Soup with beans and meat: how to cook a delicious bean soup? Simple Bean & Meat Soup Recipes


Why is soup the first dish?

In human nutrition, dishes based on broths do not accidentally take first place.

Firstly, all the ingredients of the first (read: main) dish during the cooking process saturate the water with valuable nutrients.

The resulting broth, as a nutrient fluid, is easily absorbed by the body and, in addition, promotes the rapid dissolution and digestion of solid foods, and also quickly creates a feeling of fullness with less heavy stomach heavy food.

It is remarkable that there are a lot of recipes for soups in the world of cooking, and this assortment is regularly updated, thanks to the creativity of professionals and simple housewives.

Often, the recipe for a new soup appears only due to the coincidence of two factors: the presence of a certain set of products and a creative mood that can transform, for example, any recipe for soup with beans and meat beyond recognition even in the hands of one hostess, within the same kitchen, mentioning that the same soup, with absolutely exact observance of the recipe, each housewife will turn out to be unique in her own way.

Soup with Beans and Meat - Basic Technological Principles

Let's try to make out some of the features of making soup with beans based on meat broths. And start with the beans. The complexity of this valuable and nutritious grain is quite a long cooking. Of course, you can immediately resort to an alternative way of cooking soups with beans, and use ready-made, canned beans, bought on the occasion at the supermarket. This will, if necessary, significantly save time on preparing a delicious and wholesome dinner, but you should not completely abandon the independent preparation of beans: remember about preservatives that are certainly used by the food industry.

Beans have two drawbacks: it is cooked for too long and in some people causes discomfort during digestion, accompanied by a feeling of heaviness in the stomach. The cause of this problem is insoluble fiber and complex saccharides, which absorb together with the liquid all undesirable elements and toxins, falling into the human digestive system. Therefore, despite the unpleasant sensations caused by the use of beans, it still benefits, being a kind of "intestinal scrub." True, it is not recommended to include it in the diet for some chronic diseases of the digestive system during periods of exacerbation. In other cases, beans are a valuable dietary product.

So you have to be patient and, despite the difficulties of the preparatory stage of preparation, include it in your diet as often as possible.

In addition to preliminary and very long soaking, there are no other effective methods for softening the beans. A slightly acidic environment will help speed up this process. When soaking, add 2-3 tablespoons of vinegar to the water. Change the water more often, even if the container is in the refrigerator. This will help partially dissolve the substances that cause flatulence. During cooking, also change the water, bringing the beans to a boil. Cook it in an open bowl so that the grains do not darken.

Varieties of cultivated beans there are more than two hundred. Of this variety, you can, of course, choose any, at your discretion, but keep in mind that white beans are cooked one and a half times faster, especially small ones.

For vegetarians, this product is a source of protein., but, nevertheless, it must be understood that no vegetable protein can fully replace proteins of animal origin that supply glutin to the human body and give energy. Proteins of animal origin in their chemical composition are closer to the biochemical processes of the human body. Therefore, bean proteins are good, but it is better if you add meat food to them, at least - meat broth.

Soup with beans and meat is ideal.

Recipe 1. Soup with beans and meat, with croutons


Meat broth 1.2 l

Onions, 120 g

Parsley root 50 g

Red carrots 100 g

Greens 75 g

Potato 250 g (net)

Salt 2 g

Canned beans, natural 280 g

Garlic 20 g

Oil (for croutons) 150 ml

Bread 400 g



Slice the bread. After warming the refined oil, fry the slices of bread and transfer them to a napkin.

The roots of parsley and carrots, washed and peeled, grind and simmer in a pan in 100 ml of broth. Peel and chop the onion, add to the pan and simmer until transparent. Diced peeled potatoes and cook in meat broth. Combine both prepared portions of the soup in a blender and beat. Transfer the mashed potatoes back to the pan. After opening the jar of beans, rinse it and immerse in mashed potatoes. Cook to a boil over low heat. Turning off, season the soup with chopped herbs and garlic, add spices and salt, if desired.

Recipe 2. Soup with beans and meat, with tomato dressing


Low-fat pork flesh 700 g

Tomatoes 400 g

Hot peppers - 50 g and sweet - 100 g

Onion - 120 g

Fat (for passivation) 50 g


Provencal herbs - 20 g

Bay leaf, a mixture of peppers (ground)

Beans (grain) 300 g


Carrot 90 g


Blanch the tomatoes, and when cooled, wipe, removing the skin and grains. Grind the peeled onions and carrots with the addition of flour. In mashed vegetables, add mashed tomatoes and 50 - 100 ml of broth from the pan. Stew until thickened, and then beat the vegetables with a blender.

Bean grain, having stood 6-7 hours in cold water, wash and throw in boiling water. Once the water boils, drain it, transfer the beans to another pot of boiling water and continue cooking. After 20 minutes, dip the washed pork chopped into large cubes into a pan and cook until the beans and meat are cooked. Before boiling the meat, do not forget to remove the foam.

Add the grated tomato dressing to the soup along with spices, pepper and chopped herbs, and bring it to a boil. Ready soup needs to be infused for 20-25 minutes before serving.

Recipe 3. Soup with beans and meat on vegetable broth


Chicken Stew 0.5 L

Canned beans, in tomato sauce 400 g

Frozen vegetable mix (carrots, asparagus, cauliflower) 300 g

Onions - shallots 150 g

Peeled potatoes 250 g

Water 2 L

Spices, chopped herbs


Very fast soup: it will help out when there is not enough time, and, besides, it’s an excellent camping option that will compete with soups with preservatives in bags.

Cut the peeled and washed potatoes into 1x1x1 cm cubes so that it boils faster. Choose a soft and quick-digesting variety to reduce cooking time. Dip the prepared potatoes in hot water and let it boil for five minutes, then send all the ingredients to the pan at once, except for frozen vegetables and chopped fresh herbs. Simmer all the soup ingredients for another 3-4 minutes, and sprinkle the rest of the ingredients. If necessary, bring the soup to taste with spices.

Recipe 4. Soup with beans and meat in pots, in Georgian


Lamb (or beef) 900 g

String Beans (Asparagus) 150 g

Eggplant 120 g (net)

Potato 800 g (net)

Meat broth 1.1 l

Tomatoes (pasta) 75 g

Garlic 15 g

Onion 100 g

Cilantro 60 g

Carrot 140 g

Suneli hops 30 g

Basil, red 70 g

Hot pepper

Sour cream and tomato slices (for serving)


Prepare the broth by welding it from the bones, after trimming the meat. Divide all cleaned and prepared ingredients equally into 6 450 ml pots. For each serving, put 4-5 pieces of meat. Add spices and salt to the broth, mix, dissolving them, and then fill the broth in pots to cover with it all the ingredients placed inside. Prepare chopped green cilantro, slices of tomato and sour cream for decoration of the soup: they need to be added to portioned pots when serving.

Place the pots on a pallet, covered with lids, and send to cook in a preheated oven for at least an hour and a half. Thick soup should languish.

Please note: the ingredients for a canah are necessarily cut into large pieces.

Recipe 5. Soup with beans and meat: pickle with mushrooms


Salty Mushrooms 200 g

Potato 300 g

Boiled Beans 250 g

1.4 l meat broth

Salami 350 g

Onion 150 g

Smoked bacon 180 g

Carrot 100 g

Greens, spices, slices of lemons or lime, olives, sour cream - for serving


In the boiling strained broth, put the prepared and sliced ​​potatoes. Rinse the mushrooms from the brine and cut them into slices. Cut salami into slices like potatoes.

Preheat the pan, put finely chopped pieces of smoked bacon in it and stew the pork fat, then remove the overcooked pieces. Prepare a dressing of carrots and onions, sautéing these vegetables in smoked pork fat.

When the potatoes are sufficiently boiled, add boiled colorful beans, chopped mushrooms and cooked dressing to it. Boil everything together over low heat for about ten minutes, until all the ingredients are combined into one flavor.

When serving, add a slice of lemon, 3-4 rings of chopped pitted black olives, chopped parsley or other herbs, a spoonful of sour cream to each serving.

Bean and Meat Soup - Tips and Tricks

  • You need to salt the beans before the end of cooking, when the grains become soft. Do not be afraid that they will boil and burst: the outer shell of the bean is strong enough. After adding salt, boil the beans for another ten minutes.

  • During cooking, beans are increased in volume by three times, and meat is compressed by about two times. This must be taken into account during the preparation of the soup in order to create the necessary consistency.

  • Soups are not recommended for future use, as most of them lose their beneficial properties 2-3 hours after cooling.


Watch the video: Best Bean Soup Recipe . .easy and delicious (July 2024).