The meaning of the name Ruslan


Ruslan - a name borrowed from the Tatar language. The original version sounded like "arslan", which means "lion". This name pretty quickly took root in Russia. And the attitude towards him is expressed through the images of fairy-tale heroes, strong, courageous and heroic heroes.

There is another version of the appearance of the name Ruslan. Some linguists claim that it comes from Iran, and the name Rustam was subject to change.

A completely different interpretation is from the writer Mikhail Kazovsky, who is sure that the Ruslans are the same Slavs, dews, Rusichs, as they were called in different sources.

Ruslan - character traits

Ruslan is a name not too often used. However, if the baby was christened that way, he will grow up a strong, healthy and confident boy.

The character of Ruslan has many features inherent in a graceful lion. Ruslan is fearless, clearly knows which path will lead him to his intended goal. He is beautiful from birth, and most often his appearance is the embodiment of natural natural masculine beauty and power.

Ruslans are often fond of all kinds of power sports. As a result of hard training, these men become impeccable beauties and conquerors of female hearts.

In the work, Ruslan prefers to be the head, or at least the head of the department. It’s easier for him to lead than to obey. Although, of course, the best outcome for him would be to build his own business, which he will manage at his discretion.

When a critical situation arises, he will never lay down his sword, but will fight to the end, and victorious. He searches for various ways and approaches, calculates and maneuvers in order to end up on the horse.

Such a hero, a knight, a winner, of course, every woman craves. However, the heart of Ruslan will be given only to that one, the most beautiful and gentle person, about whom he has been dreaming all his life. Ruslan just needs to be a support for the fragile beauty, to whom he will devote himself.

Ruslan belongs to that category of men who at first prefer to walk up deeply, and then completely surrender to family life. For him, fidelity is the main value that makes up family happiness.

Ruslan - name compatibility

The energy of Ruslan is such that a woman who requires care and guardianship is best suited for him. The emancipated modern lady-haircut lady is not his ideal at all. Ruslan is of the opinion that a man should remain a man, and a woman - a woman. Therefore, his chosen one in the image will more closely resemble a Russian beauty with a meek disposition, a long scythe and endless love for her man.

Ruslan’s most successful marriage is with Elizabeth, Elena, Kristina, Nadezhda, Ksenia, Svetlana. And categorically not suitable for the union of Olga, Vera, Tatyana, Raisa.

Ruslan - famous people who bore this name

Ruslan Nigmatullin is one of the best football players in Russia for the entire existence of domestic football.

Ruslan Khasbulatov is a well-known Russian politician and public figure.

Ruslan Ponomarev is the youngest FIDE chess champion.

Ruslan - interesting facts about the name

The hero of the famous fairy tale "Ruslan and Lyudmila" has been familiar to each of us since childhood. Initially, the poem contained episodes describing the indefatigable fun and bigotry of the powerful. In this way, the author tried to express his protest to the existing foundations. However, subsequently these scenes were excluded from the plot. And after some time, Prologue and Epilogue added to the main part of Pushkin. In the final version of the poem "Ruslan and Lyudmila" turned into a beautiful story about love and courage, without signs of moral disagreement with the morals of the era.


Ruslan 11/19/2016
I already have a girlfriend and the truth we have never quarreled with her

Ruslan 11/19/2016
I really liked the site

Ruslan 11/19/2016
tuta and where you live you can meet

Ruslan 11/19/2016
I am pleased to

Ruslan 11/19/2016
I had to do a report, I learned a lot about myself


Watch the video: Ruslan plays Yesho Ras or Dve Gitari not sure of the name (July 2024).