The meaning of the name Alex


Name Alexey It has ancient roots and comes from the Greek word "alex", which is translated into Russian means - "protect, protect." The name often began to be fixed in Russia after the adoption of Christianity. We can say that in those days it was the most fashionable and popular among kings, generals, patriarchs, boyars and nobles.

And in our time it is quite widespread. The peak birth rate for children who received the name Alex fell in 1974. His traditional canonical church form is Alexy. The Russian Orthodox Church honors many saints with this name.

Alexey - character traits

In childhood, Alexei is very attached to his mother, he is literally afraid to lose sight of her. If, God forbid, someone offends mom, Alyosha will furiously attack the offender, trying to defeat him with her small fists. He is direct and sincere, completely unable to lie; the boy is flexible and tries to obey his parents.

At school, Alexei does not strive for excellence, although he is capable of more than he really is. If not for his laziness! It’s much more pleasant to run with friends! Alyosha is a stubborn, persistent and emotional nature, it is especially felt during puberty, he often gets into various troubles.

Adult Alexei stands out for his diligence, and it does not matter what business he takes up. Maintains deep respect for parents and family traditions throughout life. He is friendly and sociable, easily finds a common language with any team, not to seek power. It goes through life smoothly, preferring to bypass the bumps; sharp twists of fate, passions and unexpected decisions - not his element.

In a woman, Alexei most of all appreciates cleanliness, accuracy, the spiritual qualities of a chosen one are no less important for him. He is a good father, a wonderful family man and a loving, faithful husband; he is inferior to his wife in the details, but reserves the right to make serious decisions. His wife’s betrayal will affect him to the core, and, most likely, Alexey will cease to trust the weaker sex.

Aleksey - name compatibility

For marriage, Alexei is ideally suited: Angelica, Alexei, Galina, Anna, Love, Larisa, Svetlana, Hope. Bad relationships can develop with Oksana, Julia, Alina and Tamara.

Famous personalities with the name Alex

Priest Martyr Alexy of Constantinople, A. Mikhailovich - Russian Tsar, A. Tolstoy, A. Pisemsky, A. Maresyev - Hero Pilot of the Soviet Union.

And, of course, many celebrities bear this name in our turbulent age: A. Yagudin, A. Smertin, A. Gorbunov, A. Kortnev, A. Komashko, A. Vorobyov and others.

Alexey - interesting facts about the name

- zodiac sign: Aquarius, Libra;
- planet: Neptune, Jupiter;
- registered colors: blue, light green;
- totem plants: mistletoe, poplar, lilac
- animal totem: crab;
- stone mascot: lapis lazuli, jasper, alexandrite.


Polina 04/12/2016
Alekseev cannot be betrayed, they will not be able to survive it to the end. At heart, Alexei, subtle natures, very sensitive to rudeness and rudeness from loved ones. But to strangers, they may either not pay attention, or answer the same.

Irina 04/12/2016
Oh, these Alexeys!))) They are very charming, it is practically impossible to get angry with them for a long time. Aleksei is doing everything somehow unsophisticated, and they will even make such naive eyes))) Because of this, they don’t have to unnecessarily suffer to achieve their goal.

Janochka 04/12/2016
Well, here at the expense of a family man ... Maybe most Alekseev are just like that, but I know the opposite of this description to Lesha. That is, he appreciates parents, but in a personal family ... He puts his interests above. True, no children, I don’t know what kind of father he will be.

Valeria 04/12/2016
I noticed that almost all Aleksey are very loyal to their parents, appreciate and respect them. And in choosing a girl's life, she often consults with her mother. Most likely, he will not, specifically, marry of her choice, but he will not do much against her will either.

Natasha 04/12/2016
We have so many Alekseevs in our country! Probably, at one time every second boy was called so))) I like Lehi, they are such extraordinary personalities, I have never met a boring Alexei. Often they are the soul of the company, able to defuse the situation.
