How to do Asahi (Zogan) Japanese facial massage? Find out why women need to do Asahi (Zogan) Japanese massage.


Asahi (Zogan) - ancient massage faces come from Japan.

Currently, Asahi massage is attracting close attention among women.

Thanks to Yukuko Tanaka, a beauty expert from the Land of the Rising Sun, who revived this procedure in modern times, Zogan massage gathers whole armies of admirers of different ages and around the world.

Easy to learn and do it yourself, according to numerous praising reviews, it visibly refreshes the skin.

With this procedure, wrinkles become smaller, the skin becomes more elastic, the contour of the face is sharper, and the swelling under the eyes decreases or disappears altogether.

This result is achieved through the impact on the so-called "beauty points".

Not sure how to do Japanese Sahi (Zogan) facial massage?

In this article you will find all the necessary recommendations.

Asahi's self-massage (Zogan) is of two types:

1. Lymphatic - Helps accelerate the release of toxins, improves the nutrition of skin tissue and its disposal of excess moisture. Signs of aging, such as swelling and a grayish complexion, appear precisely because of toxins and excess moisture.

2. Deep muscle massage - contains methods of manual therapy. This self-massage helps to relax facial muscles, positively affects blood vessels and skin tissues, makes them stronger and healthier, and also tightens the facial contour.

The benefits of Japanese facial massage are undeniable. It is a truly unique procedure. Massage affects not only the skin, but also the bones with muscles. Not every salon procedure will give you a similar effect. The skin needs a daily load so that the muscles do not sag and become flabby. Therefore, do not be alarmed that massage requires intensive movements.

The Japanese massage technique of Asahi or Zogan helps to cleanse and open the channels, as well as awaken the face. Thanks to such procedures your skin will be firmer and more tender. A significant plus is that absolutely any woman can perform massage independently and at home. In addition, no additional attributes are required. All you need directly for the massage itself is your hands.

How is Japanese Asahi (Zogan) facial massage done? When it is performed, forceful action is necessary, but not excessive. Particular care must be taken near the lymph nodes. If pain occurs during the massage, this is a sign of too harsh exposure. At the same time, there is no need to worry about the appearance of new wrinkles and stretching of the skin. Daily self-fulfilling massage of Zogan for 3 minutes will help each woman to look younger for several years.

Important to remember that face requires a neat attitude. Any, even the simplest actions, can cause discomfort. To achieve the desired result, it is necessary to perform Asahi (Zogan) massage according to the rules and not neglect the recommendations of specialists.

How to do Japanese Asahi facial massage (Zogan)

Follow the basic rule: perform stroking movements in the direction of the lymph paths - from their periphery to the middle. You can’t put pressure on the lymph nodes, you can only stroke the paths of the lymph flow with a small constant effort. Therefore, before performing self-massage, it is mandatory to study the location of the lymph nodes. Trying to do better, you can accidentally harm yourself.

The basic rules for performing massage:

1. Before the procedure, it is mandatory to cleanse the skin of the face and neck. Use a scrub or peeling for this. This way you clean the ducts along which the lymph is guided. Due to the fact that daily use of the scrub is prohibited, use it 1, maximum 2 times a week. On other days, clean your face and neck with a tonic or a special roller.

2. The basis for the massage should be applied in sufficient volume. Sliding hands on the skin should occur without difficulty. The basis for the massage can be: cosmetic cream (as advised by Tanaka's expert), milk or gel for washing, oat milk, milk from kelp, flax broth, linseed, olive, castor, grape or other oil, water (preferably mineral) with a few drops oils.

3. After the massage, you must carefully cleanse the skin. During the procedure, the production of toxins occurs, which must be washed off the facial and neck skin.

Asahi Massage Technique (Zogan)

In what position should you choose Asahi (Zogan) Japanese facial massage yourself. Yukuko Tanaki advises sitting or standing while doing it. In this case, the posture should be flat, and the head should not rest on the wall or back of the chair.

Massage contains 11 stepsperformance of which is obligatory in the indicated order.

1. Forehead - start moving from the center of the forehead. For 3 seconds, 3 fingers should freeze in the middle, and then turn to the temples with enough effort. Then press the back of your hand to your forehead and move it to your auricle. Finish the exercise by moving your fingers along the sides of the face and neck to the collarbone. Thus, almost every exercise (with the exception of the third) will end.

2. Eyes - lightly touch the fingertips, starting from the outer corner of the eye and ending with the inner one. Make two such movements. First, along the border of the lower eyelid, then the upper. Between this, stop your fingers for 3 seconds at the temples. Make light movements from above, and below with slight gain. Then move from the temple to the lymph node at the convex cartilage in the middle of the ear. Complete the exercise in the above way.

3. Mouth, lip corners and chin - Press the fossa of the chin with the pillows of your fingers and freeze for 3 seconds. After that, gently pressing, move your fingers upwards so that they meet in the hole above your lips. Do not touch the corners with your fingers. Then, with sudden movements, return your fingers to their original place.

4. Nasolabial folds - move your fingers with the necessary force from the fossa near the nostrils down 5 times. After that, move the fingertips with a slight movement towards the bridge of the nose. Near her fingers move from the edge and back 3 times. During the reverse movement, the force should be weaker. Then move your fingers again to the protruding cartilage in the center of the ear. Complete the exercise.

5. Cheeks - forcefully stroke the area around the corners of the mouth with your fingertips, and then move them to the upper jaw. Then go to the eyes and stop for 3 seconds. Next, relax your efforts and transfer the pads to the temple and bring them to the protruding cartilage of the ear. Complete the exercise.

6. Face oval - Put your palm on the lower jaw, thereby fixing the cheek. Move two fingers across the other cheek diagonally from the chewing muscle to the eyes. After 3 seconds, loosen the pressure and move towards the protruding ear cartilage. Complete it.

7. A-zone wrinkles - Lay horizontally 3 fingers on the cheekbones, squeeze the nostrils with force and take your fingers to the tragus of the ears. Complete the exercise.

8. Lifting - fold hands with palms inward at chest level. Expand them horizontally and lay the chin on top. For 3 seconds, push your hands on your chin. Next, move your hands over your face, sliding your fingers along the shells of the ears. Palms stop on cheekbones. After that, with effort, move your palms to the temples and to the cartilage in the center of the ear. Finish the exercise.

9. Chin - place it on the base of the palm. Point your fingers to your ear. Move the palm of your hand toward the cartilage in the center of the ear. Finish the exercise. Repeat it on the other side and also complete.

10. Double chin - fold your palms near your face. Move your thumbs towards your neck (at right angles). Open your palms so that your fingers form a rhombus. Press your index fingers to your face. Massage the chin below with a large one. Bring the rest of your fingers to the temples, running them along the lower eyelid. Finish the exercise.

11. Frontal wrinkles - Arrange your elbows to the sides, gently stroke the forehead with the fingers of your left hand in the direction from one temple to another (zigzag). Then with both hands, repeat the beginning of 1 exercise. Complete it.

Perform Japanese Asahi Face Massage (Zogan) regularly. Repeat each exercise three times.


1. Diseases of the skin of the face or neck

2. Inflammation

3. Lymphatic system disease

4. ENT disease

5. Couperose

6. Feeling unwell.

After you do a Japanese facial massage of Asahi (Zogan), for one reason or another, you may experience some problems. We will analyze the possible options and solutions.

1. Acne and other rashes - First, establish whether it is connected with self-massage. Most often, the rash after massage Zogan appears in the area of ​​the lymphatic paths. In this case, stop the massage until the moment you resolve this issue. Otherwise, you run the risk of spreading acne further. Try changing the massage base, choosing it for your skin type. And do not forget how to cleanse your face after exercise.

2. Strong face slimming - do Japanese massage of Asahi (Zogan) carefully, if you have sunken cheeks and a small amount of muscle layer of fat. Exercise only the top of your face to avoid more weight loss. You should also reduce the number of procedures performed or perform their courses.

3. Face swelling in the morning - Do not do massage before bedtime, the best time for him is morning. Also try changing the massage base.

4. Tugor decrease, exhaustion of the skin of the face - make sure that the massage is performed correctly and that all the above recommendations are followed. Apply more massage base to your skin.

5. Rosacea - in this case, approach the massage with more care. Exclude massage exercises during which pressure is applied to the skin of the cheeks. Or, loosen the force in the problem area. Use a cream with hesperidin, which will help strengthen the walls of blood vessels and reduce vascular networks. Do facial exercises. Be sure to consult a doctor, since vascular disease is serious.

If you want to improve the condition of the face and neck and look several years younger, but don’t know how to do Asahi (Zogan) Japanese massage, then this article will help you. Follow all recommendations and rules to avoid potential problems. This technique will delight you with anti-aging effect, revitalize and smooth your face, tighten the contour and make the skin more elastic.


Watch the video: Do Japanese Massage Every Morning, See What Happens to Your Face (July 2024).