The meaning of the name Artyom


Name Artyom has an ancient Greek origin and is translated from Greek as “healthy”. There is also a version that this name has another translation - "dedicated to Artemis." It used to be rare, but today its popularity is growing every year.

Artem - character traits

Artem is characterized by calm and friendly behavior. However, he often finds himself in a sensitive situation because of his desire to always tell the truth. Artyom is capable of an objective assessment of the situation, he is usually reliable as a friend, he can be trusted with his secrets. However, he himself is very picky in choosing friends.

Artem is a good family man, he knows how to take care of his loved ones, helps his wife around the house. But henpecked among them almost never occurs. Artem does not allow himself to be pressured by either his spouse, friends or colleagues. If such situations do happen, then he is plunged into deep depression.

The professions in which Artyom is most likely to succeed are a doctor, journalist, electrician, architect, teacher, builder. However, the bearers of this name can succeed in almost any business, due to their solid character, excellent logical thinking and hard work.

Artyom - name compatibility

Anna, Lyudmila, Tamara, Larisa can be a good wife for Artyom, but living together with Zoya, Maya, Marina is not very happy.

Artem - famous people who bore this name

In the Christian world, the name Artyom (Artemy) is best known for the righteous Artemy Verkolsky and St.
the great martyr Artemy, an outstanding military leader from the time of King Constantine the Great, who did much to spread and strengthen Christianity in Egypt.

In Russian history, Artemy Petrovich Volynsky, a former significant statesman in the 18th century, executed by slander of enemies, left a noticeable mark. Artemy Lavrentievich Ober, an animal sculptor who created unique animal figures, shone in Russian art. In the modern world, the most famous Artem are: Mikoyan (famous Soviet aircraft designer), Borovik (Russian journalist), Troitsky (rock journalist and music critic), Lebedev (famous Russian web designer and blogger).

Artem - interesting facts about the name

- Zodiac named Artyom - Leo;
- patron planet - the sun;
- color talisman - red, tan;
- totem animal - cricket;
- totem plants - mountain ash, chrysanthemum;
- stone mascot - beryl, jasper;
- happy day - friday.


Albina 11/27/2016
My husband’s name is Artyom. this is the best husband and father in the world. kind, attentive and gentle.

Stasia 04/14/2016
Artem - literally created for the family. He is a wonderful, caring husband. Great, understanding father. With such a man, you will always be the queen. There will be no worries about his possible betrayals - he simply will not give you a reason. Artem is a wonderful choice for a woman.

Barbara 04/14/2016
I really like in Artem that they, not looking at their abilities and skills, will never tear to the goal over their heads, pushing away all those they meet. Artemy is a very delicate person, they do not like rudeness. You will not hear the swear words from them.

Polina 04/14/2016
I can’t say anything bad about Artyom. It really is, in every way - a wonderful person. Very emotional and vulnerable. But, not any coward and mumble - he always stands up for the weak, will protect the woman. And in general, towards women, he has a very tender attitude.

Aldina 04/14/2016
In life, I knew only one Artem. That was my brother. Misfortune happened to him, and now he is not with us. But, in his memory he remained just that - kind, sympathetic, calm, very friendly, such a sincere person. For me, the name Artyom is the personification of the ideal man and family man.


Watch the video: How to hat your cat - Life of Artyom (July 2024).