How to bring down the temperature of the child at home: the safest and most effective means. SOS: the baby is temperament!


Unfortunately, many families cannot boast that their children are in good health.

Bad ecology, not natural food, heredity are factors that sooner or later begin to affect the health of our children.

Each mother has to literally nursing her baby during a period of viral infections.

The temperature in the child: possible causes

The temperature in a child, first of all, indicates that there are infections or microorganisms in the body, the number of which sharply exceeded the norm. After the infection begins to multiply, an inflammatory process occurs, at this time a protective reaction of the body is triggered, and the immune system is actively fighting the disease. An increase in temperature at this moment is just a side effect.

The most common causes of increase in children are as follows:

1. Viral infections.

2. Infection of a bacterial nature.

3. The baby's teeth erupt, and the body reacts to this with an increase in temperature.

4. There is an allergy to food or something else.

5. Overheating has occurred.

6. For a long time, the child experiences stress.

Now it is necessary to consider each of these reasons separately in order to understand how they are related to body temperature.


An increase in temperature in the presence of viruses can also be accompanied by cough, runny nose, and weakness throughout the body. All these symptoms, as a rule, indicate that the baby has SARS. If the disease has a place to be, and the temperature remains normal, then the child has weakened immunity and does not react to the inflammatory process in any way.

Bacterial infection

When bacteria come into contact with those organs that cause pain, the temperature will always rise. These bacteria include staphillococcus, E. coli.


It can be anything. For example, in the room where the child is located, it is too stuffy, the mother dressed the baby too warmly, and in the room it is already hot. Quite often, the temperature rises in the summer, when the baby spent too much time in the sun. In fact, such a state of the body as overheating is dangerous, since dehydration of the body may occur.


Most of all, mothers begin to worry when the child suddenly has a fever, but no signs of the disease are observed. The thing is that recently the baby suffered severe stress or fear.

How to bring down the temperature of the child at home: medicines

In cases where the baby's temperature is high and it needs to be brought down as soon as possible, antipyretic drugs are used. Each pharmacy has a large selection of medicines, including those specifically designed for children. But almost all such drugs differ from each other only in labels, and the active substances in them are always the same. Before giving your child medication, be sure to consult a pediatrician. In the instructions for the drug, you need to read how much and after how much time you need to give medicine. And so, the most effective means that are best used to bring down the temperature in a child are as follows:

1. Paracetamol - This is the safest remedy of all. In the event that you slightly exceed the dosage, nothing bad will happen. And, nevertheless, it is still recommended to take it only as prescribed by the attending physician. In order to bring down the temperature quickly, it is recommended to give syrup, if the baby's condition is not critical and there is time, it is better to put a candle. Paracetamol has an analgesic and antipyretic effect, but, unfortunately, there is no anti-inflammatory. It is effective specifically for viral infections. If there is no improvement a day after taking the medicine, then call an ambulance as soon as possible.

2. Ibuprofen, Nurofen. In addition to paracetamol, drugs have all the effects, including anti-inflammatory. You will be able to lower the temperature with both viral and bacterial infections.

3. Analgin. This drug has a pronounced antipyretic effect. If you gave your child all the medicines listed above and they did not help, then you can try analgin. In many countries, this drug is prohibited, as it destroys some types of white blood cells, and can also reduce hemoglobin levels, this will negatively affect the body. That is why this drug can be used only in the most extreme cases.

This is not the whole list of medicines that can be used to reduce high fever in children. Only a doctor can prescribe the necessary medicine after establishing an accurate diagnosis.

How to bring down the temperature of a child at home: folk remedies

If you suddenly find that your child has a high temperature, then, of course, you need to try to alleviate his condition. But in no case should you bring down the temperature by force. If the mark on the thermometer exceeds 38, then the baby’s body cannot cope with the disease on its own. It is in this case that you need to lower the temperature. Of course, you can give your baby medications, but nevertheless, folk remedies are considered safe. In addition, the desired pharmacy drug may simply not be at home. Therefore, the question of how to remove the temperature of the child at home, you can offer many effective and safe folk methods.

If the child has a fever, first of all it needs to be undressed, leave only light clothes on the body. Due to this, the heat will be able to freely go outside. The temperature in the room where your baby is located should not be more than 20ºС. If you have a small child, it is advisable to remove the diaper from it. When the temperature is accompanied by severe chills, in no case use cold compresses and rubdowns. In this case, you need to wrap up the child and give him warm tea. Be sure to remember that with a state of trembling, the temperature will only rise. As soon as you feel that the baby is sweating, remove these clothes from him and put on dry ones.

More drink

Every adult probably knows that high temperature is fraught with a large loss of fluid in the body. That is why the child must literally be soldered. This will allow toxins to leave the body faster. Try to give your baby some water and apply to your chest as often as possible.

Children in more advanced age can prepare a special healthy drink. A decoction of currants and viburnum, cranberry juice is good. You can also give your child a dried fruit drink. Indeed, in such a compote there is a sufficient amount of potassium, which will support the baby's heart during the period of the disease.

In order for the temperature to fall faster, the child must sweat properly. And cranberry juice is a good diaphoretic. Currant juice also helps bring down the temperature. Before going to bed, it is advisable to give a rosehip tincture.

Vinegar vs. Heat

Never use vinegar in its pure form. Thin before applying. To do this, you need to take one liter of slightly warm water and add one tablespoon of vinegar. The prepared solution is well suited as a wipe. First, wipe the baby's chest and back, and only then arms and legs. Be sure to ensure that nothing gets on the mucous membranes. After the wiping procedure is completed, leave it to lie down without clothes, or in swimming trunks, wrap up after a few minutes.

If you feel that the child has hot arms and legs, then do not worry. Much more dangerous when they get cold. In this case, take 1/4 tablets of no-shpa and give the child a drink.


The most effective folk remedy for fighting high fever is an enema. At a time of extreme heat, children can observe a strong absorption of toxins from the lower intestine. In order to prevent intoxication in advance, you need to empty the intestines of the child. Moreover, you do not need to do ordinary enemas with water, because water will force the process of absorption of harmful toxins.

The best remedies that are recommended for enemas are soda and salt. Take one glass of liquid and add one spoonful of ingredients (salt or soda). Be sure to consider the age of the child. If the baby is older than a year, then you can take 100 ml, if less, then a maximum of 30 ml.

Cabbage leaves

How to bring down the temperature of the child at home, many mothers ask. And few of them know that you can use ordinary cabbage leaves. Tear off a few leaves and put them in boiling water for a few seconds. Then take a kitchen hammer and beat them off slightly, this is done so that the juice comes out. After that, take the leaves and attach them to the child’s head, as well as to the body. But be sure to exclude the region of the heart.

How to bring down the temperature of the child at home: doctor's advice

After you have given your child an antipyretic, you need to check its effectiveness after a certain time. Typically, high temperature should subside in about twenty to thirty minutes. If she really slept, you should not forget about her. Once every half an hour, measure it again. Since the likelihood that it will rise again is high.

If all the actions taken do not give any result, you must definitely call an ambulance. After all, a condition in which a child’s temperature rises is not a disease, but just a symptom of a disease. It must be identified, and the sooner this is done, the better. Until the problem is resolved, the temperature will continue to rise and disturb.


Watch the video: 2 Year Old Has Constant Temper Tantrums. Supernanny (July 2024).