Diet for quick weight loss - a description, tips, and examples of the menu.


Diet for fast weight loss - a description and general principles

People resort to diets for quick weight loss when it is necessary to lose a few extra pounds in a short period of time. Indeed, if one or another diet is properly observed, one can easily achieve the desired result. However, in order to fix it, it is necessary to slowly go out of the diet, limit the use of harmful products, and eventually it is better to abandon them completely. While following a diet, it is recommended to increase physical activity, play sports, move more. To avoid dehydration, you need to consume a large amount of water, because the first thing the body tries to get rid of during weight loss is fluid, and muscle mass is also reduced. The body parted with fat less willingly and quickly.

Of course, the loss of extra centimeters is a huge plus of diets, but there are some warnings. Diet for quick weight loss can not be used for a long period of time, since the body lacks nutrients. After a diet, you should not overeat, eat before bedtime, and it is recommended that you continue to move a lot, maintaining physical activity. Such diets can not be practiced too often, there is a risk of increasing irritability, disrupting the metabolism and the digestive tract. These simple rules will help you get the desired result.

Diet for fast weight loss No. 1: Oat diet

Oat diet, in addition to getting rid of unnecessary kilograms, has a beneficial effect on the state of the gastrointestinal tract. Complex carbohydrates, which are part of oatmeal, which, unlike simple ones, are absorbed for a long time, are a source of energy for the body, and also give a feeling of satiety. Starch envelops the walls of the digestive tract, restoring its work. Fiber removes metabolic products and toxins. Oatmeal is rich in trace elements, minerals, vitamins (A, B).

Following an oat diet requires only oatmeal, but some other foods are included to meet the body's protein and fat requirements. Before starting the oat diet, it is recommended that you have a cleansing rice day. In the morning you need to drink rice jelly. You can return to your usual diet after 5 hours. In the diet on this day there can be any products except flour, sweet, fatty. 5 hours before bedtime, you need to stop eating. Rice jelly is prepared as follows: pour four tablespoons of rice overnight with a liter of water, boil in the same water for 1 hour in the morning.

After a cleansing day, you can proceed to the diet itself. The principle is simple - only oatmeal should be consumed in the three main meals. During breaks, you can eat various vegetables and fruits (except grapes, potatoes, bananas). You can drink only an hour and a half after eating oatmeal. It is not allowed to season oatmeal. The result of the diet is minus three kilograms per week. This diet can be used as a discharge (1 day).

Diet for fast weight loss No. 2: Banana diet

Despite the high calorie content, bananas are a source of various minerals, vitamins and fiber. They do not contain fats, which makes it impossible to increase cholesterol. A banana diet is suitable for those who want to lose weight, and will also be useful to people with bowel problems with gastritis, obesity, and diabetes. There are two options for this diet for weight loss.

Option 1: Banana Milk Diet
Designed for 3-4 days, allows you to lose up to three kilograms. The principle of the diet is this: for the whole day you can drink three glasses of skim milk and eat three bananas. This number of products is divided into a convenient number of receptions. You can make yogurt or a cocktail. It is allowed to drink tea (green) and water. With milk intolerance, it can be replaced with kefir (1%).

Option 2 banana diet:
Less hard, but at the same time no less effective option. The possible result is 7 kg in 3-7 days. For the whole day you need to eat one and a half kilograms of bananas, drink green tea, water in the desired amount. Bananas contain little protein, so from the 6th day of the diet you can add 2 eggs (boiled) to the diet.

Diet for quick weight loss No. 3: Cucumber diet

In the summer months, nature gives a lot of fresh vegetables and fruits, which have a variety of healing properties. One of her most valuable gifts is a cucumber. This vegetable is rich in plant fiber, which has a beneficial effect on the body. Cucumber diet is based on the use of large quantities of this green fruit. The principle of its action is to cleanse the intestines and regulate the water-salt balance with fiber. In addition, this diet helps cleanse the skin, stimulates metabolism and digestion. Cucumber is 95% water, so it is a diuretic. Due to this, toxins and toxins are removed from the body.

The diet lasts 7 days. The basis of it is a special salad, which you need to eat in three doses. It is prepared as follows: cut a kilogram of cucumbers large enough, season with sour cream (30 grams) or mayonnaise. Add greens to taste. In order not to reduce the effectiveness of the diet, it is better not to salt the salad. You need to eat it three times at 12-14, 17 and 20 hours. In the morning you can drink coffee, as well as easy breakfast (no more than 200 kcal). At night, you can eat a large apple or two oranges. The effectiveness of the diet is very high. For 7 days, you can lose 5 kg of weight. Cucumber diet - mono-diet. Before using it, you should consult a doctor.

Diet for quick weight loss No. 4: Meat diet

Protein diets have long been popular among those who want to lose weight. But, unlike others, the meat diet is shorter - 10 days. Subject to this diet, it is recommended to eat any meat. It is advisable not to get involved in fried meat; use only olive oil when frying. In addition to meat, eggs, vegetables, and fish are allowed. You can drink mineral water, tea, coffee (not sweet). Salads are recommended to be consumed without salt, with olive oil or lemon juice.

The diet should consist of 5 meals with portions of the same size. After 8 hours, eating is prohibited. You can drink half an hour after eating. With a meat diet, such foods are prohibited: any flour products, bread, fruits, sugar, carrots, cereals, potatoes, corn, any dairy products, sugary drinks and alcohol.

The benefits of a meat diet: getting enough nutrients, minerals and vitamins, and if you increase physical activity, muscles and skeletal system will strengthen. Compliance with this food system is not accompanied by hunger. Cons of a meat diet: there is a risk of stomach problems, and a lack of carbohydrates can occur in fatigue, headache and bad mood.
For 10 days following a meat diet, you can lose 5 kg of weight. Extending the diet for a longer period is not recommended. This food system is not suitable for minors and the elderly, people with kidney disease and any chronic diseases.

Diet for fast weight loss No. 5: Vegetable diet

Vegetable diet is not only healthy, but also very tasty. It can last from three days to a month. More than a month to use it is not recommended, the result is from two to seven kilograms. Vegetable diet is useful for people prone to hypertension, as well as to overweight. It is better to observe it in the summer or in the early autumn, when there are a lot of fresh vegetables and the price is low. Repeating diets more than once a year is not recommended.

The daily menu of this diet must include one and a half kilograms of fresh vegetables (excluding potatoes), fresh fruits, low-fat milk, kefir, diet yogurts, cottage cheese, rye bread, and oats. Vegetables need to be diversified as much as possible. It is better to eat raw vegetables, and it is forbidden to fry them. Salads season with olive oil. You can also cook soups on vegetable broth. Before following a diet, it is advisable to consult a doctor.

Diet for fast weight loss - useful tips and reviews

When fighting excess weight, the most powerful weapon is proper nutrition. After all, the appearance of unwanted kilograms is often directly related precisely to unbalanced and improper nutrition. Just starting to eat right, you can bring your weight back to normal for a long time. To reduce appetite, it is recommended to increase physical activity, to practice walks in the fresh air. The fact that there is enough less to eat for weight loss is not reliable. If you want to lose weight and keep the result for a long time, you need to familiarize yourself with the principles of proper nutrition.

Every day you need to eat vegetables and fruits in fresh, boiled form or in the form of juices. This is an excellent source of many beneficial substances. You need to drink plenty of fluids: not very sweet tea, mineral water, highly diluted juices. Food should be consumed in a concentrated and slow manner. Foods must be low fat, sausages and meat products must be lean, and high quality vegetable oils (rapeseed, olive). Eat varied: you can eat any food, but only in moderation. Frequent meat dinners should be discarded. Grain products are recommended daily for use: breakfast cereal, whole grain bread, pasta. For baking, you can use coarse flour.


Nastya 04/13/2016
As far as I can remember, I was always full, I was very worried about it and could not lose weight for a long time. Recently I came across on the Internet info about goji berries and their wonderful properties that they have on the body. I heard that Guzeeva lost so much weight, as much as 20 kg. Although ... looking at me, I also need to lose weight by at least 20. I ordered berries and began to take them as it is written there (either in pure form, or in the form of a decoction). I lost 7 kg in the first week! At the same time, my diet remained familiar to me. For 2 and 3 weeks another 15 kg were left, I generally refused at first to believe it, really. Men began to look at me, for some time. It gave me even more incentive! My psychological attitude has already affected it. In the end, I managed to throw 23 kg! Guzeeva’s record is broken and I’ll get married soon, these are the things.

If that, the site where I ordered - //

Anika 03/22/2016
It is good that there are diets that allow you to quickly lose weight. For example, I need to go to a party soon, but the figure fails. We go in, choose a diet and at the party all the looks on us, beauties.

Arina 03/22/2016
Thank you for compiling a collection of the best diets. I find a lot of information in nete, but I'm not sure how effective they are. And here there is a choice, based on your favorite products and you know that you really lose weight.

Ste 03/22/2016
I love bananas, I just did not know that thanks to them you can lose weight. On the contrary, I thought you were getting better. It can be seen that there should be a limit in everything. Be sure to try a banana diet, sweet, apparently)


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