up in a straight line. Astronomers are reassuring, such an event does not lead to any serious consequences. From the Earth that night one could observe a magnificent sight, as a straight line of stars extends to the horizon. However, the event did not last long, since the celestial bodies of any stellar system, including the solar one, rotate in orbits around their hot star.

Born on March 10

- Vasily the Second (Dark) - was born in 1415. The grandson of D. Donskoy, according to his father's will, became a prince from the age of 10. Many relatives tried to challenge the right of the young prince to the throne, but each time Vasily managed to return the princely title.

- In 1628 he was born Marcello Malpigi - An outstanding Italian doctor and biologist. One of the first people in history to use a microscope. Thanks to a multiple increase, he opened the curtain of "cell life" of plants and animals. Subsequently - the author of the book "Plant Anatomy".

- In 1908 was born Joseph Cotinwho became a Soviet designer. His main specialization was heavy tanks. Thanks to him, such famous series as “Klim Voroshilov” and “Joseph Stalin” were created.

- born in 1940 Carlos Ray Norris Jr., known in public circles as Chuck Norris. Having starred in hundreds of films, Norris found his fame and fell in love with many action movie fans.

- march 10th birthday Sharon Stone, which is one of the highest paid, vibrant and sexy actresses in Hollywood. Today, Sharon owns her own production company, she is a loving mother of two adopted children. One of the children was conceived by artificial insemination and born to a surrogate mother.

Birthday March 10

Anastasia, Macarius, Anton, Alexander, Mstislav, Eugene, Nikolai, Taras, Fedor.


Watch the video: Chuck Norris' Birthday and Other Historic Events March 10. This Day in History #49 (June 2024).