How many days after conception will the test show pregnancy? What is the principle of pregnancy tests when you get the exact result


Just a few years ago, when special tests had not yet been invented, pregnancy was confirmed by an obstetrician-gynecologist when examined at 9-10 weeks.

By this moment, the woman already assumed her special position based on the delay of menstruation and other signs.

Currently, rapid tests can show pregnancy within a few days after conception.

What is the principle of the action of tests showing pregnancy a few days after conception?

After intercourse has occurred, sperm can fertilize the egg within 3-4 days. When the conception itself has occurred, the egg descends through the fallopian tube and is fixed in the uterus. This process also takes several days. After the fertilized egg has successfully fixed in the uterine endometrium, the production of the human chorionic gonadotropin hormone (hCG) begins. It is this hormone that makes it possible to determine pregnancy using tests.

Test systems are based on the determination of hCG in the urine. The test itself is presented in the form of a strip on which a reagent is applied. With a high content of hCG in the urine, the reagent stains the test strip area in red. A positive result is characterized by the presence of two stripes. Since the highest concentration of human chorionic gonadotropin in the urine is determined in the morning, it is recommended to use the morning portion for the test.

If one strip is bright, and the second is faded compared to the first, then this may indicate insufficient production of the hormone. This phenomenon may be due to the early timing of the test or the threat of miscarriage. In these cases, it is recommended to repeat the test the next day, be sure to use the morning portion of urine and make an appointment with a gynecologist for a blood test. In the blood, the hormone of human chorionic gonadotropin is determined earlier than in urine. If a woman is eager to find out the result, then she can take a blood test for hCG in any diagnostic center, without waiting for a delay in her period.

How many days after conception will the test show pregnancy?

Given that it takes time to fertilize and consolidate an egg in the uterus, hCG will not begin to be produced on the first day after the alleged conception. In addition, after the endocrine system began to produce hCG, its level increases every day. Thus, a few days after conception, an express test will show pregnancy. However, for a more reliable result, doctors recommend testing not earlier than 9-10 days after sexual intercourse.

As a rule, conception occurs in the middle of the cycle during ovulation. Therefore, if a woman has a cycle of 26-28 days, then a pregnancy test can be done 2-4 days before the expected start of menstruation. In addition, the individual characteristics of the female body should be considered. In some, the process of fertilization and the production of hCG occurs quickly, while in others it takes 10-14 days. In some cases, external factors such as disturbance of wakefulness and rest, excessive physical activity, and unhealthy lifestyles can affect the rate of hCG hormone production. Therefore, even in the presence of pregnancy, if the test is done too early, it may show a negative option. To be more confident in the result, it is recommended to wait for the delay of menstruation and only then do the test. The later testing is conducted, the more reliable the result will be.

How to choose the right test to find out about pregnancy a few days after conception?

In order for the test to show a reliable result, it is necessary not only to wait several days from the moment of conception, but also to choose the test itself correctly. Currently, there is serious competition among manufacturers of test systems for determining pregnancy.

Medical representatives focus on the fact that the choice should be based on value for money. Tests differ from each other, both in appearance and in sensitivity to the level of hCG, and pricing depends on this. The most primitive tests are the type of cardboard strips.

A more convenient and modern option is presented in the form of a test strip packed in plastic fiber. By the method of use, tests can be tablet, inkjet and in the form of strips. For some, a couple drops of urine is enough, while others need to be completely absorbed into a container with urine. The most common sensitivity in tests to hCG levels is 25 mIU / ml. This indicator of hCG in the urine is characteristic of the first days of delay. However, there are supersensitive test systems that allow you to determine pregnancy earlier. Tests with marks of 10 mIU / ml are informative when used within a week after sexual intercourse. Some test systems are sold in 2 pieces per pack. This allows you to repeat the test with a dubious result.

To choose the right test for determining pregnancy, you need to pay attention to the price, method of use, sensitivity. Doctors do not recommend buying the cheapest tests, as they often give false results. Tests should be purchased only at drugstores and, preferably, several types from different manufacturers. When choosing a test, you should look at the expiration date, since it is for these reasons that you can get a false result.

To obtain the correct result, before use, it is necessary to carefully read the instructions attached to the test system. If all the rules and recommendations are followed, the result will be as reliable as possible.


Watch the video: Pregnancy 101: How Pregnancy Tests Work (July 2024).