Is it possible to eat seeds for pregnant and lactating: how harmful and beneficial. Why they say that it is harmful to pregnant women to eat seeds


Each pregnant woman has her own quirks: someone wants to chew on chalk, someone to chew on wallpaper, and someone cannot live without seeds.

According to expectant mothers, they help them cope with toxicosis.

Sometimes husking seeds becomes a habit and, having already given birth, a woman wonders: are they so harmless?

Is it possible to eat seeds for pregnant and lactating: what are the benefits

For pregnant

The rich vitamin and mineral composition of sunflower seeds positively affects the condition and health of women:

● normalizes the digestive tract;

● relieves heartburn;

● reduces nausea;

● uplifting;

● lowers blood cholesterol;

● improves liver and kidney function;

● normalizes the nervous and cardiovascular systems.

There is no categorical prohibition of obstetrician-gynecologists on the use of seeds by pregnant and lactating women. On the contrary, they can even be useful. It's all about their composition. Sunflower seeds are rich primarily in folic acid. And she, as you know, is prescribed in drugs in the first trimester of pregnancy for normal growth and division of fetal cells. Folic acid is prescribed even to prepare the body for conception. Any substance is better accepted by the body in its natural form, which means that sunflower seeds will benefit.

Seeds are rich in substances such as magnesium, sodium, zinc, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, iodine and iron. They also contain vitamins of groups A, D and E. The latter is especially important during pregnancy, as it fights against free radicals (that is, it prevents the body from aging prematurely), and also favorably affects the condition of the vessels of the placenta. This leads to better nutrition for the baby.

With the help of sunflower seeds, you can control cholesterol and platelets in the blood. The polyunsaturated acids in the seeds are beneficial for the health of the woman and for the formation of the brain in the fetus.

For nursing

Folic acid, also known as vitamin B9, is useful not only during gestation, but also during breastfeeding. She improves the condition of mom:

● Helps deal with postpartum depression and stress.

● relieves drowsiness and bouts of apathy;

● It is an excellent prevention of anemia.

Vitamin B9 with the mother’s milk enters the baby’s body, which contributes to the normal formation of the nervous system, prevents the development of possible psycho-emotional disorders, as well as diseases such as megaloblastic anemia. Folic acid is especially important for a newborn if her mother experienced a deficiency during pregnancy.

Vitamin D is useful for a nursing mother and her baby to improve the condition of bones, nails and hair. This is especially important for a woman, since during lactation, most of the vitamins and nutrients are given to the baby with milk.

The saturation of sunflower seeds with fatty acids ensures the normal exchange of fats for the mother and child, and reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases and atherosclerosis.

By the potassium content, even bananas lose to seeds. The substance is especially useful for the unborn baby, having a positive effect on muscle development.

Is it possible to eat seeds for pregnant and lactating: what can this threaten


In order to benefit a woman, only 100 g of dried sunflower seeds are enough. Excessive use threatens with disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, accompanied by painful swelling and abdominal cramps.

It is worth remembering that seeds are a very high-calorie product. A small glass contains 500 kcal. Those who are gaining weight well may be contraindicated in the use of seeds in order to avoid over-gaining.

It is not recommended to bite seeds with teeth. During pregnancy, when all the forces of a woman’s body are devoted to the development and ensuring the normal functioning of the baby, tooth enamel weakens. Sunflower seeds can easily be damaged.

Those who eat seeds to get rid of nausea should be careful. This product retains acetone in the body, which can be harmful, especially with severe toxicosis.

If before pregnancy a woman was not fond of seeds, then it is worth starting to bite them with a minimum amount. Because of the restructuring, the body can give a reaction to the product in the form of an allergy, which is categorically not desirable, especially in the first trimester.


Any mother knows that during lactation it is especially important to monitor your diet. Each new product begins to be introduced in minimal quantities. In case of allergies and other ailments in the baby, the product should be removed from use.

Seeds are no exception. In addition to an allergic reaction, they can cause bloating and colic in a newborn, which all mothers are so afraid of. If even after a small amount of seeds eaten, the baby's condition worsened, you should abandon your habit for a while.

Is it possible to eat seeds for pregnant and lactating: dispel the myth

Almost everyone since childhood thinks that appendicitis is directly related to peeling seeds. Most relatives of the older generation, seeing a pregnant woman with seeds, clutch at the heart. In fact, it has long been scientifically proven that the use of this product is in no way associated with the appearance of appendicitis. The only thing that can provoke it (and very indirectly) is the husk. Her human stomach simply does not digest.

Pregnant and lactating should carefully consider the choice of seeds. An ideal option is their independent drying. Manufacturers can add various substances that are undesirable for the child to the purchased seeds. A well-washed, dried and peeled seeds in small quantities will bring only benefit.

Can I eat seeds for pregnant and lactating women? Yes, because they are a real storehouse of nutrients and vitamins. In addition, it has been proven that the process of peeling them sets in a positive way, improves mood and helps to cope with stress. However, future and newly mummies, it is worth remembering that everything is good in moderation!


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