Celery: calories, benefits and harms. Rules for eating celery inside and out with maximum benefit


People have known about the benefits of celery since ancient times.

Previously, it was believed that it has magical properties and can bring people happiness and health, so they were decorated at home and used as a medicinal drug.

Later it became known about the nutritional properties of this product, and he became a frequent guest on the table.

Celery: composition as used

Celery is a vegetable crop, it is quite common and perfectly adapts to almost any climate, therefore it is grown on all continents of the world except Antarctica.

In total, there are about 20 different species of this plant, the most famous of which is fragrant celery (cultured).

This type of celery, in turn, is divided into 3 subtypes:




Celery can be taken as a whole, its root can be baked or boiled, the stems can be eaten fried, raw or stewed, the leaves are used as greens for salads, and the seeds can be one of the ingredients of the seasoning. The product is also an integral part of a diet that is balanced and healthy.

Due to its spicy aroma, celery is widely used for cooking various dishes. The product can be used as a snack, added to meat dishes and salads, it produces healthy juice.

However, in addition to a huge number of useful qualities, this vegetable also contains harmful substances that can adversely affect human health. So let's see what is still more in celery: useful or harmful properties?

Celery: what are the benefits for the body?

Celery root is not in vain considered "health pantry". If you add roots to the diet every day, you can prevent many diseases in time, make high-quality cleansing and rejuvenation of the body, and also strengthen immunity. Today, root celery is sold in many stores and markets throughout the year.

If you have a small garden or a summer house, then it can be grown at home.

So, let’s take a look at what the useful and harmful properties of celery root, which nutritionists talk so much about, are displayed.

1. Root is a very healthy product. with severe overwork. Thanks to biologically active substances and essential oils, which are saturated with this product, it is able to increase working capacity, vitality, relieve stress, improve stress resistance and improve sleep.

2. Tincture from the root is also very useful. She is helpful with gastritis with low acidity, ulcers, rheumatism, neuralgic diseases and to soften the upper respiratory tract in their illness.

3. The root contains many important minerals, such as zinc, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, vitamins PP, B, C and E, so you can use it improve skin condition, hair, eyes and lips.

4. The root product has diuretic properties, therefore it is actively used in medicine for treatment and prevention kidney disease and the bladder.

5. You can improve the useful properties of the root by adding grated raw apples, carrots or greens to it. Such mixtures are very popular among people who are on a diet, and vegetarians. In addition, using the root for cooking various dishes, they can be seasoned with a small amount of salt, since the unusual taste of the product can improve the taste of food without salt, which in turn has a beneficial effect on the work of the kidneys and heart.

6. The medicinal root of the product is very useful. for representatives of the strong half of humanity, since he is able to improve their masculine power. In addition, the high content of this hormone in the body of a man makes it more attractive to women. The chemicals in the root can also prevent the onset of prostatitis and other genitourinary diseases.

7. The root of the product improves the process of assimilation of proteins, so it is very appropriate to use it in meat and fish dishes. It should also be noted that during the heat treatment of the product, it loses its useful properties, so it is better to use it in food in a raw state.

8. Celery root is a very useful product for children, especially it copes with the prevention of vitamin deficiency. The product can be added to baby food in a crushed state for a child from one year of life.

Useful properties of stems and leaves

In addition to the root, celery also has other equally useful ingredients, such as leaves and stems, which we will discuss about the benefits below.

1. A person who regularly uses celery leaves and stalks in his diet protects his body from the appearance of diseases such as flatulence, constipation, shortness of breath, heartburn, and many others, and the infusion of greens helps the body digest food and removes toxins from it.

2. The leaves and stems of this root crop contain a large amount of carotene and vitamin C. Two tablespoons of chopped greens are enough to provide a person with the daily norm of these useful vitamins. Especially important is their use in spring and winter, when the body is weakened and the vitamin deficiency process occurs. To increase immunity in young children, you can add an infusion of the leaves of this vegetable to the juice, a few drops will be enough.

3. Celery leaves are also widely known for their ability to heal wounds. They are able to quickly heal burns, bruises, cuts and remove the inflammatory process. To do this, you need to make lotions from a decoction of this vegetable. To make it, you need to pour 1 cup of boiling water into chopped and dried herbs, and then let it brew for about 2-3 hours. This tool can also be taken orally, this will help the body clear itself of toxins.

4. Greens are very useful for men, as they can improve its sexual function and increase libido. The oil, which was obtained from herbs, stalks and celery seeds, is a real aphrodisiac.

5. The product is also very useful for older people, as it can slow down the aging process and helps fight senile dementia.

The benefits of celery juice

1. Celery juice has diuretic properties, and is able to naturally remove a lot of harmful substances. In addition, it normalizes the process of acid regeneration and helps to increase the overall tone of the body. It is also very useful for arthritis and rheumatism.

2. Juice is able to balance cravings, reduce cravings for fatty foods and sweets. In addition, it can remove excess weight, swelling and cellulite, because it can work as a diuretic and cleanser.

3. With the help of freshly squeezed juice, you can calm the nervous system and maintain a normal temperature in hot weather.

4. Also celery juice is very useful for people suffering from sand in the kidneys. It removes toxins that form stones, and helps to remove sand painlessly.

Attention! Celery is only useful for removing sand, but if you have kidney stones, you should refuse to use such a medicine!

5. It is also worth mentioning that celery juice is able to work as an antiseptic and an excellent antimicrobial agent. It can also reduce pain, so it can be used in the treatment of various wounds and burns. In addition, celery juice can remove irritation and redness from the eyes.

Celery juice is prepared as follows: several bundles of plants are taken and passed through a juicer. Juice should be drunk in small sips. Also, the juice can be filtered through cheesecloth and taken 2-3 times a day an hour before meals.

Celery: what is the harm to health?

In addition to many useful, celery also has negative properties. As mentioned above, the use of this root crop is prohibited for people who have kidney stones. As studies have shown, the use of celery in excess of the norm can cause the patient to actively move stones, which often leads to the need for surgery. However, a small amount of the product can gradually clear the kidneys.

To people suffering from epilepsy, the product is also contraindicated, since it can provoke an exacerbation of the disease. The root crop is also forbidden for varicose veins and thrombophlebitis, and the presence of a large number of essential oils in the product makes it contraindicated for people with colitis and enterocolitis.

For women who regularly add this root crop to their diet, it may also be prohibited under certain conditions. For example, its use forbidden with uterine bleedingdifficult menstruation, pregnancy and lactation. This is due to the fact that the greens of the product can cause strong gas formation in the female body, which negatively affects the fetus. In babies who use breast milk, celery can also cause increased gas formation and an allergic reaction. In addition, due to the specific taste of celery, which is transmitted by milk, the baby may even refuse to breast-feed.

In general, celery is a very useful product and, if you do not have any contraindications to its use described above, then you can safely add it to your diet, since in addition to its taste, it also has excellent healing properties. Eat only natural food and be healthy!


Watch the video: Drink A Glass Of Celery Juice For 7 Days, THIS Will Happen To Your Body! (July 2024).