Coccyx bruise - how to relieve pain, first aid? Effective remedies for treating tailbone injuries: doctor's advice


A tailbone bruise is a common closed injury in which tissue integrity is not compromised.

A bruise can be in any person who just fell unsuccessfully.

Coccyx bruise: symptoms, ambulance

Symptoms of a tailbone bruise are practically no different from bruises in other places.

Common symptoms are as follows:

1. Pain of varying intensity, depending on the degree of contusion.

2. Swelling of the tissues. This symptom can be easily detected by palpation.

3. Hematomas resulting from ruptures of small vessels. Blood flow between tissues is one of the main causes of severe pain.

4. Difficulties in movement will not be observed.

All these symptoms are common, but we can distinguish particular ones related specifically to the tailbone bruise:

1. At the time of sitting or when moving, the pain will intensify.

2. In the coccyx, severe discomfort is observed.

3. A low hematoma is observed in the lower back.

4. The coccyx area will swell slightly and swell.

It should be noted that tailbone injury can pass with a less pronounced clinical picture. After some time, the pain will subside, so the patient does not consider it necessary to consult a specialist. However, the pathological process will progress further, and a visit to a traumatologist cannot be delayed.

First of all, the following symptoms should alert the patient:

• during bowel movements there is severe pain;

• during intercourse, pain occurs;

• puffiness persists for a long time and does not subside.

First aid

If a tailbone is suspected, the effectiveness of the general treatment will depend on how well the first aid was provided. It is she who is the key to successful treatment and rehabilitation, so you need to know how to act in such a situation.

The basic rules for first aid immediately after injury are as follows:

1. Do not make any sudden movements.

2. Lie on your stomach in a horizontal position. In this position, the outflow from the tissues will be improved, which means that extensive hemorrhages can be avoided. The less blood is poured out, the faster the patient can recover.

3. Look well for bruises in the area where the damage occurred. If they are observed, apply a cold.

4. If any pressure occurs on the coccyx, discontinue it as soon as possible. It can be tight pants, belts, everything must be removed.

5. The victim can only be moved on his side so that no pressure is exerted on the coccyx.

6. It is forbidden to take painkillers before a doctor’s examination, as the general picture of the bruise can be hidden.

7. Call an ambulance as soon as possible.

For all its harmlessness, a tailbone bruise is a rather dangerous condition. Late diagnosis and untimely treatment can lead to serious consequences.

Coccyx injury: medicines and devices

It always takes a lot of time to treat spinal injuries, tailbone injuries are no exception. Long-term therapy is always awaiting the patient, but it is necessary so that no serious complications arise.

The first few days after injury, you must observe several important rules:

• apply ice and cold compresses for two days;

• try to adhere exclusively to bed rest;

• do not sit for a long time;

• do not take hot baths or visit the bathhouse;

• sleep exclusively on your stomach;

• All motor activity should be limited for a while.

The main treatment is aimed at stopping the pain syndrome. That is why, after cold compresses, it is recommended to use dry heat or warming.

For patient comfort, you need to put something soft on the seat before you sit down. In the pharmacy you can buy special orthopedic devices for this.

A tailbone injury also involves treatment with medications. For this, it is best to use anti-inflammatory and non-steroidal drugs, for example Nimesil, Ibuprofen, Paracetamol. In cases with complications, specialists prescribe injections with these drugs.

Ointments and suppositories for the treatment of tailbone injury

In order to alleviate the symptoms of injury, prescribe ointments, suppositories, creams. Such drugs come in both warming and cooling effects. The most effective among them are the following:

• ketanes (candles);

• fastum gel;

• dolobene;

• arnica;

• cream based on bee venom.

Drugs should be applied to the area of ​​the injury carefully, gently rubbing. Massage in any of its manifestations is completely excluded, as it can only do much harm.

Before using suppositories, you need to consult a proctologist and gastroenterologist, since such drugs can adversely affect digestion and intestinal walls.

Coccyx injury: folk remedies

For the treatment of tailbone injury, not only medications are used, but also folk remedies, in the form of compresses, lotions and various ointments.

For example, you can apply a compress of onion, chopped on a grater, cabbage or raw potatoes (also chopped).

You can make ointments yourself, for example, mix butter and propolis.

All folk remedies have been tested for more than one decade. They can perfectly complement the prescribed treatment, help bruises resolve faster. But of course you need to remember that all folk methods in this case work only from the outside, and the bruise must be affected from the inside. That is why medications are prescribed, as well as physiotherapy.

A tailbone bruise is a very rare injury, but insidious. Often, it can adversely affect the spinal cord or lead to chronic pain. Therefore, you can not delay the treatment.

Coccyx bruise: treatment plan, step-by-step instructions

As mentioned above, the tailbone is a practically invisible area on the human body, but until a feeling of severe pain and discomfort arises. Among folk recipes, there are quite a lot of those that can cure a bruise.

Almost all recipes are aimed at treating contusion in the form of compresses. After all, the problem is primarily external symptoms, and if you eliminate them, the patient’s condition will be alleviated. Below are the most effective methods for treating tailbone bruise, with detailed instructions.

Honey and Vinegar

Take the two ingredients and mix them in a 2: 1 ratio. If you feel severe pain, you need to rub the ointment once an hour, if the pain is not so pronounced, then once every few hours. After the complete disappearance of unpleasant sensations, continue to rub the product for a few more days so that the effect is fixed.

Kefir, cottage cheese, honey and alcohol

Each ingredient must be taken in equal amounts, after which everything is mixed. The resulting compress must be applied to the coccyx area, fixing it after that with a bandage or film. It is best to perform the procedure before bedtime, as the compress is left overnight.

Vishnevsky ointment

You can buy ointment in any pharmacy, despite its unpleasant smell, it is effective and helps to quickly get rid of even severe bruises. Take a cloth and soak it well with ointment. Lie on your stomach and apply a compress to the tailbone, securely fixing it with a bandage. Leave in this condition until morning. Thanks to the action of the ointment, the inflammatory process will take place in just a few days.

Tincture for pain relief

To prepare the tincture, you will need the following ingredients:

• 300 ml of ethyl alcohol;

• 10 ml camphor alcohol;

• 10 pieces of tablets of dipyrone;

• 10 ml of iodine.

Combine all ingredients in one container and mix thoroughly. Put it in a dark place for 21 days, and then store in the refrigerator or just a cool place. In case of a tailbone injury, lubricate the sore spot with the finished tincture, to achieve a positive result, usually 5-6 applications are enough.

Birch tar

Take tar and butter, and then mix them in a ratio of 1: 2. After the mixture is ready, apply it to the injury site, it is recommended to apply a film on top, the compress is removed only the next morning.


You do not need to make tincture yourself, as you can buy it at any pharmacy. Take a napkin and moisten in clean water, then drip propolis tincture on the fabric several times and attach to the site of the injury. Leave it for a few hours, then clean it. It is necessary to perform 3-4 such procedures per day.

Medicinal herbs

Tear off plantain, wormwood and onions, finely chop the plants until gruel forms. Distribute the resulting mixture at the site of the bruise, and leave it for several hours until you feel that the pain begins to recede.


A decoction is prepared from the plant and it is also used in its usual form for addition to the baths. The effect of the decoction is aimed at reducing pain. If it is not possible to add it to the baths, then you can apply it simply as a compress.

To prepare the broth, take one liter of water and two tablespoons of leaves of the plant, fill them with water and put on fire. After the water begins to boil, reduce the heat and let cook for another 5-10 minutes, then remove from heat and cool well. Strain the broth, soak a napkin in it and attach to the site of the bruise.

Need to remember: the main point in the treatment of bruising, remains, first of all, compliance with bed rest. By limiting physical activity and other activities for a while, you will significantly shorten the period of recovery and rehabilitation.
