How to cook condensed milk at home: the best ways, tips and tricks. Recipes using homemade boiled condensed milk


Condensed milk is a delicious delicacy, an appetizing dessert familiar to many from childhood, which is an integral ingredient in the preparation of many confectionery products and dishes.

With condensed milk, you can fill pancakes, pancakes, buns and donuts, create such sweet dishes as cakes, rolls, cakes with it in cream form, or just taste this sweetness, which is a great addition to tea or coffee.

Of course, you can buy milk in the store, which, it would seem, would be much easier than thinking about how to cook condensed milk at home on your own. But this is far from simple - it does not mean delicious!

Why cook condensed milk at home

You can identify several reasons at once, for which it is most advisable to cook condensed milk at home:

• For the production of condensed milk on a large scale in industrial production, it is possible to use - various thickeners, aromatic and flavoring additives, components contraindicated for small children, and just people who took care of their health.

• In addition, at home for the production of condensed milk, products are selected that are freshest and of high quality, with the possible addition of additional ingredients, for example, chocolate, cocoa, vanilla and other components.

• So that condensed milk, cooked at home, is not only a delicious dessert, but also a very nutritious and healthy dish.

There are plenty of arguments in favor of making condensed milk at home, it remains only to learn correctly, according to the selected recipes, it is delicious and quick to cook and cook it.

How to cook condensed milk at home: general principles

Cooking condensed milk at home is quite easy, an appetizing dainty is in no way comparable to a store-bought product.

The components necessary for the production of condensed milk at home are natural, this is milk, granulated sugar, butter. Since the condensed milk sold in the store is an expensive product, it is not always distinguished by good taste and the quality of making it at home is very advisable.

General principles for the preparation of condensed goodies:

• Cooking time for condensed milk does not take much time from 10 to 20 minutes. Depending on the purpose of preparing condensed milk, time is also built up. For example, condensed milk for cream on a cake needs to be cooked a little longer, to obtain a greater density of the product, and later on convenience for lubricating the cake of the future confectionery.

• It is better to take a high saucepan for the production of condensed milk - this must be done to facilitate the process of mixing the components and prevent them from spattering.

• Also, when cooking condensed milk, it is better to add not sugar, but powder made from it.

• If during the preparation of this delicacy, the grains of added sugar in the existing consistency did not completely dissolve, then the mass can be brought to a homogeneous state with a blender.

• When the cooked condensed milk subsides, it must be removed to the refrigerator to obtain the desired consistency.

How to cook condensed milk at home in a slow cooker

Homemade condensed milk cooked in a slow cooker can be of different consistency and have a variety of shades from bright white, cream color to caramel. Probably, the color of the condensed milk depends on the time of its preparation or the components included in the composition of the treat.


• Milk (whole, fat) - 200 ml.

• Powdered milk (whole) - 200 gr.

• Sugar - 200 gr.

Cooking method:

In the bowl of the multicooker, pour sugar, dry milk. Then you need to mix both components together. Then you need to add milk to the available ingredients and mix everything again with a whisk or blender, until a homogeneous consistency is obtained.

Next, you need to install the bowl in the multicooker and, without closing its lid, turn on the “Soup” mode on it.

During the boiling of the mixture and after, it must be constantly stirred in order to avoid burning.

After boiling the condensed milk, the multicooker must be reset to the baking mode. Cooking time for condensed milk directly depends on the consistency of milk that is needed in density. The longer the condensed milk is cooked, the thicker it becomes.

On average, you need to cook condensed milk no more and at least 15 minutes. It is important not to forget to mix the delicacy in order to avoid further damage to the product.

After you need to cool the condensed milk, pour into a glass of the blender and beat well.

Condensed milk turns out to be very tasty, tender and quite high-calorie, which means nutritious.

How to cook condensed milk at home and recipes using it

There are many ways and recipes for boiling condensed milk at home, and do not take a lot of time from cooking and sweets lovers.

Recipe 1. How to cook condensed milk at home - the "Classic" way of cooking


• Milk - 300 ml.

• Powdered sugar - 300 gr.

• Butter - 30 gr.

Cooking method:

Pour milk into the pan and add powdered sugar and butter to it. Next, all components with a blender must be mixed and set the pan with the available ingredients on fire.

Constantly interfering with the resulting mass, we continue to cook it for another 10-15 minutes until a slightly viscous consistency is obtained. The resulting condensed milk needs to be cooled and served to the table for tea drinking.

Recipe 2. How to cook condensed milk at home - "Long-term storage product"

Condensed milk prepared in this way can be stored for a rather long time and not deteriorate.


• Milk (fresh) - 1.5 liters.

• Sugar 0.5 kg.

• Soda - 1/3 teaspoon.

Cooking method:

In a deep bowl, you need to pour milk, add granulated sugar and add the required amount of soda.

Then all the components must be mixed well and put on low heat for further cooking.

In the process of cooking, the existing mass must be constantly interfered. The condensed milk will first be white, and then when it darkens and becomes brown, the bowl with the treat will need to be removed from the heat and let the cooked product subside.

After condensed milk, pour it into jars and roll up.

Important! Soda in this case will make the available mass homogeneous and suitable for rolling.

From homemade condensed milk you can cook a lot of the most incredible and delicious dishes, here are just a few of them:

Homemade Condensed Milk Cupcake Cream


• Butter (cream) - 180 gr.

• Condensed milk - 180 gr.

• Nuts (walnuts) - a glass.

• Cocoa - 30 gr.

• Vanillin.

Cooking method:

Condensed milk must be poured into softened butter and beat well with a blender until a homogeneous and airy mass is obtained. Then you need to add cocoa to the existing components, and again beat everything together until smooth.

Then, to the resulting cream, you need to add the crushed nuts and mix all the ingredients again among themselves.

Grease the prepared cake with cream from condensed milk, put the product in the fridge for a while, and then proceed to tea drinking with a bit of cooked homemade masterpiece.

Homemade Condensed Milk Cake


• Condensed milk - 200 ml.

• Egg - 1 pc.

• Flour - 120 gr.

• Sugar - 100 gr.

• Oil (butter + vegetable).

• Milk.

• Cocoa - 30 gr.

Cooking method:

In a large mug, it is necessary to put sifted flour, cocoa, granulated sugar, an egg - beat all the components until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

Then you need to add milk to the mug, add both types of oil and again thoroughly mix and beat all the ingredients.

Then you need to remove the mug from the microwave and bake a miniature cake for several minutes at high power.

The finished cake should be doused with home-made condensed milk and served.

By creating condensed milk at home, you can not only save money, but also protect yourself and your loved ones from the harmful components that make up this product sold on store shelves and supermarkets.


Watch the video: How To Make Homemade Condensed Milk Recipe - Made with Only 2 Ingredients HUMA IN THE KITCHEN (July 2024).