Homemade dumplings - a dish for all time. For fans of homemade dumplings: eight simple recipes with cherries, mushrooms, cottage cheese, meat


In the recent past, dumplings were rarely prepared on weekdays.

As a rule, they decorated the table Sunday or holiday.

Today, you can cook dumplings at least every day, using a variety of fillings and recipes for the dough.

Despite its simplicity, many people liked this dish, and not only here, but also in other countries. Cafes and restaurants have long included them in their menu.

But the most delicious dumplings, as many say, was prepared by my grandmother.

Therefore, even if they are not included in our diet today, the technology of their preparation should be remembered for sure. There is too much likelihood that this knowledge will become relevant in the future. But this is only for those who have a desire and a dream, so that someday your grandchildren also consider your dumplings the best in the world.

Home-made dumplings - general principles of preparation

Dumplings love everything, even those who deny it. Just many have to give up this dish, because it is flour, and therefore - high-calorie.

Yes, flour is the main ingredient in home-made dumplings. You can’t save on it, use only the highest quality.

Flour must be sifted. Its companions are eggs and milk or water. Indeed, without these constituents the dough cannot be kneaded. It is recommended to cook it longer: thoroughly crush with your hands and lightly beat.

You can add salt, sugar, pumpkin, turmeric to flour. And if you mix it with cocoa powder, you get chocolate dumpling. Such a dough is suitable if there are fruits inside the dish.

The filling of dumplings can be varied: from meat, liver, mushrooms, potatoes, cabbage, cottage cheese, fruits. Onions and carrots are also added. Most often, the filling is prepared combined. The most popular dish is potatoes or cottage cheese.

Dumplings are best cooked in a wide saucepan, filled with water 2/3. It is desirable that small portions are prepared at the same time. Then the dumplings will not stick together.

Cooking time in this way is three minutes from the moment of emergence and the beginning of boiling.

Cooked dumplings and steamed. Then they become more magnificent.

After cooking, you need to dry the dumplings in a wide pan or dry pan.

1. Steamed homemade dumplings with steamed cherries


• 400 gr. flour;

• a pound of fresh cherries;

• 300 gr. Sahara;

• 45 gr. yeast

• 15 gr. soda;

• 230 ml of water;

• 150 gr. cream;

• 15 gr. cinnamon

Cooking method:

Remove a bone from each cherry. Pour sugar, let stand.

Drain the cherry juice.

Dilute the yeast in cold water, add flour, a little sugar and knead the dough. Do not touch it for about an hour. After mixing the bowl with the dough, be sure to cover it with a towel.

Dissolve the extinguished soda in water.

After the dough is suitable, smear it with a soda solution and knead again.

Roll out no more than five millimeters thick. Cut shapes of the same size.

On each circle, carefully put the cherry filling and cover the dumplings. Put them in a double boiler.

The cooking time for home-made dumplings with cherries is no more than twenty-five minutes.

Bring the juice from the cherries to a boil. Add sugar, cinnamon and cream to it.

Let it cook until it thickens and the sauce comes out.

Pour dumplings with sweet and fragrant cherry liquid.

2. Pumpkin dumplings


• one and a half glasses of flour;

• 300 gr. peeled pumpkin;

• a pinch of turmeric;

• 80 gr. butter;

• 300 gr. cottage cheese;

• Art. l raisins;

• one egg;

• two apples;

• salt;

• 100 gr. granulated sugar;

• cinnamon.


• 0.5 l milk;

• 50 gr. sugar;

• five yolks;

• 10 gr. vanilla sugar.

Cooking method:

Boil the pumpkin slices and put on a plate to cool.

Then grind them with a blender, turning into mashed potatoes. Add the egg and half the butter to the pumpkin.

Mix turmeric, flour and salt. Pour into pumpkin mass.

Knead the dough and set aside the container for about twenty minutes in a quiet place in the kitchen.

Melt the remaining butter in a skillet, add sugar and make caramel.

Dice the apples and pour them into caramel. After a minute add raisins and cinnamon.

Mix the contents of the pan with cottage cheese.

Roll out the pumpkin dough and make circles for dumplings.

Place the cooled filling and mold the dumplings.

You need to cook them in a slightly salted boiling water. Throw dumplings into it and gently pull out after three minutes.

To prepare the sauce, add milk and vanilla sugar to the stewpan. Allow to boil and cool slightly.

Beat the prepared yolks with sugar into a foamy mass. Combine them with milk and cook until a thick mixture is obtained. In this case, the sauce must be intensively stirred with a whisk.

Pour the milk-yolk mixture into the sauceboat and pour the dumplings.

3. Classic homemade dumplings: with potatoes and mushrooms


• five potatoes;

• small onion;

• 0.150 kg of mushrooms;

• half a glass of milk;

• 0.350 kg of flour;

• egg;

• sugar and salt - a pinch.

Cooking method:

Let's start cooking the dumplings with the filling. Boil whole peeled potatoes. Crush it in mashed potatoes.

Dice mushrooms and onions. Fry them in oil and add to the pan with hot potatoes. Mix everything and leave to cool.

Now let's move on to making the dough. Pour the milk into a ladle and heat a little. Pour it into a bowl.

Stir the egg with a fork and add to the milk. We’ll drop a pinch of sugar and the same amount of salt here.

Add a little sifted flour to the milk mixture. Knead the soft and uncooked dough. Let him stand for about fifteen minutes.

Roll out the dough with sausage and cut into identical pieces. With each we make a ball and press it with our palm to the table. We will form a round pancake.

In the middle we put the filling. We pinch it inside the dough and get a dumpling.

We prepare the dish in salted water in the usual way.

The most pronounced is the taste of homemade dumplings with potatoes and mushrooms, if you eat them with cracklings.

4. Home-made dumplings with feta cheese


• 200 gr. flour;

• two yolks;

• half a glass of milk;

• 150 gr. feta cheese

• tsp salts;

• greenery bunch.

Cooking method:

Salt the sifted flour. Inside her make a recess. Add one yolk to this crater, milk (little by little) and mix. Knead the dough well and set aside for about fifteen minutes.

Chop greens. Add the yolk to the feta cheese, add salt. Pour greens and mix the filling.

Roll out the dough and prepare round tins. Fill them with the filling, chop the dumplings.

Cook the dish in water, slightly salty.

5. Home-made dumplings with cottage cheese and carrots


• a cup of incomplete flour;

• two liters Art. turmeric

• 50 ml of water;

• tsp salts;

• 150 gr. cottage cheese;

• carrot;

• egg;

• leek.

Cooking method:

Mix flour with salt and turmeric. Add the egg and mix.

Pour in a spoonful of water and knead the dough.

Peel the carrots and leeks, cut into small pieces. Fry until soft.

Mix mashed cottage cheese with vegetables. The filling must be completely cooled.

Prepare dumpling circles for the dumplings, put the filling and cover the flour product.

Cooking is best for a couple of minutes twenty.

6. Homemade dumplings with potatoes


• 0.9 kg of flour;

• 150 ml of water;

• one kg of potatoes;

• 30 ml olive oil;

• two eggs;

• 50 gr. butter butter;

• 0.150 kg of sour cream;

• onion;

• salt and pepper - to taste;

• eight branches of parsley.

Cooking method:

Peel the potatoes and cook. Cut it is not necessary, except that the tuber is too large.

Drive eggs into a bowl. Pour water and add salt, mix very thoroughly with a whisk.

In a bowl with flour, gradually pour the liquid mixture and knead the dough. It needs to be prepared for a long time and patiently. Cover the bun with a bowl and leave for five minutes.

Cut the onion into small pieces and fry in olive oil until golden.

Knead the dough one more time, and after five minutes - the third time.

Put the cooked potatoes in a large bowl and slightly dry.

Add oil, add salt and pepper. Turn potatoes into smooth and tender mashed potatoes.

Sprinkle the onion from the pan and mix the filling.

Cut the third part from a piece of dough and roll out thinly (two mm). Cut pancakes into 5 cm diameter.

Put the filling in the middle and cover it inside the dumpling.

Perform the same operation with the rest of the test.

Dip in boiling water and cook for no more than four minutes.

Remove the prepared dish with a slotted spoon and season hot with sour cream and oil. Dumplings already in a plate sprinkle with chopped parsley.

7. Home-made dumplings with cabbage and meat


• 0.7 kg of dough;

• 350 g of pork

• two onions;

• 200 g of sauerkraut;

• for tsp fine salt and pepper.

Cooking method:

Cut the meat and onions into medium slices. Make minced meat from them.

Press the cabbage from the brine and chop it with a sharp knife. Then we shift it into minced meat.

Salt and pepper the filling. Mix everything with a wooden spoon.

Cook the dough in the same way as in the previous recipe.

Roll it up with a tourniquet and remember. Then cut into identical pieces. Each small part of the dough is flattened on both sides. Then roll out a rolling pin to two millimeters in thickness.

Put the filling in the middle, pinch the edges of the dumpling. We put the semi-finished products on the flour sprinkled with flour.

When the water in the saucepan boils, we throw in the blanks and cook as usual.

8. Homemade Dumplings "Strawberries in Chocolate"


• three cups of flour;

• two liters Art. cocoa powder;

• 0.25 liters of kefir;

• two pinches of soda;

• vegetable oil;

• 0.1 l of water;

• 300 gr. Strawberries

• granulated sugar.

Cooking method:

Let's breed cocoa in hot boiled water.

Add kefir to soda, it will go out there. Pour cocoa here, a tablespoon of vegetable oil and stir well.

Add the flour a little bit to the liquid mass and prepare the dough. It doesn't have to be cool.

Cut strawberries into four parts.

Using a rocking chair, we will turn the dough into a layer three mm thick. Cut out the circles.

For each, put a little sugar, and on top - a strawberry filling. We blind the circles with a crescent.

Let's cook the dumplings for a couple. This will take five or seven minutes.

The dish can be served with balls of ice cream.

Homemade Dumplings - Tips and Tricks

  • To make the dumplings not hard, a warm liquid is used to knead the dough.

  • You can add sunflower oil to the dish. Then the dumplings will be lush.

  • The dough before sculpting should be postponed for about fifteen minutes in a cozy place. It also contributes to the splendor of dumplings.

  • The dish is tastier the more it is filled. Therefore, you need to put it no less than a teaspoon.

  • The filling for dumplings should be at room temperature, then they will not boil.

  • The optimal ratio of water to dumplings to keep them in shape during cooking is 3: 0.5.


Watch the video: Potato Dumplings with Cheese. Lithuanian Cepelinai Zeppelin (July 2024).