How to talk wart?


Warts can appear on almost any part of the body. Delivering not only aesthetic discomfort, but also physical discomfort. It's a shame when a massive neoplasm "decorates" a generally attractive face, while small warts on the hands are very painful.

There are many traditional ways to remove a wart. This is the juice of the celandine, and rubbing the juice of rotten potatoes, and putting fresh meat pieces to the affected area of ​​the body. But is it possible to get rid of warts with the help of a conspiracy? Is it possible to combine the plot with recipes from traditional medicine to enhance the healing effect? Let's talk about this in the article.

Is it possible to talk wart?

Our ancestors believed that warts on the body appear due to contact with the skin of amphibians. The swamp toads were especially badly known. It was believed that once you touched the animal once, the warts immediately began to appear. Nowadays almost everyone knows that amphibians have nothing to do with it - the human papillomavirus is to blame. However, the reason for the appearance of a large number of growths on the body can be the weakening of the human biofield at the expense of the evil eye, curse or black love spell directed at it.

White magic is aimed primarily at helping the suffering soul and weakened body. With the help of white rituals, even more serious diseases can be cured, so that the warts are not difficult to speak. However, before choosing a spell, you must make sure that the tumor that appears is a wart, not a mole or melanoma. Otherwise, the spell will have no effect.

The most effective conspiracies from warts include:

  • Hex on potatoes;
  • Reading on an apple;
  • Spell on the thread with a waning moon;
  • Plot for millet.

Each of the above spells has its own radius of impact on the caster's biofield.

How to talk warts on the hands at home?

Before you start casting a spell against warts, you should prepare your body and mind for the magical mystery. No white spell will work if:

  • The exorcist does not believe in what he says and does;
  • In the room where the rite is performed, negative energy reigns;
  • The caster dwells in a decadent mood, and for this reason his biofield is extremely weakened;
  • The room used to cast the spell is brightly lit and other people are present;
  • Nearby lives a strong black magician or a witch.

Therefore, the caster must choose the right place for the ritual. If the spell is set off in the room, this place should be dark, well ventilated, clean (dirt and dust attract negative energy). If a person in the rite process calls on the Christian saints, you should fast for a week before reading, drink holy water and attend church. If the conjurer intends to turn to the forces of nature, he needs to visit the places of origin of this force more often, for example, at water bodies or in the forest. To perform a pagan ritual, the forest edge is most suitable, or the right bank of a lake or river.

It should be noted that strong spells can remove warts not only from the hands or face, but also from the legs, the mucous membrane of the mouth and nose, and all other parts of the body.

On potatoes

Potato juice - a famous folk remedy for warts. To enhance the effect of this natural medicine, the used potatoes can be spoken. It is believed that the plot from warts is necessary to read on medium-sized potatoes, since the energy conductivity of a small root crop is not enough, and a large one can accumulate negative energy. In addition to potatoes, for the ceremony will need:

  • Kitchen knife;
  • Thin wooden sticks (toothpicks or matches) by the number of warts;
  • White thread.

The rite itself is performed as follows:

  • Fold the root and knife in a headscarf, tie into a knot;
  • Move to the intersection of two or more roads or paths (unpaved);
  • Sit down at the intersection of paths, get a knife and root vegetable;
  • Potatoes must be cut in half, each of the halves alternately rub the warts, from which you should get rid of. It should say: "As the island's water wipes off the face of Mother Earth, so I wash my wart off the body, Amen.";
  • Attach the halves of potatoes to each other, tightly tie up the harvested thread. It should say: "I knit the warts, I bind it, so that it is not on my face and on [indicate the parts of the body on which the tumors are located] flaunted, but in the soil of damp rot, where they belong.";
  • Alternately, touch each wart with each of the toothpicks or matches, saying: "The first wand is the first wart, the second wand is the second wart," and so on;
  • Thrust sticks into the root crop in the same sequence;
  • Dig a shallow hole at the intersection with a knife, put potatoes there, saying: "The road is righteous, the road is light! Take away the black ailment from me! But not so much as to harm a foe-friend - so much so that green grass from my disease grows, beasts for sweetness, for my joy!"

The knife used in the ritual process cannot be thrown away, but it should no longer be used. The weapon must be hidden in a secret place so that no living soul has more access to it. The conspiracy against potatoes against warts seems difficult, but this ritual is one of the strongest and most effective.

On an apple

The easiest plot of warts to read on an apple. Preferably use fruit green varieties. The apple must be cut into 2 equal parts, then each of them smear skin growths. In this case, the caster must utter the following words:

"The apple is ripe,
Bulk, mature!
How did you grow on the tree -
So my warts grew.
How did you fall from a tree -
So my warts will fall.
How are you withered -
So my warts will dry up. "

A cut apple must be placed on a faience saucer until the fruit is completely dry. When the apple dries, it must be buried in the ground.

On a string in a decreasing moon

Experienced practitioners magicians recommend a plot of warts to read the thread on the waning moon. The thread at the same time should be dense, wool without synthetic impurities, red. For the sacrament will need a piece of thread length of 20-30 cm.

At night, in the phase of the waning moon, it is necessary to leave the house, look at the moon, support the thread over the tumor and pronounce the chant:

"The moon is waning, the moon is withering!
In order not to hurt me
Take this thread!
And let my warts fade with you! ".

After the spell has been pronounced, the used thread should be buried in the pit, the depth of which is equal to the length of the thread. When the thread is completely rotted, the tumor will disappear.

Another famous rite is the conspiracy of warts on the nodules on the waning moon. It is necessary to stand at the window, facing the moon, and tie knots on the number of warts on the thread trimmer. The text of the plot should be as follows:

"The Mother of God walked on the earth,
Knots on a thread knitted,
Any ailment healed.
As soon as the nodule disappears, my warts will disappear. "

Thread with knots also need to bury and wait until it is completely rot.

On millet

The plot from warts to read on millet is recommended in the phase of the growing moon. You can read both during the day and at night. The optimal hours for a favorable energy impact are midnight, noon and an hour after sunset. It is necessary to collect full palms of wheat, bring it close to your mouth and say in a whisper:

"Mother Nature Nature
Millet poured on the ground.
Nursing grains
Lovely little sunshine.
Let the chicks not go hungry,
Warts are taking away! "

Conspired grain should feed the birds. As soon as the millet is eaten, the growths will begin to disappear.

When will the conspiracy help?

The conspiracy against warts takes effect when the ritual is completed. That is, if it is necessary to wait for one of the material elements of the sacrament to wither or rotten, the warts will disappear when the decomposition process is completed.

It is important to considerthat all spells are read out loud, and at the same time you can not get off and worry. Otherwise, there will be no positive effect. If the ritual is carried out correctly, but the neoplasms do not disappear, it is possible that the matter is in the negative energy of the place where the sacrament was held. Therefore, the choice of place to read the spell must be approached with a special predilection. Repeating the spell can be a month after the first ritual, having previously prepared and cleared before this important event.


Watch the video: Axis' Finger Warts, Macro Lens! Big Game Prediction! (June 2024).