Back pain while lying down: what kind of illness can it be? How to be examined and treated if the back hurts when lying down


Back pain is most often a symptom of developing diseases of the spine.

This article will examine in detail what causes back pain, how to treat this condition, and how to prevent the occurrence of pain with such localization.

Back pain while lying down: causes

Most often, back pain in a supine position occurs due to the development of such diseases:

1. Scoliosis.

2. Sprain or muscle.

3. Arthrosis.

4. Tinea versicolor.

5. Dissection of the aorta.

6. Coccidinia.

7. Degenerative diseases of the vertebral discs.

8. Various viral lesions.

9. Infections in the spine.

10. Stenosis.

11. Osteochondrosis.

12. Aneurysm.

13. Kidney stones.

14. Fracture of the pelvic bones.

15. Pancreatitis.

16. Deformation or acquired curvature of the spine (kyphosis).

17. Pinched intervertebral nerves.

18. Displacement of the intervertebral discs.

In addition, pain in the back can occur with excessive stress on the muscles and spine.

Sometimes such symptoms can signal the development of oncological pathologies of internal organs (kidney, heart or pancreas). In this case, the pain will only be given to the back zone, and focus in the abdomen or chest.

Pregnancy in the last stages of its course can cause aching pain in the lower back. This is due to the load that has to withstand the back of a woman when the size of the fetus is already quite large.

Back pain while lying down: symptoms

Back pain can have a different nature of its expression and location. Using this data, doctors can diagnose individual diseases.

Back pain can be:

1. Aching (may indicate excessive overload of the back muscles, as well as the development of kidney disease).

2. Back pain with a clear localization in one place (may indicate arthrosis or arthritis).

3. Pain, which is accompanied by high fever and exhaustion of the body (may indicate the development of oncological pathologies).

4. Painful sensations that occur at night.

5. Cramping pains with a certain localization.

6. Pain arising after prolonged lying and giving to the side.

7. The pain that appears after lifting weights and intensifies in a dream.

8. Unpleasant sensations in the back, giving to the buttocks and legs.

9. Acute pain in which it is very difficult for a person to stand upright after lying down (may indicate a pinched nerve, as well as a curvature of the spine).

As a rule, back pain in a supine position is chronic, since often people do not pay attention to their occurrence on time. Over time, such sensations will become dull, but this does not at all indicate that their cause has disappeared.

Back pain while lying down: diagnosis

The treatment of diseases that are associated with the back is carried out by a vertebrologist.

After examining a person and collecting an anamnesis, the doctor will prescribe the following examinations without fail:

1. X-ray of the spine (to exclude possible fractures).

2. MRI of the spine (will give a complete picture of the state of muscle tissue).

3. General analysis of blood and urine for the possibility of obtaining an overall picture of the state of health, as well as identifying the inflammatory process.

4. Examination by a neurologist.

In order to exclude possible oncological pathologies, as well as diseases of internal organs that can cause back pain, it is necessary to come for such examinations:

• cardiogram;

• abdominal ultrasound;

• consultation with a gastroenterologist;

• examination by a proctologist, gynecologist (women) and urologist (men).

Back pain while lying down: treatment

Treatment of back pain is carried out comprehensively with the use of drug and physiotherapy. In some cases (if necessary), the patient may be prescribed massage, physiotherapy, manual therapy or acupuncture.

The general course of treatment is selected for each patient individually, depending on his diagnosis, condition, age and related diseases.

To relieve back pain:

• limit heavy physical activity that can put stress on the spine;

• wear a special supportive corset;

• do not observe bed rest, as it can contribute to the transition of acute pain into a chronic form (you need to lie in bed only after a fracture of the spine).

Drug therapy against back pain involves taking these groups of drugs:

1. Anti-inflammatory drugs (Diclofenac, Analgin). They can be in the form of tablets or creams.

2. Anesthetics (Paracetamol, Nurofen).

3. Compresses with a solution of novocaine (to relieve acute pain).

4. Antispasmodic drugs to eliminate muscle cramps (tolperisone).

5. Chondroprotectors (to slow the destruction of cartilage). Typically, such medications are prescribed for arthritis, arthrosis and osteochondrosis.

6. Vitamin complexes.

If back pain was caused by an oncological pathology or a disease of internal organs, then in this case the patient is assigned the appropriate group of drugs and a separate treatment regimen is developed.

It is important to know that it is impossible to prescribe medications for yourself, since their improper administration (incorrectly selected drug group or dosage) can cause various side effects and a general deterioration in health.

Physiotherapeutic treatment provides for the following treatment procedures:

• magnetotherapy;

• massage;

• physiotherapy.

Also, the patient is recommended to engage in swimming.

Another effective treatment is acupuncture. It is aimed at reducing back pain and relieving muscle tension, which is often caused by the psychological state of the patient.

Despite the usefulness of such a procedure, it cannot be performed with the following indications in the patient:

• during pregnancy;

• in acute respiratory diseases;

• in case of blood coagulation;

• in acute diseases of the kidneys and liver;

• with the development of oncological pathologies;

• in the period after surgery;

• in the presence of vascular or heart disease;

• if the patient is prone to bleeding.

Manual therapy is also very effective in eliminating back pain. Only the attending physician can prescribe it after a thorough diagnosis of the patient. When properly conducted, such therapy helps to relieve back pain, as well as relieve muscle tension.

It is important to know that this type of treatment is not advisable in such cases:

• in the period after a heart attack;

• with osteoporosis;

• with tuberculosis or other serious infectious diseases;

• with a hernia of the intervertebral disc;

• in case of blood coagulation;

• with anemia;

• elderly people;

• with vascular diseases.

If you perform manual therapy to a patient with the above contraindications, this can lead to serious complications in his condition.

Back pain in the supine position: prevention

In order to minimize the risk of back pain, you should follow these recommendations:

1. Sleep on an elastic orthopedic mattress and the same pillow (it is advisable to learn how to sleep without a pillow at all).

2. Maintain an even posture while sitting at the table, as well as walking.

3. Eat properly while maintaining a stable weight.

4. Walk in heels for no more than two hours in a row. Most shoes should be flat.

5. For a long stay in a standing position, it is imperative to find a fulcrum for the elbow, shoulders or arms in order to slightly relieve pressure on the body and spine.

6. When lifting something you need to squat, and not bend over.

7. Avoid sudden movements and turns so as not to damage the muscles of the spine.

8. Engage in physical activity to strengthen the muscles of the body. Physical therapy, swimming, yoga, running and fitness classes are best suited for this purpose.

9. Avoid hypothermia and drafts, which can "blow" back muscles and cause pain in them.

10. During daily work at the computer, you need to take frequent breaks and stretch your back, arms, neck and shoulders.

11. Try not to stay in one position for longer than an hour.


Watch the video: Lower Back Pain: Don't Lie Down (June 2024).