April 24th: what are the holidays today. Events, name days and birthdays on April 24th.


Holidays April 24

International Laboratory Animal Protection Day

On this day, all animal protection organizations of the world celebrate the International Day for the Protection of Laboratory Animals - a holiday established by the International Association to Combat Painful Experiments on Our Lesser Brothers in 1979. In the indicated year, on April 24, an agreement was signed on the termination of the preparation of experimental animals between Tyumen University (Department of Zoology) and InterNICH. According to the agreement, the InterNICH organization provided the Tyumen University with special equipment and developed a program for students to study zoology without killing or dissecting animals.

This project allowed to save the lives of many representatives of the animal world (65 mice, 32 pigeons, about 40 frogs and 68 fish were saved). Soon, other educational institutions began to cooperate with InterNICH in the framework of the laboratory animal protection program. "Specially designed computer programs in zoology allow students to receive very complete and comprehensive information about the animal world and the biological structure of vertebrates ...", one of the representatives of InterNICH shared with the media.

International Youth Solidarity Day

The event is celebrated annually on April 24 at the initiative of the World Youth Federation. For the first time, Youth Solidarity Day was celebrated in 1957. The purpose of its celebration was the desire of the public to draw the attention of state bodies, as well as the media, to the life and problems of youth. Only a general association of people who care and heartily care for the fate of the future generation of the planet allows for full control of society over the observance of all the rights of young people, as well as to increase their creative activity, organization and full participation in the life of their state.

April 24th in the folk calendar

Water race

On April 24, the people honor the memory of St. Antipius of Pergamon, a close disciple of John the Theologian and bishop of the Church of Pergamon. According to legend, the pagans forced the monk to stop preaching Christianity, but Antipas was adamant, for which he was put to death. Believers secretly took his body and buried according to customs, and a temple was later erected over his grave. The tomb of St. Antipius turned into a place of pilgrimage.

In Russia, Antipas was revered as a healer of pain, especially toothache. The people called him Vodogonny, because it was believed that on this day the flood reached its peak. If the ice did not leave the rivers at this point, then the peasants expected a bad (in terms of harvest) year. A wide spill of water foreshadowed a fertile summer: "Bread will be born if there is water," people said on Vodogon. Also in Antipov day it was customary to observe the weather: the presence of rains promised a mushroom year, frost spoke of the same thing. Today, as a rule, field work was not carried out, seeds were not sown, and seedlings were not planted, since this day was considered unfavorable for such activities.

Historical events of April 24

April 24, 1671 - Stepan Razin was caught and soon executed.

S. Razin was the leader of the Peasant War, the center of which was the Volga and Don Cossacks. Among the rebels against the Moscow government were peasants, Cossacks and some Volga peoples (Mordovians, Maris, Tatars and Chuvashs). Razin’s supporters called on the rebels to “slaughter” the governor, nobles, boyars and other traders “for treason”. Stepan Razin enjoyed great authority among the people. Under his leadership, many military campaigns were carried out in Persia and the Volga. The name of Razin became legendary. Once during the next campaign on the Volga, he sent letters urging him to fight captivity and serve him. These letters gathered a lot of supporters, and the campaign turned into a major peasant war, which swept a considerable part of the Russian state.

By 1671, the authority of Razin began to decline. He sought to capture Cherkassk, but the undertaking failed, and on April 24 of that year, Stepan was captured by Cossack horror stories. They, in turn, handed over the leader to the tsarist authorities, and in June 1671 he was publicly executed near a frontal place in Moscow.

April 24, 1833 - Obtaining a patent for sparkling water

On the day we are considering, sparkling water was patented in the United States. This invention belongs to the English chemist Joseph Priestley. It was he who discovered the chemical bond that is responsible for the decomposition of carbon dioxide. Prior to creating the gas pipeline, Priestley was involved in the field of electricity and nuclear energy. With the help of research, he managed to find a scientific approach to photosynthesis, to prove the current conductivity in graphite, and also to discover oxygen and the so-called "laughing gas".

The discovery of soda was a completely unexpected event for the scientist. Watching the brewery, he thought about the bubbles emitted by the beer, and decided to recreate exactly those using chemical reactions. The chemist succeeded. Joseph was pleasantly surprised by the strong, but surprising, previously not tasted taste of sparkling water. He clearly pleased him. Today, for us, soda is not something unusual and unfamiliar. It became so popular that many countries proposed on April 24 to introduce a holiday under an unusual name - International Soda Water Day.

April 24, 1916 - In Dublin there was an uprising "Red Easter"

The Red Easter (Easter rebellion) was an armed uprising of the Irish against the British, which took place on Easter with the aim of gaining independence by the Irish. On the eve of the event, rebel leaders adopted a republican declaration abolishing all of Britain’s rights over Ireland and prohibiting civil strife between the Protestant and Catholic churches. This uprising, lasting almost a week, was crushed by Britain. The main rebel leader, Patrick Pearce, was captured and shot. Together with him, the British destroyed another fifteen leaders of the Easter riot.

Born on April 24

Giovanni Martini (1706-1784) - Italian theorist, music historian, teacher, bandmaster, composer, violinist and talented singer. However, it is better known in society as Padre Martini, a Franciscan monk.

Karl Georg Spitteler (1845-1924) - an outstanding poet of Switzerland, an essayist and novelist, awarded the Nobel Prize (1919) for the magnificent epic "Olympic Spring". He worked under the nickname Felix Tandem.

Francis Beaufort (born in 1774) - a famous English sailor, the developer of the twelve-point scale that determines the strength of the wind. During the war of 1812, he was seriously wounded and left the sea, after which he became a hydrograph at the British Admiralty.

Jean-Paul Gaultier (born in 1952) - famous French fashion designer. In 1978, he first created his own collection, which contradicted all fashion trends of that time and somehow resembled the "street" London style. Subsequently, his outfits had a huge impact on the French market for such products.

April 24th

Antip, Prokhor, Peter, Nikolai, Jacob, John (Ivan), Melit, Gregory, German, Lyudmila.


Watch the video: Learn Holidays - Truly American Holidays (June 2024).