Sponge cake with cherries, chocolate, sour cream, mascarpone, apples. Recipes air biscuit with cherries in the oven and slow cooker


There is nothing easier than making a sponge cake for tea. Both experienced and novice hostess will cope with the work. In the berry season, you can cook with strawberries, cherries, currants, cherries, closer to autumn - with apples or pears.

A sponge cake with cherries is very simple and tasty. Airy sweet dough in combination with the fragrant acidity of garden berries is one of the most successful flavor combinations. Not too sweet and not sour at all. On the basis of biscuit cake you can cook wonderful cakes with chocolate or butter cream.

Sponge cake with cherries - general principles of preparation

The basis of the pie is a properly prepared dough. To make it airy, you need to beat eggs for a long time. Mistresses often argue about how to do it right. It is believed that whites and yolks should be whipped separately. You can mix only after a thick lush cream is obtained from the proteins. Moreover, it is the proteins that need to be introduced into the yolk mass, and not vice versa.

If you don’t have time or do not really want to mess around, you can beat eggs immediately, without dividing into proteins and yolks. It will turn out very well too.

Garden cherries need to be sorted out, spoiled berries removed, washed and dried. It is imperative to take out the bones (for this reason wild berry is not used in baking - it is too small). Instead of fresh berries, you can take frozen - if you wanted a biscuit with cherries in the winter.

You can bake a pie in the oven and in the slow cooker. Ovens are different for everyone, but the average cooking temperature should not be higher than 220 degrees. The time is chosen taking into account how high the shape is. If it is high, the biscuit will be baked for 40-50 minutes. In low form, everything will happen faster.

For the multicooker, the corresponding mode is selected, the cooking time is usually 60 minutes. If there is no special program, biscuit can be baked on a program for milk porridge.

The mold is prepared in the usual way: smeared with butter or covered with baking paper. A bowl of multicookers with parchment is not lined.

You can check the readiness of a biscuit with a cherry by sticking a match or a wooden toothpick into it. If the surface remains dry, the cake is ready. If particles of dough are stuck, it needs to be baked.

Sponge cake with cherry "Tea invitation"

A simple version of a cherry pie with which a novice hostess can begin to conquer the culinary Olympus. Minimum ingredients and guaranteed positive result: tasty, delicate, melting sponge cake with cherries.


• four eggs;

• a glass of sugar;

• a glass of white flour;

• a bag of vanilla sugar (or vanillin);

• a glass of seedless cherries, fresh or frozen.

Cooking method:

Beat eggs into a bowl and beat with a mixer until numerous bubbles appear. Beat up for a long time, at least 10 minutes, setting a low speed. If there is no mixer, you can do with a hand-made fun, but increase the whipping time to 20 minutes.

Add sugar gradually, without stopping to beat the egg base.

Pour a bag of vanilla sugar or vanillin.

Sift the flour and add it in parts to the sweet mixture.

You should get a homogeneous liquid dough.

Beat the dough again for 5-7 minutes.

Pour half of the air mass into the prepared pan.

Send to the oven for 10 minutes, so that the bottom of the future pie baked a little.

Take out the form, quickly pour all the cherries on the grasped dough, pour in the rest of the dough.

Bake for another 20 minutes.

Beat the protein separately.

Take out the cake, coat it with protein glaze on top (to make a crisp) and bake for 10 minutes.

Sponge Cake with Cherry and Chocolate Icing

A more complicated recipe requires more experience from the home cook, and it will take more time to prepare. But it’s not just a sponge cake with cherries, but a real sponge cake - a little moist, melting, deliciously tender.


• ¾ cup of water;

• a glass of sugar (230 grams);

• a glass of flour (200 grams);

• 60 grams of cocoa powder;

• a tablespoon of baking powder;

• 125 ml of refined oil;

• eight eggs;

• a quarter of a teaspoon of salt;

• a pound of prepared cherries;

• half a glass of powdered sugar (150 grams);

• half a liter of fat cream;

• a bar of dark chocolate;

• two tablespoons of butter.

Cooking method:

Cook an incomplete glass of cocoa from water and cocoa powder, cool.

Separate the yolks from the proteins. For the test you will need all the proteins and four yolks. Remove unnecessary yolks in the refrigerator.

Beat the yolks by adding 180 grams of granulated sugar.

Beat the whites until stable peaks, then add 45 grams of sugar and beat again.

Pour cocoa into the yolks, add baking powder and salt, beat.

Without stopping, gradually introduce the flour.

Put the protein mass in the dough, mixing from top to bottom.

Put the dough in a mold (it should be high enough), bake until tender and cool.

With a cooled biscuit, cut the top with a thickness of no more than 1.5-2 centimeters.

Cut the flesh from the main part (or scoop out with a spoon), crumble with your fingers.

Beat the cream (leave a half cup for the icing).

Put cherries and creamy foam in biscuit crumble, mix.

Put the resulting filling into the hole in the bottom of the pie, cover with the cut top.

Break the chocolate into small pieces.

Make chocolate fudge: in a water bath, melt the chocolate with the remaining cream and butter. Two tablespoons of sugar can be added to taste. Stir the mixture necessarily.

When the fondant is ready, fill it with a cherry biscuit.

You can leave a little whipped cream and use a pastry syringe to decorate the cake with flowers. Put a cherry in the center of each.

Sponge cake with cherry and cream sour cream

A delicate creamy taste is a feature of this variant of a biscuit cake. To prepare it, you need not fresh, but cherry canned in its own juice. If not, you will have to use fresh or frozen berries.


• 150 grams of sugar;

• one hundred grams of butter;

• six eggs;

• three hundred grams of canned cherries;

• two hundred grams of white flour;

• a tablespoon of baking powder;

• 200 ml of fat cream;

• 150 grams of sour cream;

• half a glass of powdered sugar;

• ready-made little meringues for decoration;

• bar of dark chocolate.

Cooking method:

Mix eggs with sugar and beat with a mixer for at least 15 minutes. The finished mass should at least three times exceed the original volume (otherwise the biscuit will not work).

Melt butter over steam or in a microwave.

Sift flour, mix with baking powder.

Put the butter and flour in the egg base, mix very carefully to keep as many air bubbles as possible.

Bake and cool the biscuit.

Cut it in half with a very sharp knife or thread.

To prepare a cream: mix sour cream, powdered sugar and cream, whisk until a dense thick cream is obtained.

Soak the lower part with cherry syrup.

Then smear with cream.

On a layer of cream, put cherries and cover with the upper part of the cake.

Lubricate beautifully, evenly with the rest of the cream and put in the refrigerator for two hours.

When the cake is saturated, take it out.

Break the chocolate, carefully put in a strong plastic bag and place in a water bath.

When the chocolate grows, cut off the very corner of the bag to make a small hole.

Apply fancy chocolate patterns on the hardened cream, decorate the meringue and send it to the cold for another half hour.

Sponge cake with cherry and chocolate in a slow cooker

The simplest recipe for biscuit cake that can be baked in a slow cooker. Everything is very simple and clear, and most importantly - quickly and without much hassle.


• one multi-glass of flour;

• three eggs;

• one multi-glass of sugar;

• a teaspoon of baking powder;

• a glass of fresh or frozen cherries;

• half a bar of dark chocolate or small chocolate chips.

Cooking method:

Mix eggs with granulated sugar and beat thoroughly for at least 15 minutes. The foam should be dense, with a lot of air bubbles.

Sift flour and mix with baking powder.

Introduce the flour into the egg foam, mix with a spoon until the dough is formed.

Grate the chocolate on a coarse grater.

Put berries and chocolate chips in the dough (if there is, it is better to use chips), mix.

Pour the dough into the bowl, set the baking mode for an hour.

After baking, do not open the lid for ten minutes.

Then open the lid and cool the cake without removing it from the bowl.

Cover the bowl with a steaming container or a wide plate, turn over and remove the cake.

Sponge Cake with Cherry and Mascarpone

A delicious pie with the most delicate mascarpone cream can be served on the festive table. The incomparable taste and simple cooking distinguish this version of your favorite biscuit.


• three hundred grams of sugar;

• bag of baking powder;

• 250 grams of mascarpone;

• 150 grams of flour;

• 250 ml cream;

• three eggs;

• half a bar of dark chocolate;

• three hundred grams of cherries in their own juice or frozen berries.

Cooking method:

Make dough from eggs, half sugar, baking powder and flour, as described in previous recipes.

Bake a biscuit in the oven.

Drain the cherry from the juice (the berry should be dry), but do not pour the juice.

Soak the cake with cherry syrup or juice.

Prepare the cream by whipping the mascarpone, cream and the remaining half of the sugar with a mixer.

Generously coat the cake with cream.

Lay the cherries on top.

Grate the chocolate on a fine grater.

Pour the top of the cake with chocolate chips.

For three hours, send the biscuit with cherry in the refrigerator.

Sponge cake with cherries, poppy seeds and apple slices

A delicious recipe for apple and cherry charlotte must definitely be tried. The cake is tasty, sweet and sour, with a characteristic poppy flavor.


• a glass of sugar;

• five eggs;

• a glass of white flour;

• two tablespoons of cocoa powder;

• two apples, sweet and sour;

• a glass of cherries;

• a small package of confectionery poppy;

• a bag of vanillin.

Cooking method:

Beat eggs with sugar and vanilla until steep steep peaks.

Enter the sifted flour in parts, kneading the batter.

Pour half the dough into another container and mix with cocoa until a uniformly colored mass is obtained.

Peel the apples and cut into thin slices.

In the center of the prepared baking dish, alternately put a spoonful of regular and chocolate dough.

Spread berries and apples periodically.

Sprinkle the cake on top with poppy seeds and put in the oven.

Sponge Cake with Cherry and Curd Cream

Delicate curd cream goes well with biscuit and cherry sourness. The cream is prepared on gelatin, therefore it is dense and does not spread.


• half a glass of sugar;

• half a glass of powdered sugar;

• four eggs;

• ¾ cup white flour;

• ¼ cup potato starch;

• 400 ml cream for whipping;

• a bag of vanilla sugar;

• a pound of canned or fresh cherries;

• six plates of gelatin;

• four hundred grams of cottage cheese;

• half a lemon;

• bar of dark chocolate.

Cooking method:

Separate the squirrels from the yolks.

Pour vanilla and regular sugar into the yolks, grind.

Beat the whites until thick peaks.

Mix flour and starch, gradually pour into the yolks.

Then add a spoonful of proteins, gently mixing.

Bake a biscuit and cool on a wire rack.

Pour gelatin with cold water (powder product is poured with warm water).

Squeeze the juice from the lemon and remove the zest.

Mix cottage cheese with juice, zest and powdered sugar.

Beat the cream with a mixer until a thick cream is formed.

Squeeze the gelatin, warm over low heat, add a little cottage cheese to the gelatin base, mix.

Transfer cottage cheese with gelatin to the main curd mass.

Introduce half the foam from the cream, mix.

Set aside some berries for decoration, put the rest in curd cream.

Cut the cooled biscuit in half into two cakes.

Put the lower cake in a detachable form and put half of the curd and berry filling.

Cover with a second cake and coat with the rest of the cream.

Put the cake in the cold for an hour.

Melt the chocolate, dip the cherries set aside for decoration.

Put glazed cherries on a plate covered with parchment paper, and also send in the refrigerator or freezer for freezing.

Remove the cake, remove the sides, cover the sides with the remaining half of the whipped cream. If there is enough creamy foam, cover it with the top of the pie.

With leftover chocolate, draw strips.

Garnish the cake with chocolate cherries.

Cherry Biscuit - Tips and Tricks

To prevent the biscuit with cherries from opal during baking, you cannot open the oven for the first 20-30 minutes from the start of baking.

You can check the readiness of the biscuit not only with a match. If you press the barrel with your finger, then a completely ready cake immediately restores its shape.

Sour apple varieties are good for berry-apple biscuit. They compensate for the sugary sweetness of the dough.

In the dough, you can add spices to taste: cinnamon, nutmeg, cardamom or saffron.


Watch the video: How To Bake Cheese Cake Recipe With Gordon Ramsay. Almost Anything (June 2024).