The meaning of the name Lily


Common name among Slavic and Turkic peoples Lily (or Liliana) has several versions of origin. According to the first theory, the name was born from the name of a lily flower. Supporters of the second version claim that it came from the name of Lilith, a biblical character (translated from Latin means "beautiful as a flower").

Christians attribute lily flower to properties such as righteousness and purity. The name, rare and beautiful in sound, did not find its wide distribution in Russia. In other countries you can also find its analogues: Leila (translated from Arabic - “night”), Leili, Lily (or Lillian - in France and England), Lilia (in the USA), Leela, Leela, etc.

Lily - character traits

The energy of the name draws into its sweet pool, it fascinates, directly screams about the subtle spiritual qualities of its owner, but in reality everything is not so cloudless.

Usually in childhood Lily is too spoiled, she does not know the word “no” and grows up as a capricious, narcissistic person who puts his interests above all else. She is smart, cold-blooded and prudent; unique memory allows you to grab everything on the fly. Common values, family and money are of little interest to her. She seeks to develop, partake of new knowledge and take a leading position, otherwise Lily will begin to seriously envy the achievements of others.

Such as Lilia, it is very important to find yourself in life, translate your desires, fantasies and dreams into reality. Attempts to suppress her desire will lead to the fact that she will either close herself from the outside world, or begin to sweep away everything in her path.

Her living mind, directed in the right direction, is able to work miracles. Lily can become an excellent scientist, inventor, writer, artist, progressive designer. She will choose a profession where it is necessary to include her talent and brain. The girl has an inexhaustible imagination and vivid imagination. She does not need a team, she can cope with everything herself, and try just to prevent Lilia - she will sweep it out of the way.

In communicating with people and choosing friends, Lilia is selective, as a rule, she pursues only her goals and interests. To avoid this, from childhood, adults should instill in her compassion for others, teach her to give people kindness, warmth and love, otherwise a lonely and mean old age awaits the girl.

Lily - name compatibility

In family life, Lilia is not ready to devote herself to life, she will direct her talent to other activities that she prefers interesting for herself. The girl is engaged in children only in her free time, and Liliya has very little of it, so it’s easier for her to hire a nanny than to hide at home and raise children. But, in spite of everything, Lilia loves her child.

She needs a man strong, intelligent, compliant, able to understand and appreciate her, such as Anatoly, Valentine, Vasily, Vlas, Vitaly, Eugene, Ilya, Konstantin, Nikolai, Roman, Yakov.

Misunderstanding may arise with Albert, Anton, Vladimir, George, Denis, Ivan, Oleg, Stanislav, Yuri and Yaroslav.

Lily - famous people with this name

L. Vaigina-Efremova - biathlete, L. Ignatova - athlete, L. Tolmacheva - theater and film actress, L. Lobanova - opera singer, Lilia Skala - American actress, L. Lebedeva - artist, L. Kornilova - Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, L. Podkopaeva - master of sports, gymnast, L. Ozolina - Latvian actress.

Lily - interesting facts about the name (astrological characteristic)

- zodiac affiliation - Virgo, Aquarius;
- planet - Mercury;
- colors - white, brown, lime;
- totem plant - linden;
- animal - doe;
- stone mascot - jasper

The patron saints of Lily are Susanna of Rome (name day on August 24) and Lily of Salern (June 19).


Ruslan 06/01/2016
I Love my Lilya we have been together for a long time) There are no rubbish ...!

Lily 05/13/2016
It coincides with me a little, only that I make decisions on my own and don’t like to devote myself to life. But I love my daughter more than anyone in the world and I try to give all my attention and time to her

Little thing 04/10/2016
And I like all the characteristics attributed to the Lilies. I am also a loner, in principle, I do not need assistants, I do not like working as a team. Everything is much better for me if I decide everything myself. Therefore, such features in Lilia are very attractive to me.

Lana 04/10/2016
I’m probably nee Lily!))) All her characteristics suit me. In general, they are very common. A living mind, directed in the right direction, is able to work miracles not only with Lilia. This applies to all of humanity, if there is this mind, of course ...

Diana 04/10/2016
Well, the fact that Lilya is becoming moody, as I understand it, my parents are guilty, since they did not bring up correctly. The child cannot be blamed. And if Lily is brought up well, taught to communicate, make friends, then of course she will grow up as a completely different person.


Watch the video: NAME LILY- FUN FACTS AND MEANING OF THE NAME (June 2024).