How to get rid of the former (husband or boyfriend) forever. The most effective methods of getting rid of the "former": we are insidious women


How to get rid of the ex (husband, boyfriend), if he is not going to let go of his subject of adoration under any circumstances?

Understand the main reasons why the man "stuck to you", and then proceeding from them, act.

Our guide will help you with this.

How to get rid of an ex-boyfriend or husband: Why a man does not want to leave you

It’s always very difficult to part, and breaking off relationships with loved ones is doubly harder. Not all men decide to take this step, even if feelings for their companion are gone. Then what keeps the partner near you? Why is he in no hurry to leave when he is plainly told that everything is finished?

The main reasons why the former does not want to leave:

1. Proud pride. Every man comforts himself with the hope in his soul that he is the best and unique. And then the husband or boyfriend suddenly finds out that his chosen one wants to break off relations with him. This is a huge blow to male pride. Nobody wants to feel thrown. The former asks you to give him another chance to prove how good he is.

Tip: If you decide to part with a partner, do not fall for his tricks, and forget about sympathy. A person will not change, and a feeling of pity will make it impossible for personal happiness.

2. Sense of ownership. At the heart of it is all the same pride. A spouse or boyfriend believes that he has certain rights to the former. The man is convinced that the passion can only belong to him and no one else, even if he has no feelings for her.

3. Awakened feelings. After the husband or boyfriend hears that they are leaving him, suddenly “insight” comes to him. The man begins to realize that he has lost the love of his life, and is in a hurry to reanimate the relationship.

4. Fear of being alone. Despite the fact that men are considered a strong sex, they also tend to have ordinary human weaknesses. You have been together for a single year, and maybe not even a dozen years. During this time, a definite, established model of relationships develops in the partner’s head. Personal relationships become for him an integral part of his own “I”. He does not want to make any changes to this model, since men are characterized by constancy.

A partner may have several mistresses, but will never dare to step away from his own wife, in whom he sees support. He is afraid of losing this support, and therefore he will try with all his might to keep his companion.

5. Desire to take revenge. Abandoned husband, the guy decides to ruin the life of his passion, getting her harassment, threats or even assault. Thus, he tries to express how painful he is and wants you to experience it yourself. Thus, the former depicts the role of the victim. Only weak-willed men who try to realize themselves through a woman are capable of this step. Self-sufficient people do not take revenge and adequately leave.

6. Mental problems. Even self-sufficient men can chase the former for some time. But they quickly come to the realization that life does not stand still and we need to move on. This is not always the case. The former may continue to annoy for several months and even years. This clearly indicates that the person has certain mental abnormalities.

How to get rid of the former in this case? It will be difficult to do here without the help of a psychologist. A person should come to the realization that he is sick and needs help from the outside.

How to get rid of ex-boyfriend, husband: general tips

A break means a complete cessation of communication. But often the former continue to sort things out, which can drag on for a long time, and will not lead to anything good.

After you have informed your husband or boyfriend that there can be nothing more in common between you, chop all the points of contact on the vine.

Remember: Continuing communication, you give a person hope for a future relationship.

How to get rid of your ex-husband if you have common housing or children

If you have common property or children, it will be quite difficult to get rid of the former immediately. The husband or partner will have an excuse to come again and again, hiding behind the fact that he wants to stay with the child.

Having common housing, the situation is doubly complicated: the partner can declare that he does not intend to go anywhere. How to get rid of the former in this case?

Tip: Pack your things and go live with your family. If there are no relatives, ask your close friends for permission to temporarily stay with them until the situation is clarified.

Do not start a lawsuit over the division of property if the spouse refuses to solve the problem peacefully, thereby trying to take revenge. It takes some time for a person to realize what has happened, and then you would be able to part ways in a peaceful way.

How to get rid of an ex-boyfriend

To get rid of a former lover with whom you did not have time to start a family is much easier. To do this, sometimes it is enough for someone from your friends to play the role of your new young man.

Tip: If the guy still does not lag behind and continues to annoy with visits, phone calls and messages, do not be fooled by the provocation. By reacting to these actions, you thereby give an occasion to the harassing boyfriend to continue to act in the same spirit.

How to get rid of an ex-boyfriend, husband painlessly

Not every girl or woman dares to directly tell her companion that their paths will soon diverge.

Small female tricks will help to get rid of the ex-husband and guy painlessly.

Tip: Turn a man’s life into hell, depriving him of his personal space.

Start annoying with regular calls when your husband or boyfriend is at work or busy. Throw tantrums if he does not immediately pick up the phone.

After the partner has returned home, do not leave him for a minute and take his phone. A man must understand that he is under constant control.

Not everyone is able to tolerate such tricks, since any person wants to feel to some extent independent and free.

Tip: Deprive a man of home comfort and intimacy.

Associating himself with a woman, the representative of the stronger sex expects that the chosen one will not only satisfy him in bed, but will also become a kind of nanny who will cook, wash and clean up after him.

Stop caring for your partner, ceasing to perform all women's household chores.

More often leave a fed up passion without sex. But if this cannot be done - frankly miss you at the moment of intimacy. You need to make it clear to the partner that in bed he does not represent any interest for you.

Without getting all this, a man can seriously think: does he need such a companion?

Tip: As often as possible criticize your partner about and without him. Downgrade his self-esteem. A man will not be comfortable with you, and he will hurry to break off relations.

A man should have the impression that he is leaving you, and not you throw him.

How to get rid of an ex-boyfriend, husband: cardinal methods

If none of the methods help, you should resort to radical solutions to the problem.

Tip: Warn the former that you will be forced to contact the police if he does not stop his persecution.

You can threaten to tell everyone you know about his obscene behavior or complain to his boss at work.

For men for whom reputation and career matters, this method is sobering.

If verbal explanations did not help, proceed to translate what was said: write a statement to the police, ask your friends for help, explaining the situation. Such actions on your part clearly will not please the man, and he may stop the persecution.

In the event that none of the methods act on the ex-husband, an ideal option would be to change his place of residence. Your paths should stop intersecting until the “fighting” mood of the hero-lover has calmed down.

How to get rid of an ex-husband, boyfriend: summarize

To make the separation less painful for both sides, stop making any contact with your ex-husband or boyfriend and find out past grievances.

If you have a common child, do not forbid your father to communicate with him. Let them see you, but only without your presence.

Kill in yourself a feeling of pity and compassion for the ex partner. Continued communication will lead to the fact that the ex-boyfriend or husband will experience hope for a joint future.

There is no single method for getting rid of an ex-boyfriend. As in any other business, an individual approach is needed here. But the slogan of action should be with a French accent "A la guerre comme à la guerre" (a la guerre, com a la guerre), which means "in war, as in war."
