How to get rid of flies in a house or apartment? Mechanical, chemical and folk remedies for getting rid of flies in an apartment


Perhaps there are no more annoying insects than flies.

As a rule, they emerge from hibernation in April-May and begin to proliferate and spread various microbes unsafe for humans.

This article will focus on how to get rid of flies in your home.

What is the harm from flies?

Flies are carriers of all kinds of viruses and germs, most of which are dangerous to the human body. An ordinary fly, which flew off the street and settled on food, can leave particles affected by a huge amount of viruses on them. Flies lay their eggs in the pulp or peel of vegetables and fruits, making them thus dangerous to humans and subsequently capable of causing various diseases.

The most common diseases that can cause flies are:

  • diarrhea;

  • dysentery;

  • typhoid fever;

  • cholera;

  • conjunctivitis.

Each of these diseases is very difficult to carry by the body, so you need to get rid of flies in your home in a timely manner.

How to get rid of flies in an apartment: mechanical methods

The mechanical methods of dealing with annoying insects include:

1) Fly swatterwhich is used to eliminate flies manually;

2) Velcrothat attract insects with a sweet aroma. Flies land on them, but can no longer fly away. Velcro can be purchased at any hardware store or supermarket;

3) Fumigator. This device is very convenient in that to eliminate the flies you only need to charge it with a special plate or a flask with liquid and connect it to the network. At the same time, a person does not feel an unpleasant smell at all, but for flies he is very unpleasant and scares them away. In addition, aesthetically, he looks much more attractive than the same Velcro.

To enhance the effect, it is better to use several methods at once. This will help to eliminate not only flies, but also other insects such as cockroaches or ants.

How to get rid of flies in an apartment: folk remedies

If flies do not swarm in flocks in your premises, but constantly fly from the street through the windows, you can use one of the folk remedies, time-tested. First of all, be sure to install mosquito nets on the windows, this will save you from almost all types of insects in the room. You can also put indoor plants on the windowsill, the smell of which is very disliked by flies. These include: geranium, myrtle, eucalyptus, seedlings from tomatoes and the like.

Also, special herbs will perfectly cope with this task: elderberry, tansy, fern leaves. All that is needed is to spread them all over the house in small quantities.

To eliminate flies, you can also use ordinary black ground pepper. To do this, you need to make a mixture of sweet water and pepper, and after a couple of days you will not find a single fly in the apartment.

These insects do not tolerate saccharin on the spirit. To make the bait with it, soak an ordinary newspaper with saccharin and honey dissolved in water and dry it. After the flies are active, put the prima on the table and drop a small amount of water on it. Insects that flock to the sweet smell of a newspaper will die within a couple of hours.

Flax flax has one of the most unpleasant odors for insects (you can purchase it at any pharmacy). Prepare the following recipe: take flax, add it to milk and prepare a decoction from this mixture. This broth will need to be placed in all corners of the room with flies. After a short time, annoying insects will fly away from home. Flies also really dislike the scent of rosin, tansy and castor oil.

You can get rid of uninvited guests by wet cleaning using special means such as DDT or Hexochlaran. These funds must be diluted in water and thoroughly wipe all surfaces in the room. Along with cold and frost, flies also really don't like drafts, so try to ventilate the apartment as often as possible.

Today are very popular. ultrasonic repellers. With their help, you can get rid of annoying "guests" as quickly and safely as possible without the use of chemicals. The principle of operation of this device is based on the use of high ultrasonic waves, which are completely harmless to humans, but at the same time very strongly affect flies and other insects, forcing them to move away as far as possible from the source of ultrasonic waves. This device works great indoors, but it is not suitable for outdoor areas, so it is better to use it in houses and apartments.

How to get rid of flies in an apartment: chemicals

If flies and other insects fly around the room in swarms, then here, of course, it is worth putting aside all mechanical and folk remedies and using the most powerful one - chemicals. You can use the services of professionals who will come to you and do chemical cleaning, but you can do it yourself. We present to your attention a list of the most famous and effective chemicals in the fight against annoying insects.

1. Aerosols. These include the good old "Chlorophos" and "Dichlorvos". The principle of operation of these drugs is very simple - a jet of poisonous substances gets on insects and instantly destroys them. To enhance the effect of aerosols against flies, you need to spray it indoors, and only after a while open the windows to ventilate the room. This method will significantly reduce the population of these insects.

2. Plates from flies for the fumigator - One of the modern means of controlling flies. It works this way: you need to insert a plate in the device that is saturated with the toxic substance vaportrin. When you turn on the device at the bottom of the plate heats up, and the toxic substance begins to evaporate, thereby destroying insects.

3. Duct tapeimpregnated with a toxic substance. This method can be attributed to both mechanical and chemical means. Velcro tape is hung in a room with flies and attracts them with its smell. Insects fly to the tape, stick to it, and after some time die.

Each of these chemicals is very effective, but there is a serious drawback - they contain poison. Therefore, while working with them, children and pets should not be in the room.

Fly Prevention

Most people do not attach much importance to the danger that comes from these insects. And in vain, because a fly is not only an annoying insect, it is also a carrier of the most dangerous diseases, such as diphtheria, tuberculosis, dysentery and many others. Flies lay their eggs in food, and the person who ate them has a risk of getting one of these diseases. Therefore, it is much more rational and simpler to carry out prevention from these insects than to deal with the consequences later. Follow a few simple recommendations, and your home will be much better protected from flies and other insects.

1. Try to carry out wet cleaning as often as possible, because any insect prefers dirt and debris, and if this is not in the room, then they will have nothing to do here. Try to dispose of the bin in a timely manner and put fresh fruits and vegetables in the refrigerator.

2. If you live in a private house and keep pets, for example, cattle, then the place of deployment of flies may be a corral or a place where manure is stored. Experts recommend cleaning pens with animals as often as possible, and regularly pour a solution of karfos on manure: insects do not transfer it to the spirit.

3. When flowers and trees began to blossom in the street, and spring came, be sure to hang mosquito nets on the windows, they will become an obstacle for flies to enter the room.

4. In order for insects to fly around your house, plant bushes of bird cherry or elderberry around it. Also, insects do not tolerate the smell of walnut or wormwood. For people living in apartments, it is recommended to put ordinary geranium in pots on all windowsills.

Do not forget that the appearance of flies, as well as other annoying insects, is much easier to prevent than to deal with them later. Follow these simple recommendations, and you will forever forget about such an unpleasant phenomenon as flies in the room.


Watch the video: ULTIMATE Tips on How to Get Rid of Flies. Getting Rid of Flies Inside and Outside. Fly Traps (June 2024).