Feminine opinion: as a gift on the first date only flowers are appropriate


The first date is the most important, because it depends on him whether the relationship will continue or end before it really begins. The portal "Women's Opinion" tried to find out from the Russians whether it is appropriate for a man to give presents on the first date so as not to be misled and push away a woman.

67.8% of Russian women unanimously stated that they allowed gifts only in the form of flowers. The traditional bouquet does not require a reciprocal gift and does not oblige to continue the relationship. This is just a sign of attention from the man and a sign of good education. “Flowers are an elementary education and politeness,” some ladies said. “The gift that is appropriate for the first date is flowers. Anyone else obliges to continue the relationship, and therefore it is even indecent,” others added.

18.6% of beautiful ladies are sure that it is better not to give anything at all: no gifts, no flowers. This opinion is based on the fact that on the first date there are two people familiar with each other only by correspondence or telephone conversations. They see each other for the first time, consider their vis-à-vis a stranger, and barely know the tastes and habits of the opposite side. In such a situation, anyone, even the simplest souvenir or flowers, causes women to have a duty to a man, which they would like to avoid. “On the first date, I don’t want any gifts, because I don’t know why, I feel obliged to do something in return,” the Russians explained. From the men on the first date, these ladies are waiting for "a sea of ​​positive, emotions and humor."

14.1% of the fair sex voted strongly for gifts on the first date. No doubt, these should not be expensive offerings, but these tokens in the form of original souvenirs, boxes of chocolates and a bouquet of beautiful flowers are considered a desirable condition for a successful date. “I think that the gift should be, but something quite insignificant and rather symbolic, romantic, sweet and inexpensive,” the women listed enthusiastically, and some added: “Why shouldn't a man pay for ice cream or a cafe?”.

As usual, the opinions of beautiful ladies were divided, but most still do not want to feel obliged to a still unfamiliar man, and prefer flowers and companionship on the first date.

4780 women took part in the survey. Age from 20 to 45 years. From 142 cities of Russia.


Watch the video: This Is What Happens When A Woman Gives Men Flowers (June 2024).