Fried pies with potatoes in a pan - who will refuse? Pan and pastry toppings for potato patties fried in a pan


Pie with potatoes is a favorite and familiar food.

Neither children, nor adults, will refuse the ruddy product.

Especially if the pies are homemade and fried, lush and fragrant, cooked according to our recipes.

Indulge in delicious pies?

Fried pies with potatoes in a pan - general principles of cooking

Most pastry recipes use yeast dough. With it, the products are porous, airy, and if properly cooked and allowed to acidify, they will remain soft for a long time. Nowadays, pressed raw yeast is rarely used and almost all recipes are ground to dry granules.

What can knead yeast dough on:

• on water;

• milk, kefir;

• serum;

• mixtures of water and sour cream;

• on a mixture of several ingredients.

Thrifty housewives start dough on sour milk and other stagnant products. Also put a little oil in it, you can add an egg. Before introduction, the flour is always sifted to get rid of impurities and fill the product with oxygen, which the yeast needs for normal development.

Also, fried pies can be made from unleavened dough on water or kefir. For porosity and softness, baking powder is added to it.

For the filling, mashed potatoes are mainly prepared. Often put in it: onions, meat products, vegetables, mushrooms, sausages. Fry the pies in vegetable oil in a pan in batches, several each.

Recipe 1: Pies with potatoes fried in a pan from yeast dough

The classic recipe for fried pies with potatoes. For aroma and a richer flavor, mashed onion is added.


• 0.5 liters of water (can whey or milk);

• a spoonful of sugar;

• about 6 glasses of flour;

• ¼ tablespoons of salt;

• 40 ml of oil.

For filling:

• 0.8 kg of potatoes;

• spices;

• butter;

• 0.15 kg of onions.


1. In a large bowl or pan, pour the warmed water, add sugar, yeast and half the flour. Leave the dough for thirty minutes.

2. Add salt, the remaining flour. When mixing, pour the oil. We cover the pan (bowl) with a towel and leave it to a good rise. The dough should increase three times.

3. For the filling, prepare the usual mashed potatoes. Dice the onion, fry and add to it. Do not forget about spices. In addition to salt, you can add pepper, a little greens, paprika and other spices.

4. We take out the dough and cut it into pieces, put it on the table, give a little rise. Flatten each into a cake, put the filling, connect the edges.

5. In a pan, heat the oil. The layer thickness should be at least 2 centimeters, otherwise the pies will be baked unevenly.

6. The flattened pies are slightly flattened so that they do not become so rounded and fry on both sides. It is not necessary to cover the pan, as the filling is already ready, and the yeast dough is fried quickly.

Recipe 2: Pies with potatoes fried in a pan from unleavened dough

A feature of these pan-fried pies with potatoes is a thin fresh dough, which is kneaded on kefir without adding yeast. For porosity, baking soda is added, it can be replaced with a cultivator.


• 500 ml of kefir;

• 2 eggs;

• flour;

• salt, sugar;

• 2/3 tsp soda;

• 2-3 tablespoons of oil.

For the filling, we prepare the usual mashed potatoes, as in the previous recipe. It is possible with or without onion.


1. Put soda in warm kefir, mix.

2. Separately, beat 2 eggs with a spoonful of sugar and a pinch of salt. Pour into kefir, mix.

3. Pour flour, pour a couple of spoons of oil, knead. We make elastic, but not too cool dough. Let him lie down for 15 minutes.

4. We make balls from the dough, roll out, put the filling and sculpt the usual pies. Number of fillings and size at your discretion.

5. Fry in a frying pan with butter until rosy color.

Recipe 3: Pies with potatoes fried in a pan from custard dough

The main advantage of such pies with potatoes, fried in a pan, is instant dough, which does not need to stand for a long time. In general, it can be used with any filling, not only with potatoes. Mixes with yeast, but using a special technology.


• 460 ml of water;

• 0.6 kg of flour;

• 11 grams of yeast;

• 1 tsp salts;

• 1 tbsp. l Sahara;

• 30-50 grams of oil.

Stuffing - mashed potatoes with onions or any other additives. About 800 grams will go away.


1. Divide the water in half. One part is heated to a warm state, the second is boiled.

2. In warm water, dissolve sugar with yeast and salt.

3. Sift flour into a large bowl, make flour and pour in liquid, add oil. Mix a little with flour and immediately pour boiling water. Stir vigorously with a spoon, then with your hands. If the dough is weak, then you can add more flour.

4. You can immediately form pies, but it is better to let the dough stand for 10 minutes, so that the gluten swells, it evens out, becomes smooth and soft.

5. Cut, sculpt and fry products in the classic way, as described in the recipes above.

Recipe 4: Pies with potatoes fried in a pan from puff pastry

The option of puff pastries with potatoes fried in a pan will especially appeal to those who are not friends with the dough. And he will help out if you have mashed potatoes from lunch or dinner and you need to urgently figure something out for tea or for a snack. It is better to use puff pastry with yeast, with it fried products are softer.


• 1 pack of dough;

• 600 grams of mashed potatoes;

• butter;

• spices.


1. For a more pronounced taste, add a little pepper in mashed potatoes, you can put chopped garlic, dried or fresh herbs. Mix.

2. We lay out the puff pastry on the table and roll up to three millimeters.

3. Now you can squeeze it out with a large cup to make circles. But this is not very profitable, since there will be many scraps. Better cut into rectangles or squares. The size is arbitrary.

4. Now lay out the filling in the center of each piece.

5. We take a brush (cloth, sponge), moisten in water and pass along all edges of the pieces, moisten.

6. We make pies. They can be in the form of rectangles, triangles or envelopes. We do as we like or it turns out more.

7. Fry in oil until tender.

Recipe 5: Pies with potatoes fried in a pan from yeast dough with milk

Another variant of yeast dough for fried pies. In this recipe, it is more rich, delicate, products turn out ruddy and airy. Cooking the usual filling of mashed potatoes.


• 0.8 kg of flour;

• 300 ml of milk;

• egg;

• salt and sugar;

• 80 grams of drain oil .;

• 15 grams of yeast (dry).


1. Dissolve a spoonful of sugar with yeast in warm milk. Leave for 15 minutes. During this time, melt the butter and cool to a warm state.

2. Mix the egg with a slightly incomplete teaspoon of salt, add to the milk. Stir.

3. Pour in the butter and pour in the flour. Knead the soft dough. The lump should turn out homogeneous, smooth.

4. Put in a high saucepan, cover with a towel and leave for an hour. Then we squeeze, let stand for another half hour.

5. Proceed to the modeling of ordinary pies, fry in a pan.

Recipe 6: Fried pies with potatoes and meat in a pan

Fried pies with potatoes will turn out to be especially aromatic and tasty, if you add a little stuffing to the filling. We use any yeast dough.


• 1 kg of dough;

• 0.6 kg of potatoes;

• 2 onions;

• 0.3 kg of minced meat;

• spices;

• butter.


1. Peeled potatoes cut into pieces, cook mashed potatoes in salted water.

2. Onions cut into cubes, fry in butter for a minute.

3. As soon as the onions become transparent, add the minced meat and fry until cooked. 7-8 minutes are enough.

4. Mix the fried minced meat with mashed potatoes, add more salt, pepper and other spices. Cool the filling.

5. We make pies with cooked minced meat, fry until cooked.

Recipe 7: Fried pies with potatoes and cabbage in a pan

Potatoes and cabbage are the perfect combination, especially in the filling for fried pies. We will use sauerkraut, it turns out especially tasty with it. But you can also fry in a pan and fresh. We use absolutely any dough, it turns out deliciously with fresh.

Ingredients for Topping

• 500 grams of potatoes;

• 600 grams of sauerkraut;

• 1-2 onions;

• butter and spices.


1. From the potatoes we cook the classic mashed potatoes, add the fried onions.

2. Squash the cabbage, if it is too acidic, you can rinse.

3. We heat a little oil in a pan, put cabbage and fry until soft.

4. Now we roll out the flat cakes from the dough and put an incomplete spoon of mashed potatoes and the same amount of cabbage in each. Blind edges.

5. Fry pies in oil until golden brown.

Recipe 8: Pies with Potatoes and Sausages Fried in a Pan

Just a couple of sausages will completely change the taste of these pies. The filling will be aromatic and more delicious. It is better to take the dough with yeast, in milk or water.


• 1 kg of dough;

• 0.7 kg of potatoes;

• 1 onion;

• salt pepper;

• butter and spices;

• 2-4 sausages.


1. We prepare ordinary mashed potatoes from potatoes.

2. Finely chop the onion, fry in oil until the slices are transparent.

3. Add chopped sausage, fry together. Instead of sausages, you can similarly take a sausage, a piece of sausage.

4. Mix the mashed potatoes with sausages, season the resulting filling with spices.

5. Divide the dough into 14-15 pieces, make flat cakes, put the filling and connect the edges.

6. Fry like regular potato pies until the crust is browned.

Fried pies with potatoes in a pan - useful tips and tricks

• You can’t add a lot of sugar to the dough for fried pies, otherwise they will quickly burn and remain moist inside.

• Steep and hard dough is made only for dumplings and other similar products. The patties do not tolerate it; they turn out tough and tasteless. They need soft and airy dough, even a little sticky.

• Many housewives cut the dough on a table sprinkled with flour. But the grains burn during frying, soot forms in the pan, the oil smokes. But all this can easily be avoided. It is enough to use vegetable oil instead of flour. They lubricate the cutting surface, as well as the hands.

• Fried pies will turn out to be especially tasty if you mix vegetable oil with ghee. But you do not need to add much, otherwise the mixture will quickly burn out.

• Putting pies on the pan is only a seam down. If you do the opposite, then there is a high probability that the product will disperse.

• Pies are placed only in hot oil. If it is not heated enough, it will penetrate into the dough, the products will turn out to be oiled, too fat and tasteless.
