The meaning of the name Valentine


The name Valentine came to us from the Latin language, from which it translates as “strong”, “healthy”. To date, the popularity of this name has significantly decreased compared to previous years: in Moscow, out of a thousand newborns, only two girls give the name, in four other Russian cities, although it is more popular in rural areas, there are twelve Valentines per thousand newborns.

Valentine - character traits

Valentines have a lot of kindness. Little Valya is always ready to share the toy, an adult Valentina, despite her time and interests, is also trying to help those who ask her, without expecting any reward.

In her youth, Valentina is more attractive not with outward beauty, but with her friendliness and spontaneity. Over the years, she becomes a sensible and hardworking woman, self-confident and very strong-willed. She can express her disagreement with a particular situation very violently, stubborn in upholding her point of view. Valentina does not like to be in sight, she never seeks to overshadow someone with her brilliance, although she feels confident and relaxed in society.

Possessing an analytical mindset, good intuition, industriousness and responsibility, she is an exemplary worker, investing her whole soul in the business she is involved in. Charity and the ability to compassion help her become an ideal doctor, educator, teacher.

Valentina's responsiveness can both attract people and repel her when she is obsessive. Her relatives need to remember that she is very vulnerable, and can stand up for others better than for herself. There are no random people in Vali’s circle of friends. She, as a rule, is a highly moral person, dreams of eternal love, and is an exemplary wife and mother.

Valentine - Name Compatibility

As a rule, Valentina is happily married if her husband's name is Valentine, Vladimir, Gleb, Ivan, Sergey, Semyon and Alexander. On the contrary, Boris, George, Leonid, Nikolai, Stanislav or Yuri will not be good companions for her.

Valentina - famous people who wore this name

Among famous women there are many Valentin. Older people invariably associate this name with actress Valentina Serova, who played a major role in the film “Wait for me”. Other famous Valentines are Gagarin, Leontiev, Legkostupov, Talyzin, Tereshkov, Titov, Tolkunov.

Valentine - interesting facts about the name

- zodiac named after Valentine - Pisces;
- patron planet - Venus;
- color mascot - red, green, blue, blue;
- totem animals - sterlet, pigeon;
- totem plants - willow, forget-me-not, lily;
- stone mascot - pearls.


pavel 06/30/2016
something about high morality has considerable doubts. And sexual stability is completely controversial

Zhenya 04/08/2016
I really like the name Valentine. Such a romantic - almost - Valentine!)) Unfortunately, in my life, besides the famous women mentioned, I did not know Valentine. But judging by the description of the character, these are very nice, pleasant women.

Lola 04/08/2016
I have a friend - Valentine. I am with all hands - for! For this description. She is such a sensitive woman, kind, and can stand up for a loved one. And, by the way, she is a former health worker, now retired. So - Valentines, they are exactly as it is said here.

Alika 04/08/2016
Oh, well, I don’t know ... I probably met the opposite of Valentina in life. Yes, she vigorously defends opinions, but is very aggressive, and she loves to shine in the company ... And at the expense of high morality, I also doubt something ... Vali! Do not be offended - it’s such a thing I got!)))

Valentine 04/08/2016
))) Everything directly suits me! Yes - I am so !! And kind, sympathetic, and stubborn! Even my marriage with Sergey is quite happy. Yes, indeed, now few girls have begun to call that name ... It's a pity, because it is so beautiful and soft ...


Watch the video: YK Osiris "Valentine" Official Lyrics & Meaning (June 2024).