Can pregnant women sleep on their backs and stomach? When pregnant women can sleep on their back and stomach


During pregnancy, hormonal changes in the body occur, causing discomfort in a woman during sleep.

The familiar posture is now inaccessible, because the belly growing every month sets its framework for the expectant mother.

Can pregnant women sleep on their backs and stomach?

This question is relevant among the fair sex in an interesting position.

Of course, it all depends on the duration of pregnancy and the individual characteristics of the body.

Can pregnant women sleep on their backs and stomach: drowsiness and insomnia

In the first trimester of pregnancy, drowsiness is a common occurrence. It’s not worth worrying about this, especially since you should not fight with sleep. If the body requires rest, then it is necessary.

Toward the end of the gestation period, other sleep problems begin - insomnia. The causes of the phenomenon are different. The rounded belly does not allow a woman to find a comfortable posture; anxiety and various thoughts about how the birth will take place reign in my head.

If drowsiness is not worth fighting, then with insomnia, doctors strongly recommend taking urgent measures.

What you need to do for high-quality and full sleep

1. Fresh air. Regardless of the weather, a woman needs to find 10-15 minutes to take a walk on the street in the evening. You can also simply open the window wide, ventilate the room.

2. Warm milk with honey, drunk in the evening, copes with insomnia. If there is no milk, you can just drink mint tea.

3. Cast aside all bad thoughts. If a woman in her soul worries, it will provoke a bad dream. You need to understand that having a baby is wonderful, that you can finally meet your son or daughter. Positive thoughts contribute to better sleep.

Can pregnant women sleep on their backs and stomach: when restrictions appear

In the first trimester, a woman can afford to sleep on her stomach because during this period he still has not significantly increased. However, if this pose is a favorite, it is recommended to wean from it as soon as possible.

Sleep on my stomach

You can sleep on your stomach only in the first few weeks of pregnancy. A woman should realize that she is not alone now, inside, right under her heart, a small child is growing. Some women stop sleeping on their stomach as soon as they find out about pregnancy. This is the right decision.

Sleep on the back

Few people know that from the second trimester of pregnancy, sleeping on your back is no longer very useful. The uterus begins to increase in size, the fetus grows and presses on the intestines more and more. Discomfort in the lower back and spine also appears. All this can lead to the fact that the fetus will not have enough oxygen.

Sometimes the baby in the womb makes it clear to his mother that he is uncomfortable when she lies on her back and needs to roll over on her side.

Signs that make it clear that you can’t sleep on your back

1. Frequent fainting and dizziness.

2. Low pressure.

3. A sharp increase in heart rate.

4. Shortness of breath.

5. Exacerbated hemorrhoids.

Some women attribute the symptoms to pregnancy. If you have one of these symptoms, you need to stop sleeping on your back as soon as possible so as not to harm the fetus.

Is it possible for pregnant women to sleep on their back and abdomen - the optimal posture for a good rest

There are no more questions about whether pregnant women can sleep on their backs and stomach - doctors do not recommend it. It remains to figure out what kind of posture will be optimal for women in an interesting position.

Doctors have proved that it is best for pregnant women to sleep on their left side, while the right leg should be bent at the knee.

What gives such a position

1. The blood flow to the placenta is regulated, which allows the child to receive the necessary amount of oxygen for proper development.

2. Lumbar pain disappears.

3. Reduces swelling in the legs and arms.

4. Regulated kidney function, which is especially important in the last trimester.

5. The normal functioning of the vessels of the heart of the future mother is supported.

It is also recommended to choose the right pillows. A pregnant woman can experiment a bit with them. For example, put a small under the stomach and under the legs. This will be especially useful in the last trimester to avoid seizures.

Sleep is very important for a woman in an interesting position. She needs to gain strength, because labor activity takes a lot of energy.

Can pregnant women sleep on their backs and stomach: useful tips for expectant mothers

1. If a woman is tormented by insomnia, in no case should one go to extremes and take sleeping pills, no matter how safe they are. Any medicine taken during pregnancy affects the baby - this must be remembered.

2. Women in an interesting position need to give up drinking soda and drinks that contain caffeine.

3. If severe toxicosis suffers before bedtime, it is recommended to drink a glass of kefir and eat a few crackers. You can not drink large amounts of water at night so as not to burden the kidneys.

4. The daily routine should be measured. You need to try to go to bed and wake up at about the same time interval.

5. If cramps torment at night - this means that the body lacks calcium. A woman should add to the diet more foods that contain this microelement.

6. Fear and anxiety about giving birth is normal. To cope with these women, it is recommended to attend special courses for expectant mothers.

7. Every day you need to walk in the fresh air, it is especially useful before bedtime. No matter how bad the lady feels herself, a breath of fresh air will positively affect her condition.

The fair sex in an interesting position should take care of their sleep. It is very important to convey to the baby in the womb only positive emotions, because he is connected with his mother's umbilical cord and feels everything. If a woman has a good rest, the child will not push hard and disturb at night.


Watch the video: What to Expect in the 1st Trimester: Q&A with Belly to Baby (July 2024).